Kyrie is styling on Prigioni
Not sure if Kyrie is back or its just lolknicks
Its the latter.Kyrie is styling on Prigioni
Not sure if Kyrie is back or its just lolknicks
and that is the reason Woodson didn't want Prigs playing so much. Just can't D up the athletic PGs, even Felton wouldn't have gotten shook like that. Knicks can't shoot right now.KYRIE lol
Seriously that was pretty hard too hahalmao
david west just passed at hibbert's face
Teams that win titles have superstars. Superstars are so good that you want to maximize their possessions regardless if the quality of shot is that good, therefore superstars often shoot midrange jumpers. Therefore teams that win titles often shoot midrange jumpers. Okay, fine. What does this have to do with other guys on the offense, an offense in general, or teams without a superstar (AKA, almost every team in the league)?
1st and 3rd quarters are terrible for this team. 24-13 run since Felton got hurt, ironically the same time Kyrie exploded in the 3rd.
me too.Alan Hahn @alanhahn about 17 minutes ago
Beginning to wonder what it would take for JR Smith to get nailed to the pine.
.Chris Herring @HerringWSJ about 15 minutes ago
My biggest concern abt Woodson is NYK getting blown out consistently in 1Q and 3Q. Screams flawed gameplan & poor halftime adjustments.
Lopez going HAM on the Celtics tonight. Just too big.
Tommy said he is the next Shaq.
That's why we need to get Oden ready. Hib feasting.
That's why we need to get Oden ready. Hib feasting.
Green in vagina mode all game. Lopez had traveled about about 5 times though.