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2016 NFL Week 5 - Guess Who's Back?


Weird, a giants team with no rest after getting the sht knocked out if them look like garbage against a home team coming off a bye.


Trump is either going to turn in an all time great heel performance, or he is going to get destroyed while liberals high five each other between latte sips with the happy thought of Hillary loading the supreme court.

The latter case is boring (but much more comforting from a non-end of civilization perspective)

If the former happens and Trump's poll numbers rise again, I will watch a replay to see WTF happened.
You know thats the strange thing about the world ending.

Usually there is no time for a replay on the DVR.

World don't give a fuck.

Hold on tight to those anime pillows friends.

Some of those short pass botches are from Rodgers' learned paranoia of getting passes batted down, IMO

e: Solid hit, deserves a TD for holding on to it!


That looked something a Buccaneer would do.

And I already voted. Almost depressing how many issues presented ZERO internal debate.
Seriously though, are we sure this isn't the preseason?

Like, they pretaped the game or something...

e: double post, post faster assholes
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