to live true to my own values, and to be more conscious of my online footprint, how my works are used for evil, etc. i am starting by boycotting Youtube, removing all of the videos I made and hosted on the site over the past 13 or so years. this includes many many videos made for work, or with other people, or in support of other projects. the recent Youtube shenanigans have made me sick of it all and almost wanting to just go full Luddite, say fuck the online social media & MSM entirely, live in complete ignorance of the whole thing. but i still want to use Youtube, and I don't think I can even close my account, since my email is tied to Google. so i am doing the thing i can do, which is deprive them of the ability to profit from my work, and to use it against me! that's the shitty part. i have made content for over a decade, gotten tens of thousands of views, yet i have not made a single cent off it. now they are pulling my stuff, they are censoring creators i like, they are adding editorials to content when for a decade or so there had been none. things are changing and not for the better. when Youtube started, it was one of the few places like it, but nowadays, there are so many alternatives, i can just as easily upload to Vimeo or Bitchute. so im looking forward to that. boycott Youtube.
i also want to refrain from discussion politics or the news at all in 2021. it is pointless, a meaningless exercise that only drives people apart, paints me as a horrible person, and gets everyone's blood pressure rising over circumstances over which they have 0.0000000000000001% chance of influencing at the most optimistic. furthermore it is pointless to demand anything from these jackals, who have, when faced with the greatest threat of the modern era, refused entirely to treat the citizens with respect, to give of them anything, Pelosi turning down relief bills that were ready SINCE AUGUST all because Orange Man Bad. she didn't want his name on a check, so millions die, the lockdowns shutting down capitalist systems sustaining life all over the planet but we can't discuss that, Youtube won't allow it). it is not Trump's fault, this is why they have to spend all day every day saying that he is personally the only person responsible for (insert running body count here like this is fucking Running Man). the politicians and MSM using the mass death of innocents for propaganda is dystopian but nothing new. they have and always will use a scapegoat, whether it be Trump or "political capital needed for future incoming elections (hint: THERE ARE ALWAYS FUTURE ELECTIONS)" our leaders will never lift a finger for us, demand we follow authoritarian rules they blatantly and publicly break themselves, and refuse to give us our money or even offer healthcare (Biden setting himself up to utterly fail the left by not even bothering to promise any healthcare reform of substance).
IT IS POINTLESS TO EVEN TALK ABOUT. nothing will be done. business will end. The Dark Winter of a Dempression. people will die and suffer. possibly, alone, barred by law from seeing their loved ones in their dying moments. true evil.
the sad fact that so many people follow politics like a Life Or Death team sports nowadays is sickening and pathetic. i want no part in it. during Trump's Russia Gate scandal i would talk to my dad occasionally, as he was following it, but i didn't pay any attention, because i knew it would go nowhere, and any time spent mad at it was literally hurting my nervous system over something that would amount to nothing. the impeachment didn't even get mentioned in the debates, that's how little it mattered! so i want to increase my approach, just not pay attention, not even give them the clicks. fuck the MSM. they have helped screw the American people out of so many things, and this is worse than the Patriot Act. it's fucking insane that Biden, who has always voted for the tyrannical Patriot Act, now is entering office with something even worse already in place! just imagine the cages he is going to build this time!
anyways, rant over, it is literally pointless to even pay attention to these politicians. they are all the worst people alive. they and the media and their online sycophants. so i am boycotting it. boycott the news. fuck it.