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3 years in and still no widespread Gamecube Piracy

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Hmmm.... the combination of proprietry media, effort required, game quality and competition availability has more to do with the 'success' of the lack of piracy on the GC then the encryption that Nintendo has used... probably.

Ironic tho that, piracy actually probably helps (with word of mouth and viral marketing).
Gek54 said:


Yes, there is widespread piracy for anyone with a broadband adapter and PSO disc. It's a cruddy hack, but it's quite freely available.

The funny thing is, Nintendo's use of proprietary media meant they ended up being seen as a "second choice system" after the two DVD-enabled consoles.......and their attach rate is still lower than the competition. Meanwhile, the games seem to be more expensive by and large. "Great Job Nintendo!!!!" Thanks for helping to prove the ESA and anti-piracy organizations wrong ;)
i wouldn't call it widespread ... i have seen alot of people say how they swear they wasted their money buying a BBA and PSO on ebay because "streaming sucks" ... it's pretty funny ...


I don't care how hard it is to pirate if it doesn't mean cheaper game prices for me.

And to say that people don't want to pirate it is a little blind. They're trying. PSO is all they got.


Property of Microsoft said:
It's because they dont have anything worth stealing. And 5 year olds dont know encryption, and how to beat it, yet.

you should have stayed on ign xbox.

too many juniors..


Gek54 said:
GC games are not the same media mini DVDs?

Can DVD writers write from the outside in? if so, then they might be.

But I thought they were proprietary in that they don't have the same ratio for pit length?
To everyone that quoted me then wrote some pithy 4 word reply about banning me or about junior member status : Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

If I didnt write it there were five other people waiting to. Hell, people still wrote shit like that after I did.

Thanks for using your brains. Oh wait.....


You know, those Matsushita burner's that are required to burn the mini DVD-R's were available, I did a google and found a price list with it on it (don't ask me what the model number is for the burner, lost it now) but I think it was a SCSI model, that's about all I can remember.

I guess this is what could have been used to burn those discs that are running around HK and other places where they are available (Malaysia?), although you need a Panasonic Q to run them.

Streaming through the BBA works as well, for some games better than others.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Property of Microsoft said:
To everyone that quoted me then wrote some pithy 4 word reply about banning me or about junior member status : Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

If I didnt write it there were five other people waiting to. Hell, people still wrote shit like that after I did.

Thanks for using your brains. Oh wait.....

so far you are the only one who has blatantly trolled this thread.

fuckety fuck fuck.


golem said:
Hmm .. similar installed bases + games that are supposedly in demand + very low rates of piracy = lower sales than xbox?

kinda goes against the piracy hurts software sales theory?
Actually, worldwide GameCube has slightly more software sales overall, despite the slightly smaller userbase. You can probably thank Europe for that. ;)

Link316 said:
the PS2 and Xbox both have higher attach rates, so despite the piracy Sony & MS are still selling more games
In the USA sure, but this is a world market.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
border said:
The funny thing is, Nintendo's use of proprietary media meant they ended up being seen as a "second choice system" after the two DVD-enabled consoles.......
among college kids maybe, but adults (who probably owned a DVD player already) either for themselves or for their kids, GCN was just as viable as the other two. if you are using your XBox or PS2 for a DVD player, I pitty you.

and their attach rate is still lower than the competition.
only in the US..

Meanwhile, the games seem to be more expensive by and large.
aside from player's choice there is no backing for this statement.

The point is that Nintendo DID make a point, that piracy can be stopped. I think they also showed that when it comes down to is, MS and Sony are in FAVOR of piracy. Before you start flaming me, hear this.

Sony used the EXACT same method of territorial and licensed media lockout that they used on the PS1. They HAD TO know that it would be cracked in a VERY short amount of time. And MS.. well let's face it.. if all you are using is a bit offset encrypted filesystem on a standard DVD, it WILL be cracked. So you have to ask yourself, why did MS and Sony put systems out that were fairly easy to crack and Nintendo put a system out that is virtually impossible to crack (and currently impossible unless you go to ebay for the original PSO)?

Well, I won't answer that question, but I will point to strong sales in the US and Europe of those boxes, and increased sales of the systems AFTER mods were available. look at XBox's strong sales surge in the US and look at the release of the first bert and ernie font exploit and I think you will agree that coincidence is a pretty nice way of saying it.

So to answer, YES, I think manufacturers do WANT "controlled" piracy. They want piracy that is just enough to boost sales and look good on paper but not enough that it is actually hurting their business..

as an side example, let's look at MS.. They cry and cry that millions of copies of windows and office are pirated each year and that piracy is a threat and must be stamped out.....

but do they exclude those pirated copies when releasing numbers on the install bases for windows and office????


Actually, could we get overall software sales for GC, PS2 & Xbox? I can find GC & PS2 but not Xbox...

PS2: 572,000,000
GC: 115,240,000
GBA: 201,270,000 (for fun)

edit~ With some fuzzy math we can get the American Xbox numbers (10M consoles x 6.8 attach ratio) of around 68,000,000 in software for roughly 2/3's of Xbox's market. Given the high piracy in PAL regions and literally almost no Asian market, it's entirely possible that Xbox hasn't broken 100M for software even. :/


(more a nerd than a geek)
Stryder said:
I guess this is what could have been used to burn those discs that are running around HK and other places where they are available (Malaysia?), although you need a Panasonic Q to run them.

The "Panasonic Q Piracy" thing is just an old rumor that was never proven to be true. As far as I know, the Q contains a different laser setup for GameCube games and for the DVD player, and it's impossible to get the GC function to work over the "standard" drive. Lots of cute faked pictures appeared about a year ago, though.
quadriplegicjon said:
was that in this thread? i think we are all talking about your first response..

plus its quite funny how mad you got when you were called on it. :)

Actually, Im disappointed because no one here looks like they can take a joke, (which my first response obviously was). Their too busy sucking Nintendo's dick. Spray that sunshine on my face Mario, you are the best!


Property of Microsoft said:
Actually, Im disappointed because no one here looks like they can take a joke, (which my first response obviously was). Their too busy sucking Nintendo's dick. Spray that sunshine on my face Mario, you are the best!

if anything people like to bash Nintendo, so we don't need any more of your trolling.
Kleegamefan said:
P.S. Since when were Nintendo's games low demand???

Oh, since around the launch of Gamecube. Lower franchise title and hardware unit sales than N64 and all (and SNES and NES before).


DJ Demon J said:
Oh, since around the launch of Gamecube. Lower franchise title and hardware unit sales than N64 and all (and SNES and NES before).
Well, not much can sell in line with Mario 64 (pretty much only GTA3/VC and Pokemon RuSa have this generation). GameCube's still the second place console when it comes to software sales though, like N64. ;)


borghe said:
aside from player's choice there is no backing for this statement.
The games in general don't lower in price as quickly as counterparts on other systems, and it takes much longer for hits to join the Player's Choice Library. Even with the "equal" prices, it still totally undermines the anti-piracy argument because the cost of games is the same as systems with more common piracy. Same deal with the attach rate -- even if it was as high as the other two systems, it should technically be higher if we are to believe that lack of piracy means significantly better software sales.

The point is that Nintendo DID make a point, that piracy can be stopped.
The larger point is that piracy can be stopped, but only when you sacrifice important features (ethernet/DVD) that would have made your system more marketable. And even when you stop it, game sales and prices are largerly unaffected.

Microsoft and Sony obviously have made the better choice -- doing everything possible to make piracy difficult, but not pushing it to the extent that it harms the feature set of the system itself.
jarrod said:
Does it count as a "Nintendo Troll" when you simply agree with someone else's troll?

I'm sure you would like it to....

Last time I was banned, I simply quoted part of drohne's post ("mario is driving, mario is golfing, mario is gay") and put IAWTP and was banned. Wouldn't surprise me if Mike Works or the Nintendo mafia behind moderation had their hackles raised over this one.
DJ Demon J said:
I'm sure you would like it to....

Last time I was banned, I simply quoted part of drohne's post ("mario is driving, mario is golfing, mario is gay") and put IAWTP and was banned. Wouldn't surprise me if Mike Works or the Nintendo mafia behind moderation had their hackles raised over this one.

This guy's my new best friend.
jarrod said:
I already did. Please prove me wrong. :)

You didn't add full Xbox numbers worldwide, you estimated. Until you've got proof that worldwide GCN software sales have surpassed worldwide XBX sales, your assertion is false.
Property of Microsoft said:
This guy's my new best friend.

Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but you thought Metroid Prime was one of the best games of the year...I just can't hang with that. But excellent anti-Nintendo truth otherwise! :D


DJ Demon J said:
You didn't add full Xbox numbers worldwide, you estimated. Until you've got proof that worldwide GCN software sales have surpassed worldwide XBX sales, your assertion is false.
Available evidence puts GameCube ahead of Xbox (unless you figure for some reason European, Australian, Japanese and Korean Xbox owners are buying proportionately more software than Americans and Canadians). My claim isn't outright false, it's the most likely conclusion actually. Unless you can prove otherwise? The most likely outcome is...

01 PlayStation 2 software
02 GameCube software
03 Xbox software
04 Dreamcast software

...until anyone can bring evidence suggesting to the contrary. Good luck, DeeJay!


DJ Demon J said:
I'm sure you would like it to....
Heh, a troll's a troll the way I see it. I can see why you wouldn't agree though.

DJ Demon J said:
Last time I was banned, I simply quoted part of drohne's post ("mario is driving, mario is golfing, mario is gay") and put IAWTP and was banned. Wouldn't surprise me if Mike Works or the Nintendo mafia behind moderation had their hackles raised over this one.
Ha! If anything the moderation around here has extended you more courtesies than anyone else has ever seen... I still miss m0rphix and Fishie.

"Nintendo Mafia Moderation" must be the new "Liberal Media". ;)


PhatSaqs said:
If the Gamecube had the Microsoft logo on the front the case would be different IMO. Ninty is just low on the pirate totum pole.

Or maybe it has to do with that Nintendo use their own storage medium, and not a standard DVD drive.
DJ Demon J said:
Oh, since around the launch of Gamecube. Lower franchise title and hardware unit sales than N64 and all (and SNES and NES before).

:lol this was a troll? HAHAHA...I love it! Hey, fuck you mods (not you bish, you're the bees knees), here's your last two trolls.

Kon Tiki

DJ Demon J said:
:lol this was a troll? HAHAHA...I love it! Hey, fuck you mods (not you bish, you're the bees knees), here's your last two trolls.

Why dont you trash Canada AND Nintendo. 2 for 1 deal.
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