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2013 Feb NBA Season lOT| Controlling it like a man, bruh


Twice in that paragraph you basically say it's fair to argue that someone is more clutch than another person, or has been more clutch than another person, based on that one statistic. Then you tell me you never made that claim?

Tell me, have you stopped beating your wife yet?


tell me, have you stopped beating your wife yet?

wtf? I'm Armenian, that's incredibly offensive.

Reilo said:
Dude... You are... Wow. You truly don't know how to read.

Alright Dude. At no point in time, did you say it's fair to categorize Al Jefferson as more clutch than Lebron James, over any sample size of games, because of how well they respectively did on their FG% in the last 5 minutes of a game so far this season. I got it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I said if the data supported the conclusion, then the person making that claim (READ: Another person) is being reasonable. Your original argument was that the person was wrong and always wrong based on, I don't know what.

What the fuck dude.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Twice in that paragraph you basically say it's fair to argue that someone is more clutch than another person, or has been more clutch than another person, based on that one statistic. Then you tell me you never made that claim?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Alright Dude. At no point in time, did you say it's fair to categorize Al Jefferson as more clutch than Lebron James, over any sample size of games, because of how well they respectively did on their FG% in the last 5 minutes of a game so far this season. I got it.

He did use IF
*re-reads the last 3 pages*



I said if the data supported the conclusion, then the person making that claim (READ: Another person) is being reasonable. Your original argument was that the person was wrong and always wrong based on, I don't know what.

What the fuck dude.

You didn't say "reasonable" you said something along the lines of "it's incorrect to assume that a conclusion based on data that hasn't been tampered with can possibly be incorrect"

Specifically in defense of the conclusion that Clutch = That one metric.

I said, it's an incorrect conclusion to draw to say that someone is or isn't more clutch simply because of a small sample size of FG% arbitrarily cherry picked in the last 5 minutes of a close game.

You basically gave free license to draw damn near any conclusion you or someone else subjectively deems "reasonable" based on any UN-tampered piece of data, regardless of how small a sample size, or the definitions used.


You didn't say "reasonable" you said something along the lines of "it's incorrect to assume that a conclusion based on data that hasn't been tampered with can possibly be incorrect"

Specifically in defense of the conclusion that Clutch = That one metric.

I said, it's an incorrect conclusion to draw to say that someone is or isn't more clutch simply because of a small sample size of FG% arbitrarily cherry picked in the last 5 minutes of a close game.

You basically gave free license to draw damn near any conclusion you or someone else subjectively deems "reasonable" based on any UN-tampered piece of data, regardless of how small a sample size, or the definitions used.

You didn't say "reasonable" you said something along the lines of "it's incorrect to assume that a conclusion based on data that hasn't been tampered with can possibly be incorrect"

Specifically in defense of the conclusion that Clutch = That one metric.

I said, it's an incorrect conclusion to draw to say that someone is or isn't more clutch simply because of a small sample size of FG% arbitrarily cherry picked in the last 5 minutes of a close game.

You basically gave free license to draw damn near any conclusion you or someone else subjectively deems "reasonable" based on any UN-tampered piece of data, regardless of how small a sample size, or the definitions used.

But who is babby?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
It's still not an incorrect conclusion because you arbitrarily decided that the data wasn't satisfactory enough.

It's a reasonable conclusion to make BASED on the AVAILABLE data. All you're doing is making an inference on the AVAILABLE data and within the CONTEXT of that data.
It's still not an incorrect conclusion because you arbitrarily decided that the data wasn't satisfactory enough.

It's a reasonable conclusion to make BASED on the AVAILABLE data. All you're doing is making an inference on the AVAILABLE data.

reilo....come on dawg. You can't defeat vahagn's iron clad logic and reason.


Reilo said:
I was simply pointing out that you have no fucking clue what a conclusion is and how one comes to it. Arguing that a conclusion based on available data somehow is factually wrong is... well, factually wrong and a stupid fucking opinion of yours.

Here's why you're wrong.

For the last fucking time, reaching a conclusion that says "Player A is more clutch in any given period of time than player B because Player A converts at a higher FG% in the last 5 minutes of a close game" has within it a hidden premise - That hidden premise being something along the lines of "The Definition of Clutch is FG% in the last 5 minutes of a close game"

You can absolutely "argue a conclusion based on available data is somehow factually wrong" by pointing out that the hidden premise in that conclusion is actually factually wrong. That definition of "clutch" is a completely arbitrary definition that isn't factually accurate or irrefutable or full-proof. It is a subjective, arbitrary, assessment.


Everyone knows that former Knick-great™, Chauncey Billups is the most clutch player of all time. Not sure what you're all arguing about.


It's wholly amazing. I can hear the squeaky wheel at this point.

I'm glad I introduced you to the concept of a hidden premise. Clearly, you had never heard of it before, or if you had, you hadn't actually understood it.

Since the hidden premise in that conclusion derived by that set of data was factually wrong, the conclusion being factually wrong isn't "my stupid fucking opinion."

"Being that the absolute, irrefutable definition of being "clutch" in the NBA is measured wholly as the percentage of field goal attempts that one converts in the final five minutes of a close game, and seeing that so far this season Al Jefferson has converted a higher % of his Field Goal Attempts in the final five minutes of a close game than Lebron James, it stands to reason that Al Jefferson is a more clutch player than Lebron James"

That conclusion, exposes the hidden premise used, and shows that the conclusion relies on a faulty premise, thus reaching a faulty conclusion. Your welcome.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
"Being that the absolute, irrefutable definition of being "clutch" in the NBA is measured wholly as the percentage of field goal attempts that one converts in the final five minutes of a close game, and seeing that so far this season Al Jefferson has converted a higher % of his Field Goal Attempts in the final five minutes of a close game than Lebron James, it stands to reason that Al Jefferson is a more clutch player than Lebron James"

Got another one!


Wall is a selfish player. Have people not been watching him play? The guy gets pissed off when he isn't given the ball even when his team scores.


You don't know what a strawman is....do you?

Simply because he never actually acknowledged his own hidden premise required to reach that conclusion, doesn't mean that because I pointed it out, I created a straw man.

Explain to me how you can conclude that Player A is more clutch than Player B because they rank higher in FG% in the final five minutes without that hidden premise? That statistic isn't measuring clutchness, it's measuring FG% in the last 5 minutes which you are then arbitrarily DEFINING as clutchness, hence your hidden premise.
Wall sucks

Larry Sanders might go second overall in a 2010 redraft, lol.

Except Lebron has taken more clutch shots this year.

Of course market plays a role, it always does. But there is nothing special about Jefferson. Just 2 years ago everyone called him an empty stats whore. Now that he plays with decent players he's an amazing player?

David Lee is more skilled and efficient and didn't get much hype outside of NYC.

Also the entire argument about clutch is stupid. There is no real statistical evidence that anyone is clutch. The entire conversation is always bullshit. Personally, I still don't buy into the idea of clutch at all.

Higher volume referring to the fact that he's a bigger part of the Jazz's offense in the last few minutes and he gets more touches than in the other parts of the game.

I didn't argue that he was amazing either, just that he has a high skill level that translates to being able to volume score pretty effectively at the end of games and that gets praised hugely everywhere else regardless if it should (since there are good arguments to be made that clutch doesn't exist much if at all or if matters that much when other areas are lacking). He probably will never be on a serious contender because of his terrible defense so you can still argue he's in general an empty stats guy, but I think his touch, hands, and footwork are pretty special.

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