Wait, we are actually going to have to pay interest on HECS-HELP debt?
Hopefully they'll benefit from the cuts to welfare for under-30s
Charging people for research degrees will end well. It's not like Australian students bugger off to Europe to do them and never come back as it is... oh... wait...
No, they've 'just' lowered the income repayment threshold.
Though some is ceasing - HECS-HELP benefit for certain courses is gone
Indexation is also being adjusted
You've always had to pay interest on your HECS-HELP debt.
You've always had to pay interest on your HECS-HELP debt.
You've always had to pay interest on your HECS-HELP debt.
I was just reading that HECS will no longer be tied to inflation (about 3%) but will be subject to interest calculated at about 6%...
maybe this is all one big viral marketing for wolfenstein: new order
The debt didn't increase in constant dollars, doesn't countYou've always had to pay interest on your HECS-HELP debt.
Can you point at the relevant section? I'm doing a PhD at the moment so this is likely going to suck.
A fair contribution from research students
Research Training Scheme (RTS) doctoral students will be required to make a modest contribution towards the cost of their degree through a small reduction in Government funding for the RTS. HELP loans will be available so that RTS students do not have to meet these costs up front. Universities may choose to offer scholarships to cover these costs (saving $173.7 million over three years).
They could force a Double Dissolution but I doubt the ALP have it in them…Now, I don't know a hell of a lot about how politics can work... can any of the things that were just announced not go through by way of them being blocked by the Greens/Labor?
Young Libs, receiving welfare? ahahhahahahhAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHaHahhahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaHopefully they'll benefit from the cuts to welfare for under-30s
The more I think about the more I feel that this is a method of dropping the dole below minimum wage while keeping people happier than a minimum wage drop wouldthe changes to newstart are insane and we'll likely see crime and homelessness rise as a result. congrats to abbott and hockey for ruining the country and keeping the baby boomers happy. if you voted for this clown you should walk into oncoming traffic.
They could force a Double Dissolution but I doubt the ALP have it in them
Young Libs, receiving welfare? ahahhahahahhAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHaHahhahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa![]()
England is sounding better and better. They need nurses there right?
Several months off being an en plus many many years of aged care experience. Maybe I'll be alright here. There'll always be old people...Ask them - https://www.facebook.com/YoungLibs
I think they're cutting things there as well.
Look towards East Asia - aged care there. Maybe Japan but that would be no better than staying in Aus.
Maybe go for RN if you aren't one already? And go for a private hospital?
Can we come crash on your couch for a few years?Commiseration from across the ditch.
England is sounding better and better. They need nurses there right?
Several months off being an en plus many many years of aged care experience. Maybe I'll be alright here. There'll always be old people...
True.Yeah but in general that's mostly if you're an RN with a little bit of experience.
Nursing is one of the few areas with tons of work around at the moment especially in aged care. That's only going to grow in the future with the way our population is going.
Something something free market something something roadsAlso did I enter a parallel reality where having fewer researchers/ researchers under greater financial pressure, increases the quality of research?
England is sounding better and better. They need nurses there right?
My work here is doneffs
Here was my thought pattern on reading this post and it's all your fault:
haha england.
england have bad teeth.
dental plan!
lisa needs braces.
dental plan!
lisa needs braces.
In his budget speech, Treasurer Joe Hockey said that unemployment is too high with over 700,000 Australians looking for a job. He is correct, yet Mr Hockey framed a budget which forecasts unemployment to rise to approximately 800,000 people by 2016.
No you see the thing is that public servants are greedy unambitious grubs so sacking them en masse will force them to develop entrepreneurial spirit so they will start new businesses and have no shortage of potential labour because young and old and sick people and people who chose jobs that we're really just not all that fond of will be starving and desperate to work thus saving the economy.
Okay so, help me out here. Let's say someone under thirty, well under thirty, from a low economic family bracket is struggling to find employment. Education seems expensive, they're looking for work and looking at possible study, but they know even if they attempt an education they're probably going to need some support. After all, they live far away from universities and TAFEs. They need to consider the expense of either frequent travel or moving, both of which are hard to do while being supported by their already struggling family.
So they apply for newstart, hoping it will give them the economic support they need.
What do they do for the six month cooling period?
Let's not take away from the reductions to state contributions though. They're hitting state hospitals and state schools fucking hard. $80bn taken out of schools.
$5bn less to schools each year.
$15bn less to health each year.
Okay so, help me out here. Let's say someone under thirty, well under thirty, from a low economic family bracket is struggling to find employment. Education seems expensive, they're looking for work and looking at possible study, but they know even if they attempt an education they're probably going to need some support. After all, they live far away from universities and TAFEs. They need to consider the expense of either frequent travel or moving, both of which are hard to do while being supported by their already struggling family.
So they apply for newstart, hoping it will give them the economic support they need.
What do they do for the six month cooling period?
Also imagine how much more power this gives bosses. Who's going to risk getting fired if you're up for six months with no guaranteed safety net right off the bat?
Fuck knows. I'm not even sure what the point of it is supposed to be.
Pray mum/dad can support.
Otherwise on the street with you!
Gangs, prostitution is about to go nuclear - USA style.