Two terrible threes.
funny.... but lebron is his worst enemy... there is no one person that can guard him... double and he kills you finding the open men. Long as his gus can hit 3's JR, Shumpert, jones, and the boys need to be on point.
certain players have a different level and i would put lebron in that category. I like him being the underdog against the warriors. Either step up or go home.
Conference finals are dull. I'm afraid the NBA finals will be just as dull.
Cleveland continues to kill Atlanta sports in the most excruciating ways possible...
Wow no he didn't try to compare tonight to MJ in Utah LOL
Wow no he didn't try to compare tonight to MJ in Utah LOL
Can't believe Marv mentioned the MJ flu game in comparison to this shit. Just stahp Marv.
That is what people have to understand...when you are big and crash the defensive boards every play, walk the ball up the floor, initiate the offense with 10 seconds to go and either shoot or kick to shoot on EVERY PLAY your numbers are going to be very high regardless if you play like shit or not.
Against the warriors defense, if he plays like this he might shoot like 20%?
One of the worst conference finals games I ever had the non pleasure of watching. Seeing the Cavs revert to their old ways of 4 guys flat out watching Lebron with the ball all the fucking time was torturing. And it worked because the Hawks managed to out-suck them. Wow.
Wow lebron can act his ass off on live tv
Love the haters tears up in here, as usual. lol
Lebron with the ugliest 37 ever, but they won. Enjoy, haters.
Lebron shot 37% and they still won. Only in the East.
I don't think anybody is hating. We're just being realistic and know that this horrible performance isn't going to fly in the Finals. As of right now. There is a 90% chance that the Warriors sweep.
LolI've been rooting for a sweep, cuz having to watch this shit for any longer will have me gouging my eyes out.
I don't think the Finals are gonna be as easy for GSW as you guys say they will be. I think it'll be pretty close.
lets not use any common sense now... come on
Soon enough, it will be Golden State in 3.
Should be no surprise, the Hawks are a fraud team. Regular season Eastern Confernce champions, and that's it.
Kobe shot 6-24 in the Finals of game 7, and they won. Only in the West.
Soon enough, it will be Golden State in 3.