Hunter was shady as fuck. Never trust a lawyer, people!
Lol, gar/pax are too in love with Butler, and JR doesn't have "high character" or whatever Boy Scout quality they look for in players.I'm gonna be sad watching JR play for the bulls next season.
I just want one year where JR Smith is a number one option and has the green light
It will be glorious
I just want one year where JR Smith is a number one option and has the green light
It will be glorious
I just want one year where JR Smith is a number one option and has the green light
It will be glorious
KA KAWWWWWWbiiiiiirdmang
Woodson will probably try to get JR to marry his daughter:[IMG][/QUOTE]
Oh yeah
She can take me out to dinner [B][I]AND[/I][/B] I would probably call her back in 3 days
[quote="ph33nix, post: 55511920"]I see too much of Mike Woodson in his daughter[/QUOTE]
please not one of you fuckers do the shop on it pls
Dwyane and Chris are a combined 0/10.omg the bucks are up
I see too much of Mike Woodson in his daughter
Crazy manWoodson's daughter. Hmmmmm.
This is what I'd look like if my daughter looked like that as well...
Fixed.Woodsons daughter does nothing for my penis
Too much bratwurstare there some sweet ass clubs in milwaukee or something
miami's shooters look like fuckin ass today
JR has the greenlight from his mentor, Woodson. Woodson is trying to turn JR into a clone of himself when he was playing.
Woodson will probably try to get JR to marry his daughter:
They are just conserving energy for when they out score Milwaukee 35-15 in the 4th.are there some sweet ass clubs in milwaukee or something
miami's shooters look like fuckin ass today
Hunter was shady as fuck. Never trust a lawyer, people!
jennings is trash lol