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2013 Feb NBA Season lOT| Controlling it like a man, bruh


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
FUCK ABC SUCKS! We all just missed that shot because they ran the replay too long.

And these shitty commentators are not calling the plays and whistles.


Really surprised CP3 didn't lob that to DJ, considering he had Felton on him in transition. The 3 fell though, so no big deal, I guess. PEACE.


Steroid Distributor
To all you Dwight Haters (especially Konex)

I hope you guys never suffer a back injury man. I'm saying that cause wishing you harm would bring me down to your level. But you are so ridiculously clueless on what it can do to your body. And then how much it can effect you mentally.

I'm an electrician and hurt my back almost two years ago. Didn't have the surgery cause I would rather not. I went months without being able to pick up my kids. I went through periods of time where I could barely feel my legs and even a couple of scary days where I couldn't feel three fingers on my right hand.
I haven't been able to do many of the activities that I used to. And it's been hard man. Real hard.

We all know about how it takes some players awhile to feel comfortable coming back from an ACL injury. Takes time to get comfortable. To believe in yourself again. To not worry about the knee every time you cut or jump or change direction.
Well what do we know about recovering from back injuries that required surgery. What other athlete has dealt with this? What other big, heavy, highly athletic athlete has come back from back surgery and performed at his best 6 months post surgery?

Come on!!! Tell me!!!

You can't!!!!!

Cause there hasn't been anyone that has dealt with this.
We watched many many big athletic men fall apart from micro fracture surgery from early 90s until present day.
But we don't have any case studies for this.

Now understanding the damage an injury can do to an athlete mentally. I would like you to consider how much more stress that athlete might feel if he signs with a new team, in the biggest market in his sport, constantly hearing about how they are going to dominate with ease. And now think what is going through that players head when it hasn't been easy for him physically. When he goes up for a dunk and can't get as high as he used to, can't move as fast as he used to move and then sits down after a practice and feels tingling in his legs.

I guarantee you have NO FREAKIN CLUE what is going through his head and what battles he is actually winning right now. He is losing some. Yes. The weight of this is breakin him. He has his coworkers and his boss talking bad about him to the media. He has the fans of his new team bashing him and then, and then he gets hurt again.

And you think he hasn't had complete moments of self doubt? That he hasn't questioned his decisions? Maybe he came back to early? His back had been bad. Maybe the same thing is gonna happen with his shoulder?

What about his skill set? You say he has no skills. He is only athletic. When would he have developed these non athletic skills? When in his life has he not been able to depend on his insane athletic ability? How would he know how to do post moves like a fat old white dude that balls at the local YMCA if he has always had other gifts? We all know that players learn new moves in the off season. Change their shot, improve footwork and develop new moves. That doing that during the season is hard because you need repition and time to develop those new skills. Time that players don't have during the season. And time that players that are spending every waking moment doing rehab for an injury most definitely do not have.

Dude is a mess. But instead of sitting on your throne of basketball and life knowledge and bashing everything he has ever done you could give some consideration to what this man is going through. Stand behind him instead of over him. Have patience for a young man that is facing challenges he has never had to face.

He isn't the man or player yet that he will be after this. He won't be the player he once was. He will be better. Much better. Both mentally and physically.

And if you don't get off his back I hope he goes and plays elsewhere. and I hope that team is the one that makes sure that your Lakers never even have a chance at another championship while Dwight is still playing in the NBA.

Yeah. I just said that.
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