We got our Union Season Ticket packages in the mail the other day, so mcuh better then last years.
This years consisted of..(not my pic)
Nice scarf with "C'Mon The U" on one side and "Jungite Aut Perite" on the other plus a lanyard with a plastic sleeve to put the season ticket card in.
Lanyard is nice cause it sucked ass last year when you would leave the Supporters Section and when you came back with an arm full of beers and pretzels you had to pull the card out to get back into that part of the stadium, then once again to get to your seat..
Still deciding on if we stay in the River End next year. I love the atmosphere and my SoB brothers but to be honest Im 75% intrested in watching the game and disecting it so to say and some people in the RE act as if its "Celebration>Game"
Seriously, some people pay absolutely no attention to the game and put singing, jumping, and getting shit-faced before actually watching the game...which is cool..but i love love love the beauty and tactical aspect of the game so much more then singing the same 8 songs over and over again.
Think a tipping point for me was last year towards the end of the season. I took a buddy who has never been to a MLS game let alone any soccer game so he was just watching the game and enjoying it. Well, I dont know if it was directing at him, or any of the mutiple people who dont sing for every minute, but this one SoB section leader screamed a few feet from him into our section "Sing you CUNTS!!!"
To be completely honest..I only really Ok'd us getting Supporter seats again so we could have access to the the locker room

I LOVE this part of the game and the videos I get as much as the actual game I think: