A lot of people bringing up social media and dating apps here and...you are all absolutely 100% on point. Social media and dating apps have trivialized human connection, no longer can you have a clumbsy line or akward introduction, you'll be ignored forever and onto the next person. In the past social convention, politeness, and the hesitancy many have with confrontational situations would've prolonged social contact between two newly meeting individuals and allowed breathing room and a chance to redeem or atleast diminsh the effect of a bad first impression. But now? Men pass on girls they'd happily take home from the bar by swiping left (or right? the bad one anyway) because she's not as hot as the last one they saw which might be a fake account, heavily photoshop, or a girl so far out of their leage it might as well be. Meanwhile girls have been given access to the meat-market of high-perfoming "mansluts" that look great, have outgoing and charming personalities, and fuck 10-20 girls a month, never intending to settle down with any of them. So women who might have otherwise liked and enjoyed the man from my earlier example now have an inflated sense of "value" because of 2-3 of the "studs" they had taken home in the past they found on some hookup app. It's a self-perpetuating feedback loop designed to do one thing: keep you swiping and viewing those ads.
I have 4 married friends, and am recently married myself, none of us found our significant others through dating apps, all of it was through work collegues and mutual aquaintances with pre-existing or new friends, this is how real relationships not 100% based on first-impression physical attraction are made (though do please go to the gym and take care of yourself, physical attraction is definitly part of it). People don't go out and do shit anymore, when that guy from work asks you to come over for a BBQ, actually do it, it doesn't matter if you enjoy hanging out with him that much compared to relaxing at home with a video game, it's a social oppertunity and if you're lonely that's exactly the kind of thing you should jump on. The guy form work with the BBQ will probably have invited other people over, the other people might include someone you will hit it off with, perhaps even just as friends, but then those people will boraden your social circle with even more new people, and at some point, somewhere, if you keep purposfully putting yourself into social situations, you'll grow more comfortable, confident, and believe it or not charming (yes it's a practized skill), and at some point, someone will like you, just don't be too proud or picky to give them a chance if they're not a 10. I know most people here probably know all this, but it does seem like some people (not naming names) definitly haven't cought on.
TLDR: Dating apps suck, go put yourself in social situations with new people as much as possible for as long as it takes.