Well that was an odd way to end the finale. Very not-24 like.
This is how they choose to end the season...
This is how they choose to end the season...
So Donovan changed suddenly his mind because... of what exactly ?
I'm just really happy Tony Almeida was back and did lots of shit.
I understand that logic, it just hurts when you remember how 24 ended in the first 8 seasons (forget Live Another Day).Better to leave no "hook" loose ends if they're going on a year-long (or longer) hiatus. I'm honestly glad they didn't tie Jack Bauer into it when his predicament could potentially go unanswered again.
So Donovan changed suddenly his mind because... of what exactly ?
This is the Bauer-defenestration moment of the season. it was just awesome.
I love how Carter and Andy are a team now. Like Jack and Chloe.
And Keith had the best moment of the season with that takedown.
I'm guessing he realised that Simms was right about the effects that the East July details coming out would have on Ingram after hearing about Simms' suicide
So I just realized something. After Mullins's chokehold takedown...we never saw that guy again. He was unconscious for the entire finale. Mullins should be tapped for UFC for that.
The whole kidnapping operation was her ideaAlso, I never understood any of the stuff the Senator was worried about for Rebecca. She had nothing to do with the daughters kidnapping, that was all DCI guy.
Coral Peña‏ @fakecoralpena 29m29 minutes ago
And that's it on season 1 of #24legacy. Love all the fans and hope to see you all again next year. #MarianaStiles over and out. @24fox
Wait, there's more next year????
Terrible. Don't bother coming back 24 if this is all you've got.
So Donovan changed suddenly his mind because... of what exactly ?
Waste of Tony. The entire season I mean, not necessarily this episode.
Yeah wtf.
There are so many loose ends and unanswered questions here:
This season was weak. Tony's return was weak. Just bleh. These 12 episode seasons have done nothing to make them better than the original 24 episode format. The time jumps are so awkward and pointless. I'm just... disappointed.
Andy recovered the laptop with the sleeper cells list when escaping from the terrorists compound, so we can guess that the CTU probably have arrested, are arresting or will arrest all of them.-What happened to all the other terrorist cells?
But, but, what happens to Masuka? Does he get to tweak the server with SQL?
Coral Peña‏ @fakecoralpena 29m29 minutes ago
And that's it on season 1 of #24legacy. Love all the fans and hope to see you all again next year. #MarianaStiles over and out. @24fox
Wait, there's more next year????
So who was the CTU mole? If it was supposed to the intelligence officer guy that doesn't make sense because he supposedly did everything under Rebecca's command. Why would she leak information about Carter's squad to get them killed?
lolMasuka comes back as the villain for the next season of 24, and plants SQL bombs all over America which detonate with injected code precision as the firewalls of America are breached by dilithium crystals injected directly into the warp nacells of Homeland security. In the final showdown, he keeps choking out Mullins but lets him back up but is shot dead by our mysterious hero, who turns out to be ... Edgar Stiles, who faked his own death.
I >think< Senator Bail Organa decided to cover everything up and run for President because if he came out with the truth Rebecca would have been smeared as a rogue agent who did unspeakable things. Which again, doesn't really make much sense to me. I guess I missed a scene where Rebecca was the one who was behind EVERYTHING including kidnapping Naseri's daughter, but honestly in the grand scheme of things thats a pretty minor horrific event for the public to absorb, especially given that she was alive and not murdered and the fact that drone strikes and bombs kills hundreds of civilians (including wedding parties) every year with pretty much zero response from the public. I mean, we just dropped the biggest bomb in the world in Afghanistan and I have seen NOTHING about collateral damage or any interest from anyone to find out.
It also doesn't make any sense that she never tells Carter once, especially on their long 20 minute drive over to meet the son/Naseri, that "hey by the way Naseri's daughter is alive and she is HERE and if things go sideways you should totally use her!" It feels like it was a last minute change to the script.
Andy recovered the laptop with the sleeper cells list when escaping from the terrorists compound, so we can guess that the CTU probably have arrested, are arresting or will arrest all of them.
The only leak was the father-in-law and the uncle. There actually wasn't a mole in CTU this time.
Originally it was going to be pretty generic, a new character who was going to be called in and be the face of this team. Then the inspiration hit: Why not make it Almeida? He's the perfect man to be hired for this. Once that clicked, it became perfect, to put Almeida up against Carter. Is Almeida going to go through with his mission? Because he doesn't know that [Rebecca's life is at stake], and the irony was too sweet, the idea that he doesn't know that if he stops Carter, the woman he loved might die as a result.
I thought there had to be a mole at CTU for the terrorists to know where to abduct Carter's wife and brother in the hood.
Tony was the reason I watched this season and his role was disappointing.
I enjoyed the season and new cast a lot. Hoping for a season 2.
By the way according to this interview-we're right. They originally wrote Tony's role as some new character and at the last minute said "hey we could make this Tony Almaeida."