Lebron: That's how you pass inside bitch
Hard to stop CLE when all their bullshit threes go down.
Haha.The Warriors need to take one for the team and rehire Jackson.
The latest trend has just been to throw together the dumbest outfit possible that no normal person would ever get away with.
Thibs, please get the hint that Noah doesn't need to play in the 4th quarter.
Thibs, please get the hint that Noah doesn't need to play in the 4th quarter.
Throw all those Bulls out of the game. Bullies.
Except for Dunleavy, of course. He's cool.
He's gonna fuck this game, isn't he?
Can someone find what happened to Noah's game? Did the Monstars get to him?
Technical foul killed the momentum.
If Lebron stops shooting it's all up to Delly.Lebron please stop shooting.
He pulled his left arm.So Lebron pushes Jimmy, gets blocked cleanly, and still gets to the line. OK.
Game turned when Bulls finally just permanently benched Noah.
Game turned when Bulls finally just permanently benched Noah.
"A rose is a rose by any other name" - Mark Jackson
but his name is Rose...