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343i Matchmaking / Launch Issues Update


Junior Member
Your "outrage" and "demands" also read as a parody of the sterotypical Angry Gamer, I would say is most unfortunate it is not in fact a joke, would be a quite funny one.

As I said It is hard not to come out as an apologist fanboy, but I can't even imagine the logistic nightmare it was to adapt if not to re develop the netcode for 4 different massive games into a single unified package.

If 2-3 days of busted MM make your purchase "not worth it", well that is your prerogative, I sure know I'm gonna be playing this for a loooooong time.
My "prerogative" is having a working game on launch day. Why is that so hard for you to understand? If 343 is allowed to release a busted-ass game on launch day, I'm allowed to complain about it, considering I spent sixty-five dollars on it. Simple.

And the problems aren't just server-side. People are having issues with their solo campaign saving, their HUD glitching out, their consoles freezing, the list goes on.
Battlefield 4 and Driveclub have been bested. Terrible launch. How the game was allowed to ship in this state is beyond unconscionable

You can't be serious?

Driveclub has no online 30 days after release. MCC has launched for 3 days and online is actually playable for a bunch of people.

I wonder how people in this thread deal with MMOs...


For all we know that's probably what they did.

I don't think they did. At least half of the issues aren't server related to test real life conditions and are weird software problems e.g., freezing after a match, separating parties, etc., that wouldve benefited from a large scale MS and 343 beta.


Whole game is completely fucked.

What an absolute disaster.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who bought the console specially for this game.

The real shame is that when this thing does work, its fantastic.

MS pissing off a lot of people with this shit show of a game.
Two of my friends sold their 360s to get Xbones and are pretty pissed. Even CoD we can't play together because they live in the same house and for some reason they can't have two people in the same game on separate Xbox ones. Worked on 360 but not with the One, they mad.


Two of my friends sold their 360s to get Xbones and are pretty pissed. Even CoD we can't play together because they live in the same house and for some reason they can't have two people in the same game on Xbox one. Worked on 360 but not with the One, they mad.
That's not true


Launch day, launch week and launch month are paramount. Ideally you want everything working for launch day when everyone forms their lasting opinions of the game. That hasn't gone so well, with large portions of the game either being glitchy or unplayable.

They really need to get boots to asses and get these issues fixed. If this goes on for a few days, it's just going to kill all the hype, nostalgia and momentum they had going.

Right now for me, campaign coop crashed for me and disconnected from host. Matchmaking is literally unplayable. My last match was a 3v2 on Beaver Creek in H2 which caused a host migration and ended the match far too early. Then, I was put into a 4v3 on Stonetown and when the match started I was the only one. Achievements aren't working at all. There are small bugs like 1th place, problems renaming H4 loadouts, party joining is so laggy we have to often have several guys exit out of the game, quit it in the UI, and join from the friends list. Rosters are disappearing or don't show, if party leader backs out, no one goes with him, can't promote someone else to party leader, you can literally boot people at random from inside matches. Even customs are having trouble working now. The game is a mess.
It's quite unfortunate that you're being serious right now.

So you'd rather complain impotently than do something about it?

That's fine. I'd personally vote with my wallet and let them know exactly why I want a refund and how unacceptable it is to have these kinds of problems.

That would be right thing to do if you care about rights as a consumer.

How would you get a refund if you bought digital, or heck, I'm pretty sure you can't get a refund on physical copies either

Contact MS? They are open to giving refunds if the game doesn't work as intended.

If its a physical copy, the same should apply. Everyone should still be in their 7 days return promise.

I liked it better when you were a sarcastic bastard. At least we didn't have to deal with an apologist. The issue is the same, it doesn't work as advertised. You might be able to play online via other methods but a lot of people only want to use matchmaking. What are those people supposed to do?

And for what its worth I actually managed to play driveclub online during the 1st weekend after launch. If you were lucky enough to get on the servers then you could play since they were working on a 1 in 1 out basis initially. That didn't make it ok.

Apologist for not seeing how this is comparable to the extensive problems faced by DC and BF4?

Don't be so silly.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
My "prerogative" is having a working game on launch day. Why is that so hard for you to understand? If 343 is allowed to release a busted-ass game on launch day, I'm allowed to complain about it, considering I spent sixty-five dollars on it. Simple.

And the problems aren't just server-side. People are having issues with their solo campaign saving, their HUD glitching out, their consoles freezing, the list goes on.

The game is having issues, we understand that. Repeatedly saying so won't get it fixed faster, or retroactively fix it. You wanted a working game day one and it didn't happen, are in you going to keep complaining about that? At least complain about the ongoing issues, or return it.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Battlefield 4 and Driveclub have been bested. Terrible launch. How the game was allowed to ship in this state is beyond unconscionable
It isn't even the worst launch of November 11, 2014. Nothing is going to touch BF4 in terms of being a bug ridden mess of a shooter for a long, long time.
I seriously don't know how people can say shit like this with a straight face. Having issues for 3 days is a far better scenario than having issues for 3 months. It's not even close to the same thing.

10 years ago, I bought Halo 2, came home, stuck it in my Xbox, didn't have to download a gigantic ass update, and was playing MP with my friends by 12:45am with zero issues.

This time of year with so many games coming out at once, you can lose a user base with a launch this botched. 72 hours will kill off a lot of people.


Junior Member
The game is having issues, we understand that. Repeatedly saying so won't get it fixed faster, or retroactively fix it. You wanted a working game day one and it didn't happen, are in you going to keep complaining about that? At least complain about the ongoing issues, or return it.
Welcome to NeoGAF. I notice you've been here four (whole) months!

I do believe I have complained about features that have not worked. Here, let me repost it for you.

"And the problems aren't just server-side. People are having issues with their solo campaign saving, their HUD glitching out, their consoles freezing, the list goes on."

And no, I'm not going to return the game. Halo 2 is one of my all time favorite games, and I took work off just to play it. It should be working, because they released it. Very simple to understand, but maybe you'd like it written out in crayon.
Based 343. I'm glad I didn't get this at launch. Hopefully Microsoft and 343 realize the importance of launching a massive fix and redeeming themselves ASAP.

I'd think some concessions should be made to the people who have bought/played the game at launch. It should be easy to scrape the database to see who applies (i.e. everyone who bought the game digitally at or before launch, or everyone who has an achievement in the launch week - the second stipulation helps disc owners become a part of any concessions).

Again, based 343, because it looks like they will try to fix the major issues affecting this game's abysmal launch. But it's not acceptable that people can spend $60-$70 for a game that was essentially in a broken state. Hopefully in one month MCC will be a rock solid package - but for the people who expected a rock solid package TODAY, and spent their hard-earned money accordingly, I think some concessions should be made.

What the F is with the "based" business that I'm seeing more and more here? Is it like some Asian gamer reference of the "such - much" ilk? Seems kinda lame, all things considered...

Monster Zero

Junior Member
Welcome to NeoGAF. I notice you've been here four (whole) months!

I do believe I have complained about features that have not worked. Here, let me repost it for you.

"And the problems aren't just server-side. People are having issues with their solo campaign saving, their HUD glitching out, their consoles freezing, the list goes on."

And no, I'm not going to return the game. Halo 2 is one of my all time favorite games, and I took work off just to play it. It should be working, because they released it. Very simple to understand, but maybe you'd like it written out in crayon.

Welcome to NeoGAF. I notice you've been here four (whole) months!

I do believe I have complained about features that have not worked. Here, let me repost it for you.

"And the problems aren't just server-side. People are having issues with their solo campaign saving, their HUD glitching out, their consoles freezing, the list goes on."

And no, I'm not going to return the game. Halo 2 is one of my all time favorite games, and I took work off just to play it. It should be working, because they released it. Very simple to understand, but maybe you'd like it written out in crayon.

And what do people usually do when they buy something and it doesn't work?

Sure, it should work, but it doesn't. So regardless of how much you love Halo 2, why would you willingly keep something that doesn't work?

I'm not buying MCC until the issues are resolved and I am crazy hyped to play Halo 2 MP again. I've also told all my friends to hold off on buying it as well.

Your stance on this is baffling. You could take action but choose not to...


At least they have a sincere sounding amd timely PR statement, unlike a certain other game. Hopefully this stuff is fixed soon, but judging by the many issues, I am doubting it will all be fixed by the weekend.

Something tells me they knew of at least a portion of these issues before launch but had to meet their deadline. Shame for the players and it sucks that we arw wasting our time.

After this, Driveclub, and Assasin's Creed I hope more games get delayed if it means they actually work.
This is rather annoying, hopefully with the Halo 5 beta being this early that launch will be smooth.

I figured out a couple of things while playing last night.

Friends will not appear on roster if they are in game, I had to tell them to go to main menu and when they did they popped up in roster.

The party leader when trying to change playlists or maps from another game instead of pressing B which takes you back and drops your party, press View(Back) instead that way you get a prompt to bring your party with you and change modes.

Hope these tips help meanwhile :)


While its disappointing to not play the Matchmaking online on release day its only the morning of day two and they seem fixing issues quickly and remaining transparent with the community about them, Ive gotta say I had some of the most fun i've had in months of video gaming playing custom games last night ('haven't really played customs since halo 2'). I'm confident they will have most of the major issues ironed out by tonight and the rest patched by the weeks end lets not over-react now.
If you get the chance play some H:2a Ricochet on BloodLine with Gungooses on map its hilarious
Good to see day one users were just beta testing this mess. Hopefully I can actually play it later

This lol. Same here.

Also where is all that CLOUD POWAH now? They can't even make matchmaking work with their own first party game, and they were thinking about offloading physics to Cloud for better performance. LOL.


Junior Member
This lol. Same here.

Also where is all that CLOUD POWAH now? They can't even make matchmaking work with their own first party game, and they were thinking about offloading physics to Cloud for better performance. LOL.

I don't think it's a server overload issue. You've got 4 different games in one package, all attempted to be brought together into one matchmaking interface etc. You can test all you want internally but if you know anything about network programming as soon as you dump 10's/100's of thousands of people online, cracks start to appear.

Yes maybe they should have beta tested it somehow, but they've been actively communicating and working on the issue - you can't ask for much else. Most devs these days just stay quiet and frustrate the customers, 343 genuinely seem to be keeping us in the loop. As long as the major problems are resolved within a fairly short time period it's not the worst thing in the world. If it's another Driveclub situation then I'll be the first to get fired up about it. As it stands, the game has been out just over 24 hours.


Battlefield 4 and Driveclub have been bested. Terrible launch. How the game was allowed to ship in this state is beyond unconscionable

No way. That's jumping the gun a bit IMO. I'll start to compare it to those games if things aren't straightend out by next week (but even then it still wouldn't compare much since both of those games had major problems for weeks).


Can recall some iffy launch day online issues for a couple of the 360 Halo games, but this is shaping up to be the shittiest Halo launch to date from the sounds of it.

Driveclub has no online 30 days after release. MCC has launched for 3 days and online is actually playable for a bunch of people.

Actually, from my understanding this is how it has been for Driveclub as well. If that's the bar that MCC is currently sitting at though... well...


What the F is with the "based" business that I'm seeing more and more here? Is it like some Asian gamer reference of the "such - much" ilk? Seems kinda lame, all things considered...

"Based", when written before a person/place/thing/organization, is used to say that person/place/thing/organization is awesome. So I was giving 343 kudos for responding regarding this mess of a launch.

Here are two examples:

Based Naughty Dog - I just finished The Last Of Us yesterday and I was completely blown away when Ellie said to Joel "You know, we really are the last of us."


I won't say Based Nintendo just quite yet, because although Mewtwo DLC coming in Spring 2005 is quite awesome, we still should never forget that Ridley has been relegated to nothing more than background decoration.


Can recall some iffy launch day online issues for a couple of the 360 Halo games, but this is shaping up to be the shittiest Halo launch to date from the sounds of it.

Actually, from my understanding this is how it has been for Driveclub as well. If that's the bar that MCC is currently sitting at though... well...

The true test is the test of time... however. Let's see what happens in the next 72 hours.

And honestly Battlefield 4 is worse. I think the updates made that game more unstable for me, and the blurriness (also patched in IIRC) caused by the Commander's EMP made me stop playing outright.

Getting headaches while gaming is simply an order of magnitude worse than anything Halo: MCC can muster.


You can't be serious?

Driveclub has no online 30 days after release. MCC has launched for 3 days and online is actually playable for a bunch of people.

I wonder how people in this thread deal with MMOs...

No online? I just did 10 races in a row online without any problems.

People are overreacting in driveclubs case.

The base game works, the online modes is bugged but I can always get into races and when it works I just stay in the lobby and am able to race online consistently.
lol, matchmaking is slow for 1 day (so far) after launch, fuck this fuck that fucking fuck. Everything works fine for me. Game is fantastic with slow match making for 4 days, calm your shit.


People are trying so hard to make this like the Driveclub debacle. But alas 343 are going the other way by responding to it as soon as they can and giving timeframes for fixes.
You can't be serious?

Driveclub has no online 30 days after release. MCC has launched for 3 days and online is actually playable for a bunch of people.

I wonder how people in this thread deal with MMOs...
Drive club also had online working for some users from launch and my friends still able to play few races everyday. Drive club issue was with sessions so many users could not connect due to load balance. I agree drive club online was worse than current mcc issues but your point of no Online is false.
what's about Halo that makes people so #concerned???

Come on now, most of the complaints aren't concern trolling, even if they are overly hyperbolic. People are upset that they bought something that doesn't work, and that's perfectly ok. Just like consumers were upset with BF4 and DC, and any other game that doesn't work properly at launch.


lol, matchmaking is slow for 1 day (so far) after launch, fuck this fuck that fucking fuck. Everything works fine for me. Game is fantastic with slow match making for 4 days, calm your shit.

agree with you, what are all these people going on about 4 days for you can't really complain about not being able to play match making on a game you have early these people are crazy
We've been trying for the last several hours, it either doesn't work or immediately kicks one of them out of the game

I know someone who had a friend come over to his house. Each of them had an Xbox one and their own TV, hooked up to the same router and internet connection, and I was able to play Halo MCC with them launch day (when it worked which wasn't often).

This depends on your network settings but with a good quality router that supports UPnP and without any dmz or manual port forwarding set up, it should work. MS has a good network troubleshooting guide on their support site that can be used as well.
lol, matchmaking is slow for 1 day (so far) after launch, fuck this fuck that fucking fuck. Everything works fine for me. Game is fantastic with slow match making for 4 days, calm your shit.

agree with you, what are all these people going on about 4 days for you can't really complain about not being able to play match making on a game you have early these people are crazy

It's not just matchmaking, check the OT, there are numerous bugs. Even if 343 fixes them right away, it's not outrageous for some to be upset that something they bought doesn't work as advertised


More infuriating than the matchmaking for me last night was trying to quickly send messages and invites to fellow Gaffers. The One's UI is so desperately slow and unresponsive. And why does it take up so much real estate on the screen (i.e. all of it)? They basically nailed this stuff with the 360 almost 10 years ago, and now it's just...ugh.
More infuriating than the matchmaking for me last night was trying to quickly send messages and invites to fellow Gaffers. The One's UI is so desperately slow and unresponsive. And why does it take up so much real estate on the screen (i.e. all of it)? They basically nailed this stuff with the 360 almost 10 years ago, and now it's just...ugh.

I find that it's easier to send messages through the smartglass application. If you have an android, iOS, or windows phone or tablet, download "XBOX ONE SmartGlass" and you can send and receive messages through it without having to pause and bring up the slower Xbox messaging UI.

(I hope in some future release of the Xbox OS they add voice messages or even dictation back in, it doesn't work great right now to send messages through the console since I don't have a ChatPad or USB keyboard...)


I find that it's easier to send messages through the smartglass application. If you have an android, iOS, or windows phone or tablet, download "XBOX ONE SmartGlass" and you can send and receive messages through it without having to pause and bring up the slower Xbox messaging UI.

(I hope in some future release of the Xbox OS they add voice messages or even dictation back in, it doesn't work great right now to send messages through the console since I don't have a ChatPad or USB keyboard...)
Yeah, I did start downloading that on my Android phone yesterday, but I didn't have enough storage available so I just slammed it down and started weeping instead.

I'll give it another go tonight, though. If customs are at least working by then feel free to add me: RamBoleyn.


People are overreacting in driveclubs case.

Lol, jesus. This has to be the most inaccurate thing I've read online in a LONG time.

I actually laughed out loud.

I've been able to get a game going with my "club" ONCE since launch. Sony wont refund my digital copy either.


Quoting myself from the HaloGAF OT:

I don't understand why Halo 2 campaign resets to last checkpoint, if you or your co-op buddy dies. It's like having the Iron skull permamently on and it's pretty annoying.

Was it this way, when Halo 2 came out on Xbox?

Anybody know if this is a bug or if it's supposed to be like this?
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