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343i Matchmaking / Launch Issues Update


It is working for a lot of players. The only thing that doesn't work is match making. Custom Games Work and complete single player works.
So they key component that halo series is best known for... Matchmaking is not working.. Lol c'mon man, that is not good, don't soften the blow

Where is the God- Phil Spencer?
This dude should have had an charismatic /humble tweet out by now. Only good thing is, it won't have any damage to sales. Not everyone reads the Internet like we do


You can't be serious?

Driveclub has no online 30 days after release. MCC has launched for 3 days and online is actually playable for a bunch of people.

I wonder how people in this thread deal with MMOs...

You can't be serious ? Driveclub's online is working at the moment (not perfectly stable, but it's working) and it's been functional since 2 weeks.


People are trying so hard to make this like the Driveclub debacle. But alas 343 are going the other way by responding to it as soon as they can and giving timeframes for fixes.

As did Evolution. Regular status updates via Facebook and sadly they cannot fix the issue so fast as the entire netcode has to be rewritten.

Its awesome how people are quick to bash om Driveclub. I did a bunch of online races this morning without any issues whatsoever.


Lol, jesus. This has to be the most inaccurate thing I've read online in a LONG time.

I actually laughed out loud.

I've been able to get a game going with my "club" ONCE since launch. Sony wont refund my digital copy either.

Really? Maybe you should boot it up more often then. As I play the game daily.

My club is lvl 26 and there are 5 other people in it. I myself have just hit lvl 44. This morning I was racing online without issues. Only when traffic is really high ( after 6 in europe ) when connecting gets tougher and more matchmaking errors occur. Aside from that every time I boot the game up Im connected to my club and am able to go into multiplayer matchmaking.

Sony refunded my digital copy of Destiny so if I were you I'd just try again. Not sure why you would want a refund as the base singleplayer game is amazing and works. Mp will be improved once the netcode patch is out.


Gold Member
- There should be an option to turn off (or at least lower the volume of) the menu music. It used to be only in the main menu

This! I fucking loathe the Halo music now. I had the game since Saturday amd listening to the music over and over and over again while waiting for the game drives me crazy. I really hope they add the option to turn the music in the menu/lobby screen.


because you are the only one who bought it.

on a second note, how is the game online ? is it fun and does it have a replay value online ? or just some missions once you are done that's it ?

It really depends on if you like Halo's MP. If matchmaking (playlists/map settings/gametype settings) is done right, it will have tons of replayability for me.


Just had a couple of MP matches on H2A TS

Smooth connection and no problem finding games (last night it didn't work at all)
Anyone trying to say this is like Driveclub's launch clearly didn't own Driveclub at launch, or are such myopic fanboys that they are incapable of accurately assessing the situation.

If 343i are disabling features, operating a one in-one out policy on connecting to servers, and Phil Spencer is apologising on Facebook in a months time, then you can compare them.
So they key component that halo series is best known for... Matchmaking is not working.. Lol c'mon man, that is not good, don't soften the blow

Where is the God- Phil Spencer?
This dude should have had an charismatic /humble tweet out by now. Only good thing is, it won't have any damage to sales. Not everyone reads the Internet like we do

apparently its working now after the server updates. :)


Matchmaking is still slow on my end, I really want to try H2 multiplayer since I never played it back then. :(

As did Evolution. Regular status updates via Facebook and sadly they cannot fix the issue so fast as the entire netcode has to be rewritten.

Its awesome how people are quick to bash om Driveclub. I did a bunch of online races this morning without any issues whatsoever.

One month after the launch of the game, it's kinda expected...


- There should be an option to turn off (or at least lower the volume of) the menu music. It used to be only in the main menu

This! I fucking loathe the Halo music now. I had the game since Saturday amd listening to the music over and over and over again while waiting for the game drives me crazy. I really hope they add the option to turn the music in the menu/lobby screen.
I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.


Matchmaking is still slow on my end, I really want to try H2 multiplayer since I never played it back then. :(

One month after the launch of the game, it's kinda expected...

Uhh yeah but if the netcode has a bug in it thats not discovered during a closed beta its hardly their fault. Its not like they knowingly pushed out a bad product.
Can't believe the reaction we're getting here. Jesus it's only been 2 days. Relax. I understand we paid for a full product and we expect things to work off the bat but shit happens. This reaction is only warranted if this continues for 2 weeks or so. It's a popular product, they couldn't test it properly big deal. At least they are acknowledging it. Some of these doomsday replies are really ridiculous.

welcome to gaf
Uhh yeah but if the netcode has a bug in it thats not discovered during a closed beta its hardly their fault. Its not like they knowingly pushed out a bad product.

Erm, they wrote the netcode so it is their fault.

Obviously it wasn't done knowingly, but that doesn't absolve them of blame


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Since the launch of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, we've received several, well deserved, complaints related to slow matchmaking and other issues. From everyone at 343 Industries, we are truly sorry and feel your frustration. You deserve better and we are working day and night to find solutions as quickly as possible, with our first priority focused on matchmaking improvements.

Tomorrow morning (Wednesday morning Pacific Time) we plan to roll out a number of server updates to help improve matchmaking. Again, these are server-side fixes, so you won't need to take a content update or reboot your console; you should see the effects right away.

In addition, we are targeting another release for this weekend, which will address a number of other community priorities. An unrelated issue with services is also causing achievements to not unlock correctly, and we realize this just makes it all feel a bit worse.

A game as large as Halo: The Master Chief Collection has a massive surface area, and while we made every effort to have the best launch possible for our fans, issues surfaced with launch and we're committed to improving this as fast as possible and get you all into matches. We're committed to improving things as fast as possible so you can have the Halo experience you've been waiting for.

Your feedback has been helpful for us in isolating issues, so please keep the input coming. We thank you for your continued patience and understanding while we work through these challenges. The development team at 343 Industries worked insanely hard to create Halo: The Master Chief Collection for you, and we won't stop until it's worthy of your passion for our franchise.

Dan Ayoub
Executive Producer

Hopefully by end of the day?


Erm, they wrote the netcode so it is their fault.

Obviously it wasn't done knowingly, but that doesn't absolve them of blame

Well if it has a bug in it Im not sure I can blame them. Its not like they wanted the MP to be bugged. And its also not like they pushed it out knowingly.

They responded fast on twitter and facebook, I even had direct contact with Rushy and I know they are working hard to get it fixed.

Yes it sucks but I dont blame them, I feel sorry for such an amazing game getting a bad rep.
welcome to gaf
Seriously what 343 is doing has never been tried before. You're cycling through 4 games, both single player and multiplayer all from one game menu. It's pretty awesome and while i don't dismiss all the problems, i understand the difficulties with trying to manage them all just the same.


Seriously what 343 is doing has never been tried before. You're cycling through 4 games, both single player and multiplayer all from one game menu. It's pretty awesome and while i don't dismiss all the problems, i understand the difficulties with trying to manage them all just the same.

We need something to bitch about.

MM issue sucks though


Are you guys new to halo?

That's supposed to mean??? They hammered home the point that it would be 60fps and in just two hours with Halo CE I've seen it drop to a crawl. Riding in the warthog is painful. This should be fixed.

edit: Also, no, I've played every Halo game since the first as they released.


That's supposed to mean??? They hammered home the point that it would be 60fps and in just two hours with Halo CE I've seen it drop to a crawl. Riding in the warthog is painful. This should be fixed.

edit: Also, no, I've played every Halo game since the first as they released.

Maybe they didn't say anything about it yet because priorities and stuff, you know.


The problems so far with this game are absolutely nothing compared to the launch of Battlefield 4. I'm sure all issues with this will be resolved pretty quickly, unlike BF4 which took about 6 months!

On a seperate issue, why is BTB now only 12 players? That's not BTB at all! :(

That's my favourite game type and it's a bit rubbish being 6v6.


Maybe they didn't say anything about it yet because priorities and stuff, you know.

It's possible, and I'm hoping that's the case. It's just really disappointing that this wasn't handled pre-release. Online issues always have variables such as server load and everything, but the campaigns....come on.


I dont know why a company wouldn't jump on this upfront. If they had a press release 2 weeks ago that the multiplayer would be unstable for the first week or two, people wouldn't be happy, but at least you avoid all the complaints.


First thing I looked for on the list. Can't believe they might just ignore the horrible performance issues.

Yeah. So far all I've played has been CE's campaign... and yikes. Horrid frame rate issues, especially when driving the warthog. Just nasty shit.
As did Evolution. Regular status updates via Facebook and sadly they cannot fix the issue so fast as the entire netcode has to be rewritten.

Its awesome how people are quick to bash om Driveclub. I did a bunch of online races this morning without any issues whatsoever.

Indeed. The netcode is buggered but I've had Multiplayer working for ages now. All you got to do is play a single event on your own and in that time you are connected and boom, multiplayer is working. And majority of the time it works flawlessy. With no frame drops or technical hiccups.


Welcome to NeoGAF. I notice you've been here four (whole) months!

I do believe I have complained about features that have not worked. Here, let me repost it for you.

"And the problems aren't just server-side. People are having issues with their solo campaign saving, their HUD glitching out, their consoles freezing, the list goes on."

And no, I'm not going to return the game. Halo 2 is one of my all time favorite games, and I took work off just to play it. It should be working, because they released it. Very simple to understand, but maybe you'd like it written out in crayon.

Who gives a flying fuck how long he has been a member. I find it fucking hilarious how some people like yourself get off by how long your tenure has been at a video game forum. No one fucking cares. This game is FAR from the hyperbolic disastor you are making it out to be. I played all night last night with minimal problems.


Who gives a flying fuck how long he has been a member. I find it fucking hilarious how some people like yourself get off by how long your tenure has been at a video game forum. No one fucking cares. This game is FAR from the hyperbolic disastor you are making it out to be. I played all night last night with minimal problems.

It is the forum equivalent of XP based ranking, lol.


People are trying so hard to make this like the Driveclub debacle. But alas 343 are going the other way by responding to it as soon as they can and giving timeframes for fixes.

Yep i noticed as soon as the game launched (for some people), 100 threads got made explaining what an absolute travesty it was. You could smell the 'revenge' a mile off.
Who gives a flying fuck how long he has been a member. I find it fucking hilarious how some people like yourself get off by how long your tenure has been at a video game forum. No one fucking cares. This game is FAR from the hyperbolic disastor you are making it out to be. I played all night last night with minimal problems.

I agree with your statement about length on a forum but the game is broken. Me and a few other guys on here tried to even do a custom game and joining parties locked the game, allowed people to kick each other when we didn't even join the other party and made it take a good hour just to get a party and custom going as the UI is so badly thought out.

That said when we did get games going it was glorious.

No, this happens all the time.

I've been burned way too many times when taking a day off work to play a game on launch. There's always problems.

It also helped that yesterday was "reset day" (tuesday) in Destiny so I had my weekly stuff to do.

But then hopped on MCC for some customs with old friends. 1 Flag Zanzibar. hhhhnnnggg.


Not really a big multiplayer guy (good for those who will be getting a fix though) so I'd like to see fixes for performance in single player instead.


My "prerogative" is having a working game on launch day. Why is that so hard for you to understand? If 343 is allowed to release a busted-ass game on launch day, I'm allowed to complain about it, considering I spent sixty-five dollars on it. Simple.

And the problems aren't just server-side. People are having issues with their solo campaign saving, their HUD glitching out, their consoles freezing, the list goes on.

Get a fucking refund and your sixty-five American dollars back.

People don't think you're crazy for being annoyed with the problems you're having. People think you're crazy for not getting your money back on a product you apparently seem unwilling to forgive regardless of how quickly its issues are resolved.


Get a fucking refund and your sixty-five American dollars back.

People don't think you're crazy for being annoyed with the problems you're having. People think you're crazy for not getting your money back on a product you apparently seem unwilling to forgive regardless of how quickly its issues are resolved.

This seems to be the stance many people are taking, I just shrug it off as venting frustration, they will be online like everyone else once the bugs are worked out
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