still simping smelly, for shame
Tusr your anime avatar is out of control
His transformation into his brony "brother" is nearly complete
still simping smelly, for shame
Tusr your anime avatar is out of control
Tusr your anime avatar is out of control
Tusr your anime avatar is out of control
His transformation into his brony "brother" is nearly complete
It's pretty fucked up most leagues price out a lot of fans during the playoffs. In 2009, I paid nearly $1200 in tickets to watch the Yankees during their World Series run. To put that amount in perspective, $500 of that was for bleacher seats for Game 1 of the World Series.
It's kind of shocking how gorgeous Mario Kart 8 is, especially when you've been practicing up on Mario Kart Wii lately.
I knew beforehand but man, the battle mode tracks in Mario Kart 8 are straight bullshit. Arenas or bust.
So are there no arenas at all?
They're just fucking gated versions of existing tracks mostly. No legitimate arenas.
The importance of tonights game all kind of just hit me at once. Feels like a nuke went off in my stomach.
Yeah I'm gonna start drinking now.
Play Mario Kart instead
Did the exact same thing. So fucking fun.64 had the best Battle Mode. We'd camp on top of each section in Block Fort, litter the ramps with peels and fake item boxes, and send green shells bouncing around the ground floor. Then we'd grab a star and attack.
It's actually the first game that has me thinking about a Wii U. Might pull the trigger after E3 if the lineup is strong enough.
Did the exact same thing. So fucking fun.
The importance of tonights game all kind of just hit me at once. Feels like a nuke went off in my stomach.
Yeah I'm gonna start drinking now.
What kind of games are you into? I love my Wii U, and if you are into Nintendo style games it has an absolutely amazing library. The first year was rough, but by now there are more than enough games to jump in and enjoy. Plus, you get a free AAA game with Mario Kart when you register it.
Don't make me post a list, because I will.
tbh I've played WRPGs almost exclusively since I got out of college. Went back and started playing classics (NWN2, Baldur's Gate, Icewindale, Bloodlines, etc.) and never pulled myself out of it. Was hooked on Mount and Blade for a while, and will always lapse back to Total War at some point. I'll grab stuff like Transistor here or there but otherwise it's just casually replaying older games and waiting on the Kickstarter crop of iso RPGs to cook. And Pokemon. Got a 3DS for my birthday and was hooked for a while.
I was thinking about getting an XBox One to try and get back into gaming since at the very least I'd have it for media/cable if it didn't work out, but I think I can get some solid group usage out of a Wii U if I got one.
Is the new Mario Kart worth the entry price of a Wii U?
OK Kings, how about you guys win this game please. Take a page from the Rangers and finish this off in 6. I know you guys love to go to Game 7's, but you really don't have to this time.
Any idea how long that offer will last for? Presumably at some point they take away that incentive (ie, the free game with MK8)If you're looking for group usage, Wii U is head and shoulders above anything else. Almost every major game has a local multi-player focus.
If you're into Nintendo style games, I would say yes. You get another one free (out of NSMBU, Pikmin, Wind Waker, and Wii Party U, all great) when you register.
I feel that if you are the type of gamer who is into Mario Kart, you will be happy with the other selections at this point in the Wii U's life, too. Do the research, though, because there are not likely to be a flood of games during the rest of the system's life beyond the usual suspects.
Any idea how long that offer will last for? Presumably at some point they take away that incentive (ie, the free game with MK8)
So are there no arenas at all?
The Hawks will do it.
The Hawks must do it.
If the Hawks don't do it, they are a disgrace to the O6BroCode.
If the Hawks don't do it, they are a disgrace to the O6BroCode.
Did you forget that the Leafs are an O6 team or something?
Which makes the Bruins _________?
Did you forget that the Leafs are an O6 team or something?
What are the Leafs?
What are the Leafs?