You're baby Frankman I see.hahhahahahhahah refs....... love the fucking NBA
I don't know why but there's just something that makes me hate watching the Heat play.
Please. His tiger kick does more damage and has a wider hitbox.Lmao wade with the jaguar elbow!
Show me Bosh creating his own shot, and posting up.
he went forward with his chest. You can stand your ground but not push an offensive player with your body.lmao where was the foul
Detestable more than any other NBA team how?They are all pretty detestable people. That might be it.
You're baby Frankman I see.
He taught you well.
Bosh got hammered on a play a few sequences ago without a call.
Please. His tiger kick does more. damage and has a wider hitbox.
So irresponsible
To create something so horrible and leave the world to suffer it.
You never saw Bosh before the Heat or when he's without the other two in Miami? Your loss. People act like Bosh is some scrub now, but he's actually better than he's ever been. He's just in a severely-reduced role. I laughed when PJ Carlisimo today told Cowherd that he doesn't know if Bosh is a max player. Right after pointing out that Bosh is the only big that can shoot, defend and put the ball on the floor in the league. Yeah...but he's not a max player...amirite? People have these weird, conflicting opinions of his game where they realize no other big has his skillset, but still think he's overrated because he plays behind two of the best players in the league.
In any case, ask #nba-age. I've been picking Bosh over Dirk since 2010. PEACE.
it's convenient that the heat fans see that there was a foul on that play, if we didn't have their expertise here we wouldn't have seen it. thank you guys.
Can we shutup about the refs? This has been a good, close game. Refs have not been the issue. It's been rebounding and turnovers. That's it. PEACE.
Detestable more than any other NBA team how?
Like father like son.cause elbows to the head aren't fouls, but guess what, standing still and looking at lebron is
yup no one brings the salt like the unbiased viewing audience/salt