after how badly the players bent over last time and the HUGE TV deal that just happened, alongside the 2 billion dollar sale of the clippers, yeah, the players would be stupid to not lock out the owners until they get their concessions. Lucky for them, Derek Fisher is now part of the new era of knicks mismanagement, so they might have competent people on their side.
The extra revenue will already trickle down to them. The players get 49-51% of all BRI. So the new money will go to them in basically a 50/50 split.
Did you read the article with what she was saying?
The age limit, admittedly is bullshit.. but I still think it's best for the game. I'd rather see kids play in college for a few years instead of one and done. Maybe the best system would be allow to be drafted out of high-school, or have to be 21 or complete their junior year. Again, I know using college as unpaid minor leagues is bullshit.. but I still think it's the best thing for breeding talent.. and a system that let's the best of the best high-school kids in or makes them go to college or overseas and wait is better system. It'd make college ball better too.
The idea of not allowing a "spike" after the TV money makes sense, though in theory it seems bad.. you'd have teams forced to sign guys for more money to just hit the raised min cap because their still won't be enough talent on the FA market to have everyone sign... raising in over a period of time means more guys will get that money in a more even split.. and give teams in a rebuilding mode a chance to rebuild without being forced to take on money they don't need to be spending.
The idea of no cap... that'd be fucking horrible for the game. Small market teams would be decimated and large market teams would be able to horde free agents en masse. It sucks in baseball as is.. but baseball has aspects that keep things still somewhat in balance.. the fact you field so many players.. the fact that a player has to have played in the Majors for 6 years.. making MOST free agents in baseball be considerably older than a lot of their NFL or NBA counterparts as they could have also spent multiple seasons in the minors.. it wouldn't be odd to see a guy turning 30 eligible for the first time... thus a MLB team can still field a credible team through smart draft picks, a solid minor league system, and trading potential FA for further draft picks ensuring a constant stream of talent... the NBA doesn't work like that.
No cap would destroy the NBA.