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2014 NHL Playoffs: A thread full of jerk 'yoffs


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
FUCK, Minnesota can go fuck themselves. Yeo knew what he was doing when he said he wanted to play Cooke more, there's only one thing you get out of trash like that.
I hate Cooke as much as the next guy, but come on man. Coaches don't tell guys to go out and injure other players, Cooke is a pile of shit, but he is a good player in his role. What he did is dirty and he should be suspended, but saying the coach put him out there to do it is just stupid.

Velcro Fly

Old habits die hard apparently. I was glad when he turned it around but if he's going back to that he needs to get hit hard again. I don't give a fuck if he's been a nice guy for the past few years.
I hate Cooke as much as the next guy, but come on man. Coaches don't tell guys to go out and injure other players, Cooke is a pile of shit, but he is a good player in his role. What he did is dirty and he should be suspended, but saying the coach put him out there to do it is just stupid.

I'm not saying Yeo told him to do it, I'm saying that's the only thing you can get with someone like him.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
John Shannon said:
Tyson Barrie out 4 to 6 Weeks with MCL. Matt Cooke will be hit pretty hard by Player Safety for this one.
Hopefully they give him 5+ games.


I'm probably going to buy a Granlund jersey after I get paid on friday. Damn.
It doesn't really matter though, they took out one of our best D-men for the playoffs at most they lost a piece of shit for a few games.


Just saw Lapierre's boarding call, what a fucking tool. Different area but the same in the numbers hit he injured Boyle with.
Hopefully Elliott can step up and fill Barrie's shoes. He did have a goal in the game when Barrie was injured after the SJ game. He's also a bit bigger, while it'll take time to adjust his defensive game I feel he can do it. Will be nice to see how he does since he'll be on a one way contract next year. Go Avs!
Lehtonen looking pretty unbeatable.

Silfverberg has looked good so far. Needs to bury one though.

Sami Vatanen and/or Fistric may need to get called up with that Robidas injury. What bad luck. He's been really good with Anaheim already broke his leg earlier in the year and gets his knee blown up


Grading is never fun, but it's even less fun when there's a playoff game happening. I want to be able to devote my full attention to the Blues losing.


Ducks ain't winning this one. Need to at least get one away but if Lehtonen the Ducks killer shows up then the series is ovah.
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