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2015 NHL Playoffs |OT2| Ovi guaranteed a good thread title


41 > 38

Oh dude while I have your attention, can you please wear the C for Ducks-age for Game 1? Just checked the roster for the week and I'm on late shift at work, if I watch live then I have to be running on 2 hours of sleep. Hate watching this delayed but it's my only choice.

I'll do my best! If I'm not at a beachfront bar, I'll be in here citing violent crime statistics at Marvie.

Like how it's safer to invade Fallujah than it is to go out for milk in his city.

Scarier than P.T
I'll do my best! If I'm not at a beachfront bar, I'll be in here citing violent crime statistics at Marvie.

Like how it's safer to invade Fallujah than it is to go out for milk in his city.

Stick tap.

Careful or he might cite how many goals against Kesler has had against Toews and Kane in retaliation.
We're switching between CBC and NBC feeds and doing comparisons and it's making me appreciate CBC feeds more and more.

Until you have to listen to PJ Stocks "how wet is my diaper" report.

Regardless, those stuck with NBC have my pity.

Rangers Caps games were kinda like this.

G7 certainly was.
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