Herpes Reasons
Wade how does his shoes taste like?
Lol, Perk would destroy Wade. Who the fuck does he think he is?
Lol, Perk would destroy Wade. Who the fuck does he think he is?
Somebody make a gif of Wade just staring at Perk as they both walk away.
Hahahaha dude is sooooo mad. Doesn't even say anything. What a puss
You're like the only one I ever seen who would make Wade the puss in that situation. Dude wouldn't even look at him lol
Miami's bigs ain't ready for primetime
Perk should have stepped. The NBA needs guys on these great teams to throw hands every once in a while.
The FThunder are basically the Bulls but with Kevin Durant MVP.
Damn never thought of this. Dude looks like a chipmunkAt the right angle Wade's jaw looks like it could cut someone. DAT HGH
Heat interior is sooooo bad.