"I'd love to see it have an impact on the game itself," Bryant said. "Shameless flopping is just a chump move."

"I'd love to see it have an impact on the game itself," Bryant said. "Shameless flopping is just a chump move."
Clipper fan?
this Laker channel on TWC is like crack. I actually have not stopped watching it since launch.
So much good stuff. Every night they have given me hour long updates from practice. The launch party was truly amazing. I am so sorry for those of you that can't get it. I was about to switch to Direct TV, but between this and the NFL network finally coming, I just can't leave.
There was a segment where Mitch said that a deal was done for Pau, but the other team pulled out last minute. After it had some fan backlash. Does anyone know what team or player he might be talking about?
A 5K fine to NBA players is extreme. You heard it here first.
A flop is not an infraction that causes harm to the game. You also heard it here first.
How much did they fine Cuban for all those "harmful" remarks?
I fear for the games of Paul and Blake with these new flopping rules, lol.
For real though. Blake better step up his post game and not play for flops this year.
Chris was always a pansy...
But Blake didn't really start flopping incessantly until he realized how effective it was.
More than any other reason, it lessens the value of the game.
I don't see it this way at all.
It's clever to me in the same way that a magic trick is clever. It's sleight of hand and acting that is used to create the illusion of a foul and is a legitimate skill. Analogous to a fake hand-off in the NFL.
If flopping is such an issue, it should not be dealt with via fines, it should be dealt with via training of the officials.
If the officials don't call the flops, players will not be incentivized to flop because it would leave the defense vulnerable. Have the flops as non-calls or treat it as a delay-of-game type of call within the game and let the officials handle it in the flow of the game and if a player gets away with it, it's the way it should be. Being able to sell a foul is, IMO, a skill that is just as important for defenses as shot blocking.
Take away the reward for it instead of punishing for a valid defensive strategy in the same way that shot blocking is legal and valid to a point (goal tending).
Let the officials make the call.
The fake handoff is more comparable to a pumpfake. In those two, a player is falling for a move of deception by another player. In flopping, the players aren't trying to fool the players they're competing against, but the refs. It's a pretty big difference. Not to mention that people look ridiculous when flopping and flopping leads to a ton of complaining on both sides (because one side is getting bad calls and the other side is starting to feel that they can push refs into calling what they want) which is irritating.
NBA officials are corrupt shitstains who often try to make the games about themselves instead of the players.
If it's a "bad call" as you say, then it is on the officials to make better calls.
It's that simple.
But the refs suck and are intimidated by star power and yelling. Removing responsibility from the refs until we have computer refs is a good idea.
"It's good. Guys can't be flopping and get away with it anymore," Oklahoma City guard James Harden said. "It was bound to happen at some point. Obviously, the league got fed up with it and they put it in. I'm happy they did."
These are the exceptions and not the rule. The refs make thousands of decisions each game and some of them will be right and some will be wrong.
And in the case of the Duncan ejection, I do believe the ref was suspended for a few games.
No, they are not exceptions. Any long-time watcher of the game knows this.
The refs systematically iced out Allen Iverson during his prime. It was blatant.
It's clever to me in the same way that a magic trick is clever.
Because you fucking can and the players are motherfucking bitchass pieces of shit for not trying to put the effort into y'know, actually playing defense and instead resorting to acting like a fricking pansy in the wind.
NBA basketball. It's like a magic trick.
"So what should the league do about it?!"
The league did decide to do something about it, but you don't like their solution. Guess what? Some of us do.
If anything, the league should be more willing to give bad refs the boot. But they won't for PR reasons.
Not doing anything is not an alternative, either.
Did the customer intentionally do it to make it late? Because the players sure are intentionally trying to fool the refs. Bottom line, flopping IS NOT A BASKETBALL PLAY.As I mentioned in my analogy, I would be pissed off if I were punished for a late delivery because my customer gave me the requirements 6 weeks late. You had the power to control the delivery; why am I being punished? I see this as a similar scenario where the league and the refs can easily solve this problem by doing their job -- why are the players being punished for officials who should be making non-calls?
You know what? You're absolutely right.
It should be a Technical foul for every flop. But the NBA is working up to that, hopefully it happens next year.
As I mentioned in my analogy, I would be pissed off if I were punished for a late delivery because my customer gave me the requirements 6 weeks late. You had the power to control the delivery; why am I being punished? I see this as a similar scenario where the league and the refs can easily solve this problem by doing their job -- why are the players being punished for officials who should be making non-calls?
You don't think the problem could be solved by the players doing their job and actually playing basketball instead of trying out for WWE?
The thing is, the players are doing their job within the rules of the game. They are trying to get their team another possession or a trip to the line.
They are absolutely doing their job.
I like delay of game better if it must be called, but rather a flop is simply a perceived foul that should be a non-call. Once you wrap your head around that, the solution is pretty simple.
It should just be a non-call to start with; that is punishment in and of itself since in most cases, it leaves the defense playing 4v5.
Your argument seems to be in a vacuum where NBA referees a consistent and not corrupt assholes who power trip, this is not reality as evidenced by anyone who has watched the NBA significantly.
I was just about to post this. The mere fact that Red Blaster and I agree on anything shows how far off the reservation CD is.Your argument seems to be in a vacuum where NBA referees are consistent and not corrupt assholes who power trip, this is not reality as evidenced by anyone who has watched the NBA significantly.
Just these playoffs we saw officials having an imprint on games because they randomly decide to call flops
Remember this? Jeff Van Gundy is right about everything here.
I can't believe someone is actually trying to defend flopping.
I can't believe CD is somehow not a fan of a team that is known for flopping. If he was a Heat fan or a Clipper fan, I'd get it. But Nets?I can't believe someone is actually trying to defend flopping.
I can't believe CD is somehow not a fan of a team that is known for flopping. If he was a Heat fan or a Clipper fan, I'd get it. But Nets?
Have you ever played basketball by any chance CharlieDigital?
I can't believe someone is actually trying to defend flopping.
Have you ever played basketball by any chance CharlieDigital?
I can't believe CD is somehow not a fan of a team that is known for flopping. If he was a Heat fan or a Clipper fan, I'd get it. But Nets?
Have you ever played basketball, by any chance CharlieDigital?
Stopped reading after that.To be clear, and I'm certain many of you guys are clouded here, I'm not defending flopping per se.
It is a valid defensive strategy, in my opinion,...
Oh, just saying because where I used to play ball if you started flopping like a fish on the court people would laugh you off the court, or in the worst case scenario start shit and someone would be stupid and grab their piece. But no, you go flop in the gym or in streetball.Of course, what kind of argument is that? I mean, WTF?
You are, surely, worse than Kosmo or at least his equivalent in NBAGAF.
Its a completely valid argument. Maybe you've been out if the loop but basketball refs have been the most corrupt officials, and the most inept, in American sports.The efficacy, integrity, and competency of the refs is simply not a valid argument because we allow them the authority to call a foul (unless you argue that we play by playground rules and you call your own fouls :lol). Conversely, they already have the power to not call a "fake foul".