Kidd bricking wide open 3s. smh
Collison fouled out. Could be big.
I agree. But you were blaming the Thunder for the huge number of fouls total in the game.I don't give a damn? I don't care who its favoring, its ugly to watch.
There are 50 FTAs combined through 3 quarters. That sucks.
found a pic of amare's hand. it doesn't look that bad.
‏ @Amareisreal
I am so mad at myself right now, I want to apologize to the fans and my team, not proud of my actions, headed home for a new start
Come at me, bro @amareisreal
Considering that we have no one to defend him, I'd bet on it.Dirk with 4 points in the half. Super Dirk incoming?
cmon guys look at the image tag, Jeez. Of course it isn't real.Is that really Stat's hand? Heh
Considering that we have no one to defend him, I'd bet on it.
lol@"headed home for a new start"
JET has to step up here. He should be taking those 3s not Kidd
I agree. But you were blaming the Thunder for the huge number of fouls total in the game.
Refs have called it tight on both ends.
YNB should get T'd up
YNB should get T'd up
Never knew that rule, good to knowball has to go above the player's head, which it didn't.
KD missing them FTs.
That Dark Knight Rises new trailer is so spoilery but so good...
Collison being fouled out is not good for OKC.
Dallas is playing 4 on 5 with Wince on the floor