oh fuck...Hey man. If it works, it works.
Let's become Heat fans.Dam Lebron is a beast.
Dam Lebron is a beast.
Hey man. If it works, it works.
What do you think of melo's game so far?
edit: and that tyson lob?
is there anywhere to see the full box score? only one I can findon the Olympics website only shows points.
Hey man. If it works, it works.
Virgins always have more mana. He also gets double if he can nut on the face.This is a serious question: Does the purity of the young women you send to Kobe matter? Like does he get more power if you send virgins and less if they're complete sluts?
The whole team trolling Anthony Davis
USA Select bench > Nigeria
Kentucky Basketball > Nigeria
i said damnHey man. If it works, it works.
Hold up. These are Nigerian girls in the opening ceremony. Mamba left no stone unturned god damn.
Waitaminute... so he got some Nigerian girls and now he's working over the Nigerian B-Ball team?
That is cold-blooded on SO many levels.
US is gonna beat the Dream Team scoring record.
I'm sure the Nigerian players are just tired from all that first-world poon they've been bagging. PEACE.
Ricky Rubio should be good for camp. Awesome.