Iron E Man
Booz Defense Force.
Where's your god now?
Best FF spinoff game. Hell it's better than some mainline FF games.
where are all the 'rose is a fraud and bulls are better without him' guys now?
Kings are ruling shit on NBC, fuk yo shamball clown
NHL playoffs kick the shit out of the NBA playoffs any year, but this year in particular is pretty lopsided in that regard.
No Rose, no Noah. To discount both is ignorant from a depth standpoint.lolllll first seed bulls
lolllll first seed bulls
heat will have no competition in the east =(
a okc miami finals will be awesome though
Hahaha its funny how people forget about the spurs.
did anybody notice the clock keep running after the timeout was called?
lol why are the 76ers getting so many calls? They didn't go to the line at all in the regular season.
Im terrified of the Spurs
dude rose is injured, they would eat filly up if rose was playing.
the Jazz have a reall strong tradition of losing to the eventual champsNo way in a millions years is iso okc getting past the spurs.