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2017 B/S/T Feedback Thread | Read the OP, and Prepare to Feedback


Positive Trade feedback for Cheesecakebobby

Not certain on how to classify it, so we leave up to you folk who run the Feedback list on what you would consider it. Apologies to the people who keep an eye on the list manually!

I traded a NA PSN code for their JPY PSN code. There were no hassles whatsoever, communication was fast and clear, and I also learned a little bit about how things are evidently not as easy to obtain digitally as they are here. Something I'd assumed for the opposite.


Positive Buyer feedback for blackgandorf

Flawless transaction with brilliant communication, this poster is awesome. One of the best we have.
Positive Trade feedback for Cheesecakebobby

Not certain on how to classify it, so we leave up to you folk who run the Feedback list on what you would consider it. Apologies to the people who keep an eye on the list manually!

I traded a NA PSN code for their JPY PSN code. There were no hassles whatsoever, communication was fast and clear, and I also learned a little bit about how things are evidently not as easy to obtain digitally as they are here. Something I'd assumed for the opposite.
Positive Trade feedback for ChrisD. Was a real pleasure!
Positive Buyer Feedback to Joyful

Thx for $5 Amazon

Is it possible to just say 'Positive Buyer' or 'Positive Seller' without saying Feedback? This is a feedback thread, so I thought this would be implied.


Positive buyer feedback for beeswax
Positive buyer feedback for digitalrelic
Positive buyer feedback for Feel the Swift

Fast and smooth transactions.Thank you!
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