My "prerogative" is having a working game on launch day. Why is that so hard for you to understand? If 343 is allowed to release a busted-ass game on launch day, I'm allowed to complain about it, considering I spent sixty-five dollars on it. Simple.Your "outrage" and "demands" also read as a parody of the sterotypical Angry Gamer, I would say is most unfortunate it is not in fact a joke, would be a quite funny one.
As I said It is hard not to come out as an apologist fanboy, but I can't even imagine the logistic nightmare it was to adapt if not to re develop the netcode for 4 different massive games into a single unified package.
If 2-3 days of busted MM make your purchase "not worth it", well that is your prerogative, I sure know I'm gonna be playing this for a loooooong time.
And the problems aren't just server-side. People are having issues with their solo campaign saving, their HUD glitching out, their consoles freezing, the list goes on.