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24: Legacy |OT| Designated Replacement

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Man, I'm having no luck catching this show. Tried to watch it last night, but Boston affiliates didn't air it after the Super Bowl so they could show pictures of Tom Brady instead, and tonight I screwed up and thought it was airing at 9pm. Oh well, will catch it On Demand tomorrow, but still bummed I missed it live.

Is there any streaming service that has the old 24 show?

If you have Amazon Prime in the US, all original 8 seasons can be streamed with your subscription.


So I'm pretty sure Donovan decided to keep his campaign manager as a shield for himself. She's not the mole.

What I'm wondering is why they are showing the activity of that particular cell (the teacher/student one), since there are several cells. Why this one ? We can assume most cells are formed by Islamic terrorists. So clearly, the writers wanted to involve Eastern Europeans terrorists as well, and show them to us early.


Just finished the ep, Jesus lol.

Miranda is the true mole. Nilaa is there to flush her out. And this Aisha shit, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarbage.
Huge 24 fan so a little hesitant about watching this semi-reboot. Watched both episodes back to back tonight.

Its fun watching in the moment, like a lot of great action stuff going on and typical "OMG WE HAVE A MOLE" and "I'M TAKING YOU DOWN RIGHT BEFORE YOU SAVE THE DAY" moments that are hallmarks of 24. Plus, you know, traveling from one end of a city to another in a few seconds.

Still, the story is absolute trash so far, so weird they cast Allison from Homeland in what is a very similar role. I have to imagine the audience overlap is huge so why do that. The main plot thread makes zero sense, but whatever usually 24 dovetails into "the real story" halfway in anyways.

Most of the mainline terrorists seem pretty scary, just killing everyone with zero remorse, but jail bait terrorist and her science teacher are just terrible. I hope they blow themselves up soon.

I hope it gets better, with only 12 episodes at least there is hopefully not a lot of filler and misdirects. Not really impressed with most of the casting so far, they all seem not quite just right. During the slow periods I just sit there wondering what Jack is doing.

The police arrest scene was great, but then you kind of have to juxtaposition that with the whole thing in the story of the main character coming from the hood and having a drug dealer brother. Can you really making sweeping vistas of racism in America if you are gonna ahead and just be tone deaf on your own characters?
pretty good episode.

There's was one particular shot I like. It was the one where the camera follows Eric and his wife to his truck. The camera moves into the backseat even though we don't see the second door at all. It was done pretty seamlessly. The crew had probably a few seconds to remove that door before the camera man moves into the back seat.

I noticed that too!

Seriously, it was a rather well shot/directed pilot for sure


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This is definitely 24 but on a shortened timeline. You can tell where they would have stretched things out more if this was 24 episodes. Like Eric would gotten the cops attention at the end of the episode, the high school stuff would have lasted a couple more hours, Aisha & Nicole would have fought more, etc. I like that all these things aren't being dragged out.

I think Rebecca is the mole and is framing her husband's campaign manager. She could have given her husband's opponent the photos to discredit her, then uses her director's info on a terminal at the campaign office as the frame job. Also, Rebecca being the mole would explain how they just rolled up last episode. CTU was tracking Ben, so she could have given them the location. Unless I missed something, someone in their little circle must've done it. And they can't do it now because CTU doesn't know where Ben is.


This is so typical 24 from start to finish. If those were the bush years our good old Allison would get tortured at CTU like crazy just ... because. Oh and the young cop is totally going to help.

I don't mind. It's a reboot for a new set of fans. I won't try my hardest to catch the newest episode on a Monday, but will surely finish the season.
The school plot is definitely being resolved in the next four hours surely, given that it's now 2pm. I don't know what time schools in America usually close at, but we definitely have to get some movement there pretty soon. And speaking of the school, RIP kid. If this was a regular season of 24 we totally would have had the school day start at the beginning of the day, and he wouldn't have died until longer.

The young police officer is certainly going to help him get out of the situation. Racial profiling

I laughed at the attack video. It totally reminded me of George-Michael's presidential campaign video in Arrested Development, but in the current climate it seems strikingly believable. I don't think she's the mole unless she's one of a team of moles. This episode has me starting to lean towards the ex-head of CTU as the mole using the campaign manager as a shield, but we do have two new mole suspects in the form of the father and the uncle.

The drug deal (?) side plot involving Not-Bauer's (although I did laugh at the Black Jauer suggestion previously in the thread) wife is totally getting into Kim territory.


Like the pilot, not great. But the last five minutes proves the show at least has a little life left in it. But man, what a slog getting there. Both the school terrorist cell and Carter's wife plots remain garbage and everything else is just rehash.
Watched the first two episodes
I need some motivation for the main character (whose name escapes me at the moment)

I mean I can write off what Jack did as love for his country and patriotism.

But from what the wife was telling the brother, this seems more like the driving force is some form of PTSD.

At the same time.....she was telling the brother "he actually enjoyed killing them"

When it seems like she forgot she killed someone as well and she seemed just as shaken up as he was.

Otherwise I'll be watching.

Haha at Black Jauer, guess we can't use Black Jack anymore because that is Curtis's nickname in the community.
still can't believe they did Curtis like that
I just saw the first two episodes and man its so good to have 24 back. I am just not liking the new clock font and color, but ill get over it lol.

Quick question for you Gaffers. Its been a while since I have seen any of the seasons of 24 but I feel like in these past 2 episodes, I have been like "that person is a returning character" but im not sure. Who in this season besides Almeida is a returning character? Im thinking Smitts, his wife and father are right?
I just saw the first two episodes and man its so good to have 24 back. I am just not liking the new clock font and color, but ill get over it lol.

Quick question for you Gaffers. Its been a while since I have seen any of the seasons of 24 but I feel like in these past 2 episodes, I have been like "that person is a returning character" but im not sure. Who in this season besides Almeida is a returning character? Im thinking Smitts, his wife and father are right?
His father was in house of cards, he does look the type to be in the show previously, young Spanish girl is a past 24 characters relative.

Hunter Zolomon is still your Skinny version of Kevin Sorbo


Quick question for you Gaffers. Its been a while since I have seen any of the seasons of 24 but I feel like in these past 2 episodes, I have been like "that person is a returning character" but im not sure. Who in this season besides Almeida is a returning character? Im thinking Smitts, his wife and father are right?

Aside from Tony, there are no other returning characters.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Watched the first two episodes
I need some motivation for the main character (whose name escapes me at the moment)

I mean I can write off what Jack did as love for his country and patriotism.

But from what the wife was telling the brother, this seems more like the driving force is some form of PTSD.

At the same time.....she was telling the brother "he actually enjoyed killing them"

When it seems like she forgot she killed someone as well and she seemed just as shaken up as he was.

Otherwise I'll be watching.

Haha at Black Jauer, guess we can't use Black Jack anymore because that is Curtis's nickname in the community.
still can't believe they did Curtis like that

He feels guilty and responsible, because he let the paranoid dude steal the black box and covered for him at the time.
This is definitely 24 but on a shortened timeline. You can tell where they would have stretched things out more if this was 24 episodes. Like Eric would gotten the cops attention at the end of the episode, the high school stuff would have lasted a couple more hours, Aisha & Nicole would have fought more, etc. I like that all these things aren't being dragged out.

I think Rebecca is the mole and is framing her husband's campaign manager. She could have given her husband's opponent the photos to discredit her, then uses her director's info on a terminal at the campaign office as the frame job. Also, Rebecca being the mole would explain how they just rolled up last episode. CTU was tracking Ben, so she could have given them the location. Unless I missed something, someone in their little circle must've done it. And they can't do it now because CTU doesn't know where Ben is.

She's most def the mole that or her husband.

They knew Ben would be at the bus stop because they held his sister(?) hostage and he told her where he was gonna be.
If this was a regular season of 24 the flash drive would have been encrypted with quantum level cryptology and they would have had to bust Chloe out of SuperMax space jail since she would have been the one who wrote the encryption algorithm.

The callback to Edgar Stiles was nice - the middle eastern female analyst mentioned that she had trained under him. Fucking CTU hacks, the other guy didn't know who Edgar was - he died a hero saving everyone at CTU! He deserves a star on the walk in wall or something at least.

Oh, i'm surprised no one else thinks the new middle eastern female analyst is the mole. With so much obviously pointing at her, its clearly not her though. Its gotta be the guy that is doing all the computer hacking for Rebecca, he looks pretty shifty.
If this was a regular season of 24 the flash drive would have been encrypted with quantum level cryptology and they would have had to bust Chloe out of SuperMax space jail since she would have been the one who wrote the encryption algorithm.

The callback to Edgar Stiles was nice - the middle eastern female analyst mentioned that she had trained under him. Fucking CTU hacks, the other guy didn't know who Edgar was - he died a hero saving everyone at CTU! He deserves a star on the walk in wall or something at least.

Oh, i'm surprised no one else thinks the new middle eastern female analyst is the mole. With so much obviously pointing at her, its clearly not her though. Its gotta be the guy that is doing all the computer hacking for Rebecca, he looks pretty shifty.
She's not middle eastern, and she's his cousin.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
She's most def the mole that or her husband.

They knew Ben would be at the bus stop because they held his sister(?) hostage and he told her where he was gonna be.

Ah, you're right. Completely forgot about her being taken hostage. Thanks. I'm still sticking with Rebecca cause that's just so 24. Maybe she wants the attacks to happen because her husband is perceived as being stronger on terrorism. His wife is the former director of CTU after all.


Shame male Veronica Mars you had potential. Carter using the race card in his favor, very politically self-aware. So this time the mole isn't in CTU? (probably still is)
moving in right after shooting down that pipe instead of running away was a bit unexpected and ballsy - would Jack Bauer have done the same with such datadrive hanging from his phone?

otherwise all the 24 feels are there and the pacing has been great so far, definitevly love what I'm seeing

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I really really hope it's not Rebecca, but having the Muslim campaign manager be a terrorist mole would really suck too.

So that leaves Jimmy Smits? :O Or campaign manager's not yet introduced secretly extremist boyfriend or something?
There won't be one until Tony shows up i think.

That will come in the finale where they promote the next season.........

Random White house staff member: "Tony we have an assignment for you"

Tony: "What's that ?"

Random White house staff member: "Bring Jack Bauer back home"

24: PRISON BREAK title card

A 24/Prison Break cross over event.


I suspect the one responsible for the leak is going to be one of the analysts that Mullins replaced.

I don't think it's going to be Jimmy Smits. They seem to be setting him up to be the new President Palmer, and his character is being presented as basically Matt Santos 2.0. That doesn't rule it out, though, since 24 loves to go against type.


Eric: Can we meet in 30 minutes?
Ben: Sure...no wait, let's do it in 45. It'll be closer to the end of the episode and be more exciting that way.
Eric: Sounds like a plan!

Classic 24.


Watching this without the allure of Kiefer Sutherland really underlines how stupid it can be, but I love it.
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