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2013 Jan NBA Season lOT| Beautiful Black Bodies on Top


This. The Grantland article about it summed it up pretty well

I mean, I had been on record on this site saying countless times that I don't even want Dwight to come to LA. I wanted him to stay in Orlando.

The best thing to come from the Dwight trade was avoiding paying Bynum 100 million. I'm perfectly fine letting Dwight walk this summer as long as we get some assets in return in a sign and trade or something. Dwight's not a championship franchise type centerpiece anyway.


Sessions isn't worth bragging about

Lakers fans are just dejected right now

lol fucking clowns

There was a thread on Lakersground today getting excited about some fucking Euroleauge ROOKIE who the Lakers were rumored to be interested in

Also Heat stopped fuckin around


I'm watching the Memphis announcers - Did Stu and Bill say what's wrong with Dwight?

Edit: Also, it's telling that the most effective part of the Steve/Dwight PnR was Kobe being used on the strong side and getting the ball while the defense was shifting. Defenses figured out to stay home on Kobe and the Nash/Dwight PnR is just a way to waste shot clock at this point.

NOTHING good comes from it. The occasional Steve 15 foot jumper...but Dwight contributes NOTHING.


C'mon kobe....after working that hard you HAVE to get a basket on that possesion. How about rewarding pau for the block? C'mon man :(
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