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2016 NFL Week 4 - At Least You're Not The Browns


Cards 1-3
Panthers 1-3


My Saints recovering two fumbles on two consecutive possessions?! Is it my birthday? Is the world coming to an end?

Of course the second one chargers dropped without being hit cause our D sure as heck isn't forcing anything lol


Master of the Google Search
2 minutes for Rivers to score a field goal? Against the Saints defense?

Chargers actually going to win after all?
Palmer turned into Jake Delhomme and the Cardinals don't have a viable backup. That's pretty shameful roster management. How do you not try and improve on Drew Stanton?


Master of the Google Search
The chargers are such a weird team. So many close losses, never playing as well as you expect and yet still doing better than you'd think with their injuries.
I had to leave when it was 14-0 SF. I came back and Cowboys outscored them 24-3. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

Why am I such a curse.


Absolutely shocked that the Saints defense caused 3 turnovers in the 4th quarter. So happy my Saints finally got a win.
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