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2013 NBA Playoffs |OT2| Rose has no Muscle Memories, Durant having Russell Memories

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The entire premise of this post is wrong, Lebron played poorly in 4 out of 5 elimination series before the public began to blame him. He followed that up with the Decision fiasco and the finals disappearance act in 2011. Acting like public perception was all just random and not related to basketball is just not correct. Fans typically are a lot more rational at judging players then people on here give them credit for. If there is continued improvement in your individual play and team success over a number of years, and then you take a step back when your team loses its second best player, fans give people a pass on that.

Players are loved or hated for far more reasons outside of their actual play. That is a fact. Kobe is the most accomplished and top 5 of all time and he isn't well liked outside of LA.

Public reception of LeBron was based on failures plus the incredible levels of hype, overrating, and constant coverage he received. You couldn't escape him when you turned on sports. But he wasn't winning rings. Of course the "hate" only emerged after he left the Cavs but LeBron was getting his fair share of criticism for not getting it done all those years in Cleveland. Maybe not after the first failure but certainly the perception was changing after the second, third, or fourth failure.

Melo doesn't get a pass for the same reason that T-Mac doesn't. Their entire careers have been post season disappointments. You can't say KD has been a post season disappointment with his teams' continued improved success over 3 straight seasons. 1st round. Conf Finals. Finals. You're allowed to lose after an injury plagued playoffs after you pull that off.

Unless you are comparing 100% exact same scenarios (apples to apples) you can't make that claim with a straight face. I could make a case that Melo's Denver teams always lost to superior teams in a loaded West. George Karl should also be questioned since with or without Melo he can't seem to get out of the first round. Melo never had the supporting cast Durant enjoyed until just now.

With the Knicks Melo simply hasn't the supporting case that Durant already had. Or Lebron now has in Miami. And I don't really care to criticize Durant, I already said he is better than Melo. Losing Westbrook was huge and I never claimed getting eliminated is some blight on his image/record/legacy.

But they do play the same style, and had/have very little help from their team. One is liked. The other isn't. And that is what puts Durant over the top. Melo shouldn't get a pass but the Knicks failures aren't because he needs to change his style and become Lebron or something.


LOL at Knicks-age trying to convince themselves and other people that Melo could unlock his inner Durant if he just had more help.

If unlocking inner Durant means playing 2nd fiddle to a guy like Westbrook and being buffered by a third all star, than he simply can't because he doesn't have that talent on his team.

BUT if inner Durant means failing to carry his team by himself, then yeah he already is there.


The eyeball test doesn't lie, and Durant looks a better player in every facet of the game. I can't think of anything that Melo does better than him, except maybe posting up. I don't even know if that's the care there. KD is a better scorer, defender, rebounder, and he's a far better playmaker while turning the ball over the same number of times. I think KD can be forgiven a bad series against a good defense focused solely on him. PEACE.
How long have Melo's teammates been worthwhile and uncompromised by injury or age?
Has Melo ever played with someone who could consistently be a second banana that didn't spend their prime elsewhere prior to playing with him, or wasn't devastated by injuries/age before or during their time together?

I'm not going to say Melo isn't a flawed player, or a ball-stopper more often than not, or any of the things we're saying. I am going to say that most of those traits are contextual, and moreover they are the same traits that KD has (except we don't harass KD for them).

Those Nuggets teams were about on par with what stars were working with back in that solo era. The dynamic changed once super teams started to form, and Melo had a chance to try to do something special. Unfortunately he gave about zero fucks about actual roster when he came to NY.


Whole lot of posts in here just to say Melo isn't that great.

So then why do people give him a ton of shit when he has a bad series, but everyone is trying to give Durant a pass for playing a shit series against Memphis? Dirk got a ton of shit for having bad series, Lebron got a ton of shit, Melo always gets a ton of shit. Why should Durant get a pass? He just faced what Carmelo, Dirk and other top players face all the time because they don't have a Westbrook to back them up, and Durant was physically and mentally defeated. And up until this season he had James Harden as his 2nd wing man. Harden in his first season as a first option carried the Rockets to 45 wins. Westbrook can do the same as a first option, maybe even better. Going up against a great defensive team without a guy like Westbrook or Harden to fall back on was a test for Durant, and he failed spectacularly.

Durant should get a ton of shit for this series.


Those Nuggets teams were about on par with what stars were working with back in that solo era. The dynamic changed once super teams started to form, and Melo had a chance to try to do something special. Unfortunately he gave about zero fucks about actual roster when he came to NY.

Which other team are you hinting at? Chicago?

Didn't they not want him? Or you mean the Nets?
Those Nuggets teams were about on par with what stars were working with back in that solo era. The dynamic changed once super teams started to form, and Melo had a chance to try to do something special. Unfortunately he gave about zero fucks about actual roster when he came to NY.

On par with which teams?

And when did Melo have a chance to do something special? Why does he get blamed for the Knicks' FO trading a lot for him, as if he traded himself? I won't even bother auditing those pieces that were traded for him; it's up to you to decide whether or not those pieces were better. I think both teams won that trade.


Junior Member
So then why do people give him a ton of shit when he has a bad series, but everyone is trying to give Durant a pass for playing a shit series against Memphis? Dirk got a ton of shit for having bad series, Lebron got a ton of shit, Melo always gets a ton of shit. Why should Durant get a pass? He just faced what Carmelo, Dirk and other top players face all the time because they don't have a Westbrook to back them up, and Durant was physically and mentally defeated. And up until this season he had James Harden as his 2nd wing man. Harden in his first season as a first option carried the Rockets to 45 wins. Westbrook can do the same as a first option, maybe even better. Going up against a great defensive team without a guy like Westbrook or Harden to fall back on was a test for Durant, and he failed spectacularly.

Durant should get a ton of shit for this series.
like I said earlier, problem here is the timing. Give Durant an entire year without ynb and I am sure even brooks could have come up with a decent offensive scheme for him and not the shit stain that we saw the past few weeks.


more money than God
He had options. There weren't many offers on the table for him because the word from his camp was that NY was the only option. Nobody wanted a rental.
Nuggets offered Melo for Noah and Deng. Before Melo could even reject or accept the trade, the Bulls said no, because Noah was "untouchable", despite having Omer Asik on the roster.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
So then why do people give him a ton of shit when he has a bad series, but everyone is trying to give Durant a pass for playing a shit series against Memphis? Dirk got a ton of shit for having bad series, Lebron got a ton of shit, Melo always gets a ton of shit. Why should Durant get a pass? He just faced what Carmelo, Dirk and other top players face all the time because they don't have a Westbrook to back them up, and Durant was physically and mentally defeated. And up until this season he had James Harden as his 2nd wing man. Harden in his first season as a first option carried the Rockets to 45 wins. Westbrook can do the same as a first option, maybe even better. Going up against a great defensive team without a guy like Westbrook or Harden to fall back on was a test for Durant, and he failed spectacularly.

Durant should get a ton of shit for this series.

Come on, let's be fair. Durant had JUST lost Westbrook. The team did not have an entire season to get used to the fact that there was no Westbrook, and it's ridiculous to think that a team can get used to that on the fly during the playoffs. That's why he gets a pass.
So then why do people give him a ton of shit when he has a bad series, but everyone is trying to give Durant a pass for playing a shit series against Memphis? Dirk got a ton of shit for having bad series, Lebron got a ton of shit, Melo always gets a ton of shit. Why should Durant get a pass? He just faced what Carmelo, Dirk and other top players face all the time because they don't have a Westbrook to back them up, and Durant was physically and mentally defeated. And up until this season he had James Harden as his 2nd wing man. Harden in his first season as a first option carried the Rockets to 45 wins. Westbrook can do the same as a first option, maybe even better. Going up against a great defensive team without a guy like Westbrook or Harden to fall back on was a test for Durant, and he failed spectacularly.

Durant should get a ton of shit for this series.

I think it has to do with their play style. Melo is a volume scorer who demands the ball, KD was forced into that ball dominant role.

The ball dominant player always gets heavily criticized, Kobe, Melo, Bron, Even going back to AI and small time guys like JR and Jamal Crawful.
Why are we talking about an irrelevant, and overrated player such as Melo. Ball Hoggers never win a championship, and unlike Iverson this dude can't carry a team by himself.
I bet you Melo would be criminally efficient if he played with a ball-distributing guard that penetrates and shoots adequately consistently.

Melo x CP3 or Rondo or something would be glorious, and would probably allow each player to do what they do best.

Also, ball hoggers do win championships - Kobe won 5 of them. He also had more consistent help.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Why are we talking about an irrelevant, and overrated player such as Melo. Ball Hoggers never win a championship, and unlike Iverson this dude can't carry a team by himself.

I understand we are on a bash Melo-fest right now, but the Knicks play this series cannot be pinned on him. I'm at a loss how anyone can watch the games and blame HIM. There are so many things wrong with this team, starting with the coaching.




Durant losing isn't the problem, it's the way he lost. Durant was mentally defeated before the elimination game. That's the problem I have with him right now. Durant has a ways to go if some physical play can take him out of the game mentally in the way it did this series.

Well, Melo chose to come to this New York team. His Denver teams were stacked but it wasn't a big enough market for him.
No, they weren't.


No they weren't.

Name the players on those teams ever that weren't compromised by injury or age (their prime having been spent elsewhere).

Billups was still really dang good on those Denver teams. He also had JR, Afflalo, KMart, and Nene, and somehow still lost in the first round.
Melo played with a 32 year old Billups and a 27 year old Andre Miller. He doesn't have a good enough jumper to be a catch and shoot guy but he's an alright slasher but his touch around the rim is average and he's a bit too big for that kind of game. Basically he's screwed.


Billups was still really dang good on those Denver teams. He also had JR, Afflalo, KMart, and Nene, and somehow still lost in the first round.

None of those guys are nearly as good Westbrook or Harden. Afflalo isn't even flopmart level. JR is a good third option at best. KMart was injury prone and was destroyed by injuries so he wasn't half as good as he was on the Nets. Nene is injury prone and he's a mental midget. Those nugget teams weren't good enough to contend. Billups gets too much credit. Guys are gonna look good playing next to Melo. Iverson looked better than Billups when he played with melo, but once denver traded him Iverson looked like complete shit and washed out of the league.

Melo played with a 32 year old Billups and a 27 year old Andre Miller. He doesn't have a good enough jumper to be a catch and shoot guy but he's an alright slasher but his touch around the rim is average and he's a bit too big for that kind of game. Basically he's screwed.

Melo is a great catch and shoot player and a good finisher around the rim that guys are allowed to foul because he's a perimeter player with a big body.
Billups was still really dang good on those Denver teams. He also had JR, Afflalo, KMart, and Nene, and somehow still lost in the first round.

Billups spent his prime in Detroit and was old/on the downturn in Denver (32 years old).
Kmart and Nene both had severe knee injuries around the same time (between 2005 and 2007), and spent entire seasons on the DL. Arron Affalo is not a viable second option in this, or any dimension - for many of the same reasons JR Smith is also not.

The Billups year(s) where he was an all-NBA 2nd/3rd team-level player, not surprisingly the Nuggets made it out of the first round and made a run through the playoffs. It's amazing, the correlation between other players being able to help Melo, and the length of Melo's playoff runs. And of course, the Nuggets STILL traded Billups away anyway.

So really, can anyone name any players that Melo played alongside that weren't compromised by age or injury?


Did you just argue that Melo makes his teammates better?! That's rich.

And yes in 2009 Denver were contenders.
Of course he makes guys around him better. You seriously think that a good volume scorer doesn't make the players around him better at least offensively? Because if you don't think so then Kobe also doesn't make the guys around him better players.


Melo will never win anything unless he pairs with a good floor general like cp3 or even lebron. His a proven team killer in the playoffs

Of course he makes guys around him better. You seriously think that a good volume scorer doesn't make the players around him better at least offensively? Because if you don't think so then Kobe also doesn't make the guys around him better players.

Go look at kobe's assist numbers in all his successful playoff runs. You'll be very surprised. Phil encouraged ball movement. Unlike melo he could switch between floor general and scorer.


Melo played with a 32 year old Billups and a 27 year old Andre Miller. He doesn't have a good enough jumper to be a catch and shoot guy but he's an alright slasher but his touch around the rim is average and he's a bit too big for that kind of game. Basically he's screwed.

So youre basically making excuses for Melo
Melo will never win anything unless he pairs with a good floor general like cp3 or even lebron. His a proven team killer in the playoffs

Go look at kobe's assist numbers in all his successful playoff runs. You'll be very surprised. Phil encouraged ball movement

Melo isn't a team killer. Melo is the only consistent offensive threat on his teams. Defenses love that in the playoffs. Unless you're completely inept, you can just double/triple that one good player, and let the scrubs brick themselves into oblivion.

As for Kobe's assist numbers, who did Kobe assist to? He threw assists to Shaq, and Gasol, and Odom, and Horry and players who consistently knocked shots down in Phil Jackson's system. Of course he'd average more assists. You don't get assists for passes you make when the shooter misses.

Anyway, Melo sucks. Knicks suck. Ballhog, cancer, Durant's better, etc. I know. Not denying it.
Of course he makes guys around him better. You seriously think that a good volume scorer doesn't make the players around him better at least offensively? Because if you don't think so then Kobe also doesn't make the guys around him better players.

You're assuming Melo is a good volume scorer.

In the 09 WCF when Melo was on the best team he ever was a part of, he shot 40% and 25% from 3 for the series and his man Trevor fucking Ariza went off for 12 a game on 58% shooting including 50% from 3. Melo was the main reason why they lost in 6. He's hugely flawed even to this day.


Melo isn't a team killer. Melo is the only consistent offensive threat on his teams. Defenses love that in the playoffs. Unless you're completely inept, you can just double/triple that one good player, and let the scrubs brick themselves into oblivion.

As for Kobe's assist numbers, who did Kobe assist to? He threw assists to Shaq, and Gasol, and Odom, and Horry and players who consistently knocked shots down in Phil Jackson's system. Of course he'd average more assists. You don't get assists for passes you make when the shooter misses.

Really? Did you look at his smush parker playoff assist numbers? A big part of getting assists is getting the ball to your teammates at the right spots and at the right time...Melo will never be on the same level as kobe. Don't even try to use him as an example lol.
did you just fucking use Kobe Bryant as an example of a team oriented guy? dude is a straight up dick who will go stretches where he intentionally doesnt shoot cause he wants to prove a point.


You're assuming Melo is a good volume scorer.

In the 09 WCF when Melo was on the best team he ever was a part of, he shot 40% and 25% from 3 for the series and his man Trevor fucking Ariza went off for 12 a game on 58% shooting including 50% from 3. Melo was the main reason why they lost in 6. He's hugely flawed even to this day.

He was playing with a broken arm and bone spurs in his shooting elbow. He was bad shooting that whole season, but he did play instead of missing time and rehabbing.
Really? Did you look at his smush parker playoff assist numbers? A big part of getting assists is getting the ball to your teammates at the right spots and at the right time...Melo will never be on the same level as kobe. Don't even try to use him as an example lol.

Smush Parker played for the Lakers for like 2 seasons, where the Lakers were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs and were barely a .500 team. You're not really using 2 seasons of Smush Parker to validate Kobe as playmaker, are you?


Smush Parker played for the Lakers for like 2 seasons, where the Lakers were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. You're not really using 2 seasons of Smush Parker to validate Kobe as playmaker, are you?

let me get this straight, YOU justified melo's low assists number because of the type of teammates he had right? And i gave you an example of kobe having worse teammates and averaging more assists than melo...Now you are asking what again?

Melo isn't a team killer. Melo is the only consistent offensive threat on his teams. Defenses love that in the playoffs. Unless you're completely inept, you can just double/triple that one good player, and let the scrubs brick themselves into oblivion.

As for Kobe's assist numbers, who did Kobe assist to? He threw assists to Shaq, and Gasol, and Odom, and Horry and players who consistently knocked shots down in Phil Jackson's system. Of course he'd average more assists. You don't get assists for passes you make when the shooter misses.

Anyway, Melo sucks. Knicks suck. Ballhog, cancer, Durant's better, etc. I know. Not denying it.
He was playing with a broken arm and bone spurs in his shooting elbow. He was bad shooting that whole season, but he did play instead of missing time and rehabbing.

Bad shooting the whole year? He shot 1 percent below his average and 4 percent above his 3pt% average. He looked mighty healthy against Nola and Dallas. He just got his shit pushed in by Ariza and LA's team D Like Paul George and Indy did this year.
let me get this straight, YOU justified melo's low assists number because of the type of teammates he had right? And i gave you an example of kobe having worse teammates and averaging more assists than melo...Now you are asking what again?

What was Kobe's role on that team? Was he the primary playmaker and ballhandler? I'm looking at those two LAL teams with the bad roster, and it seems that he in fact was. The only person even close was Odom in 2006, who is a very good ballhandler/playmaker himself. Logically, he should average more assists, because his team and his system asked him to do so.

Maybe Carmelo would average more assists if his team and system demanded that he be the primary ballhandler and playmaker...but then, these differences are why Kobe is Kobe and Melo is Melo.
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