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2016 Democratic National Convention speaking lineup

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DNC going for the kill here. That e-mail leak was bad and dirty (though they seemed to have spun it to fit the growing pile of evidence that Trump is in cahoots with Russians) but man, this line-up and is fucking stellar.


Searched and couldn't find her: DWS not speaking after all? Heard it mentioned she still was.

They said she will be there to open the convention and close the convention. She also wants to address the crowd but not sure if that is going to happen.
Ctrl+F Barney Frank

He would steal too many souls given a prime time slot. Would be a public safety hazard.

I wonder if gay people buy into Donald Trump's commitment to the L....G....B....T community. I haven't had the sense of mind to ask any of my gay coworkers what they think, or if they've been paying attention to this election cycle. I seriously hope that they and others within their community are paying attention to this and don't allow him or the GOP to get away with this bullshit ploy. I'm not gay myself, but I find it really offensive, given the piece of shit running mate he chose last week. At the very least, I'm hoping that there will be speakers who are willing to raise the issue and debunk this myth between now and election day.

I really wish the Democratic Party had the courage to affirm their commitment to the separation of church and state. I feel like uttering that phrase has become a form of heresay in politics. For me, church-state separation is a very important issue. I voted for the first time in my life in 1992, and the speech in Houston given by Pat Buchanan is one of several factors that made me a democrat. I've in the past been reluctant to disclose this in the past for fear of being looked upon as a conspiracy theorist.


bill clinton getting an entire night to himself? i mean it makes sense but still - damn.

and holy shit, what a lineup.


Can't wait to see my secretary of state (Alison Lundergan Grimes) speak. Awesome public official, looking forward to what she has to say.
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