What "judgmental homophobia"? 1/3 of Washington gay men are infected with HIV. One third. Even though informations about HIV are nowadays commonly available and means to protect oneself are easy to get. I'm not saying that everyone who are infected with HIV is guilty of recklessnes, but c'mon. One third.
And then there are those bugcatchers sites. Guys who willingly want to have sex with HIV positive men.
What judgmental homophobia? Maybe it's the people calling for the imprisonment of HIV positive people who have sex.
I am shocked. I will also never understand why people spread this shit.

Too easy to not to... Of course there is nothing wrong with people that are born with this of course, but people that can protect everyone should fucking do that and if they don't? Put them in prison.
Yeah, that's not reminiscent of Reagan-era discourse about AIDS at all.
Zaptruder gives us a double whammy - collective imputation of responsibility with the added spectre of the perverts infecting the straights.
Yoooooooooooooo. D.C. gay community, get your shit sorted. This is a broader communal health epidemic waiting to happen - especially with bisexuals in the mix.
Honestly horrific that people can be so laissez faire about this issue.
Because I guess it's fine if gay people are spreading the disease, but if they staqrt to spread it to the innocent straights, then we have a problem.
How about that old chestnut of the bugchasers?
I hate myself and I hate you. I mean, I knew about bug chasers but I didn't realise that there would be a tumblr for russian roullete bug chaser parties where the first video is an anal sex glory hole and you don't even need to sign in or verify your age. I actually feel a little sick in my stomach and these bug chasers blech so fuckig gross It's the fucking sound of it that won't leave me now. Fuck these people.
I won't bore you with a detailed sexual history, but suffice it to say that if bugchasing was anything like a real phenmenon out in the real world, I'd know about it. A roleplaying site I've been using for years has a pre-selected list of kinks one can add to the profile, and it's pretty extensive - over 200 if I recall correctly. Bugchasing isn't anywhere to be seen. In years of using the site I can think of the number of profiles that have mentioned it on one hand - and that on a fantasy roleplaying site. And no, judging by the other pre-selected kinks on the list, they're not shying away from it because it's controversial.
Meanwhile, there are about a million straights that are kinking on risk of pregnancy, and people of all orientations that are kinking on some sort of danger. And that's fine - fantasy is fantasy, porn is porn, roleplay is roleplay. Nothing wrong with exploring darker themes in that, whether that's blowing a guy's head off in Doom or liking bareback porn. But the vast majority of gamers aren't going to shoot up a mall and the vast majority of even the tiny minority of gay men that do get off on the fantasy aren't going to run around having unprotected sex for that reason. To act as if such people have a noticable effect on HIV infection rates is simply homophobia.
I guess what really rankles is the notion that it's those people *over there* that are doing risky shit and putting *me* at risk when, y'know, it takes two to tango. This pops up most often in the rhetoric around bisexual men or men on the down-low. Straight women are supposed to be relatively safe from HIV, so if they do get infected, it has to be the bi guy's fault. For whatever reason, no one thinks to admonish the straight woman for having unprotected sex with a population they know to be more likely to have HIV.
For my part, I've never had unprotected anal sex, and I never intend to. That's partially because I lean poly, but even in the monogamous relationships I've had I haven't budged on that. If, despite those precautions, I wind up positive I'm not going to blame my partner for being irresponsible. I know the risks, and I'm not going to pretend that I'm completely safe just because I'm being a good queer by using protection all the time. I just wish everyone else would get with the program.