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[360] NHL 09 Guild: The Mighty Dyacks of NeoGAF



Please post in this thread, your player details so it can be added to this section. Follow this format (if you don't I won't add it, seriously it saves me time):

GAF Handle - Preferred Position - Player type (ie. Sniper, Playmaker, Dangler, Grinder) - Handedness (righty/lefty)

And then for the OP (not too critical at this point, but nice to have)...

GAF Handle - Player Name - Jersey #

If and when you change these properties, feel free to let me know again.

NOTE: Tell me your PREFERRED POSITION and PLAYERTYPE (ie. the style of play YOU PLAY BEST WITH). Don't worry about too many left wingers or too many snipers at this point, let me know what you are best at, even if we have 30 Left wingers, I'll add you to that list. Once we get feedback from 30-40 players on this team, I'm sure it will be decently rounded, and at THAT POINT we can make changes. Don't mind my all caps, I am not angry, just want to be clear. :)

I'll list them all out, and then we'll see if we're too heavy in a particular department, and then change ourselves to create a balanced team. From this list, we may create sub teams so that they can play more often together to build chemistry.

dollartaco - Center - Grinder - HANDEDNESS
daw840 - Right Wing - Playmaker - Righty
Doytch - Left Defenseman - Offensive Defenseman - Righty
Phthisis/Justegarde - Left Defense - offensive defenseman - Righty
Marvie_3 - LW (2nd choice: RW, 3rd: C) - Playmaker - Right handed
X26 - RW - Sniper - Righty
DoctorWho - Left Point Defensemen - Offensive Defenseman - Righty
purg3 - LEFT WING - SNIPER - Lefty
QVT - Left Wing 1st, Center 2nd - Power Forward Puckhog Who is the End of Passes - Right
sefskillz - Winger or Center, good faceoff stat on grinder so center preferred - Grinder - Righty
FightyF - Right Wing - Offensive Defenseman - LEFT-HANDED
Union Carbine - Right Wing - Sniper - Righty
Sandman42 - RW - PSniper - Righty
SanjuroTsubaki - Left Defenseman - Offensive Defenseman - Righty
SnakeswithLasers - Left Wing - Dangler - righty
woodchuck - Right Defenseman - Defensive Defenseman - Righty

sefskillz - Winger or Center, good faceoff stat on grinder so center preferred - Grinder - Righty
dollartaco - Center - Grinder - HANDEDNESS​

Left Wingers:

Marvie_3 - LW (2nd choice: RW, 3rd: C) - Playmaker - Right handed
QVT - Left Wing 1st, Center 2nd - Power Forward Puckhog Who is the End of Passes - Right
SnakeswithLasers - Left Wing - Dangler - righty
purg3 - LEFT WING - SNIPER - Lefty​

Right Wingers:

X26 - RW - Sniper - Righty
Sandman42 - RW - PSniper - Righty
daw840 - Right Wing - Playmaker - Righty
FightyF - Right Wing - Offensive Defenseman - Righty​

Left Point Defensemen:
Phthisis/Justegarde - Left Defense - offensive defenseman - Righty
SanjuroTsubaki - Left Defenseman - Offensive Defenseman - Righty
Doytch - Left Defenseman - Offensive Defenseman - Righty
DoctorWho - Left Point Defensemen - Offensive Defenseman - Righty​

Right Point Defensemen:
woodchuck - Right Defenseman - Defensive Defenseman - Righty​



I would love to join the league. GT = Sanjuro Tsubaki

Also it's my birthday today. Would be a sweet GAFgift. =)
This thread will make us better as a team. Maybe we will now be able to win more games.

Do we know why some player names are not showing up online in the My Club section?


I definitely think basic hockey strategy needs to go in the OP or second post.

Also, I feel it would be very beneficial for us to form up into rough "teams" of 5 or 6 people that we always play with or practice with so we get to know their tendencies. It will make us a better team if we know how specific players play when we're all on the ice together. Obviously, it won't always work out that those people are online at the same time, but it definitely can't hurt us if there are like 10 people on and half of them always play together anyway.

That said, I'm also open to playing with other people to the team to see where the chemistry lies before we do anything.
Fuck, I came in to play one game tonight and the stupid OTP server is down.

I'll try to get a couple of games in tomorrow night after Terminator.
Phthisis said:
I definitely think basic hockey strategy needs to go in the OP or second post.

Also, I feel it would be very beneficial for us to form up into rough "teams" of 5 or 6 people that we always play with or practice with so we get to know their tendencies. It will make us a better team if we know how specific players play when we're all on the ice together. Obviously, it won't always work out that those people are online at the same time, but it definitely can't hurt us if there are like 10 people on and half of them always play together anyway.

That said, I'm also open to playing with other people to the team to see where the chemistry lies before we do anything.

If we could put together a positional breakdown of what each player should do on the breakout and then have an offensive zone strategy (triangle, whatever), then I think we'll be able to execute at least knowing where we are not playing our positions.


dollartaco said:
If we could put together a positional breakdown of what each player should do on the breakout and then have an offensive zone strategy (triangle, whatever), then I think we'll be able to execute at least knowing where we are not playing our positions.
I would like to join the GAF team for this reason. I play with two people who always want the puck and don't pass. You can't play with people who think every time they touch the puck they have magic and the rest of the team sucks when we lose 0-1. I play Defense, I like passing the puck around and taking deep slapshots with the chance the wingers get a rebound.


At the very least we need to stick to the basic Hockey positional rules. The center should play deep in the defensive zone, wingers cover the point, defenseman stick to their side, at least always one defender in front of the net. Stuff like that.


Sandman42 said:
At the very least we need to stick to the basic Hockey positional rules. The center should play deep in the defensive zone, wingers cover the point, defenseman stick to their side, at least always one defender in front of the net. Stuff like that.
Definately this. We ran into problems a few times last night where we would have 3 guys bunched up on one guy and would leave 2 guys open. Got us scored on a few times. Also, we need to practice clearing the zone. There were a couple times it seemed like we were caught in our defensive zone for half a period and the opponents would get 5-6 shots on net every time. We played pretty well otherwise last night. Started out rough but definately picked up the play as the night went on.

I'll be online around 10:15 central time if anyone is up for a few games..


Sanjuro Tsubaki

I've temporarily added you guys, when the team fills, I'll have to take you guys out put you back on the wait list
We're working out our primary positions slowly and then they'll be codified in some non-binding manner. After that, we can build a system of play. None of us are all-stars, so we really need to have a system that we execute as a team that makes the whole greater than the sum.

I think we should have a grinder at center. Reason: they have high face-off ability. In the offensive zone, the grinder/center should act sort of like Holmstrom and pull D towards the crease while screening the goalie, and also sweep up behind the goal. On D, he should play as Sandman suggested.

For the D pairing, we need a guy who's defensively-focused and one who is offensively-focused. The O-focused player is going to have to be a significant goal-scoring threat, which will take advantage of the screening ability of the center. Justegarde comes to mind.

As far as wingers go, whatever people are comfortable with. I feel a lot of folks, myself included, pick a type of player who is not particularly well-suited to their play style and so aren't able to take advantage of that position. Practice scoring using the "test on ice" feature and learn how the stick you made aims and how to score a goal 1-on-1 with the goalie. On defense, these guys need to play near, but not in the face of the D-men at point to keep them honest. On breakouts they should be on their side of the ice, for starters, and then we can work out a good strategy. Moving back through the neutral zone, one winger (the fastest) should be pestering their carrier while the other should be blocking passing lanes around the red line.

That's general team make-up strategy, so we'll have to be more specific when it comes to learning how to move the puck on offense.
I got into this fight, and the guy punched me in the forehead once and I got knocked the fuck out. Everybody laughed about it the rest of the game :lol


dollartaco said:
We're working out our primary positions slowly and then they'll be codified in some non-binding manner. After that, we can build a system of play. None of us are all-stars, so we really need to have a system that we execute as a team that makes the whole greater than the sum.

I think we should have a grinder at center. Reason: they have high face-off ability. In the offensive zone, the grinder/center should act sort of like Holmstrom and pull D towards the crease while screening the goalie, and also sweep up behind the goal. On D, he should play as Sandman suggested.

Agreed, that center should be able to take the slot (where in the first and only game i've played with the team, the opposition got two quick goals) and it was a CPU centerman that we had. They had a guy who'd always take to the right or left of the net along the goal-line, my guess is that he was of a "Playermaker" makeup.

I totally agree about making the whole greater than its parts, but I do suppose at the same time it does require a good 4-5 players on the team to make that happen. Hopefully as the roster fills out and people are able to play, this will be no problem. Especially when we organize game nights, where we could have a good dozen players ready to play.

SanjuroTsubaki said:
As well as player names should we all be able to have individual numbers for each player?

I originally was going to include that, but it wasn't information that I could find via EA Sportsworld, or through the game itself. If anyone wants to PM me their number, I'll add it. Please make your subject line something like "[NHL 09] Jersey Number" that way I can keep track of those PMs easier.

One thing I have to mention is that compared to many other teams, we are going to face a challenge that most won't face, dealing with many players (50) at once.

What I'm going to do is in the second post I've made up, dedicate that to getting the team organized, I wanted to do it once we had a full committed team, but it looks like that's gonna take a few weeks to get cleared up. I'm gonna try to play some games now, but when I'm done i'll list out the entire team, and also list out their preferred position, along with what sort of playstyle they have. With this information, we can find out if we have too many forwards, if we don't have enough goalies, have too many "powerforwards" or too many "danglers", etc.

From there we can change ourselves, train ourselves (say, if I had to become a goalie), and also set some preliminary teams. From there we'll have a wealth of options, from naming these sub teams so we could stick with them on certain nights, to playing GAF vs. GAF matches (I think we can set these up as unranked matches by making it a private match, and then on an invite basis.

If there is anything else you think I should do to get the team organized, please let me know! I'll definitely do it, I just can't promise it being timely for the next few weeks heheh.

Good suggestions all around, keep them coming!


I'm on. The servers were down a little while ago, not sure if they are back up yet.....

Nevermind...servers are still down. Anyone wanna play tomorrow afternoon?


I'm trying to join... Please send me an invite. I have found the squad via search and have checked my inbox, but there is not an invite.



Kingpen said:
I'm trying to join... Please send me an invite. I have found the squad via search and have checked my inbox, but there is not an invite.


Yeah the thing is, until you check your inbox, I can't send an invite. But I got your message and sent it again, and it didn't fail. Meaning that the suggestion in the OP works.


Fair-weather, with pride!
QVT - Left Wing 1st, Center 2nd - Power Forward Puckhog Who is the End of Passes - Right

7 goals in 7 games since I went power forward and we started playing in groups of 2's and 3's. I'm also 6-0 in online fights(6 KO)

Me and Fighty got 4 games in tonight, 3-1. The loss was bullshit but the last win was a 4-1 thrashing in which we both won fights and I scored 2 goals.


I'm getting married this weekend then I'm honeymooning for a couple of weeks, but I'll be ready to go once I get back. ;)


GT: Sanjuro Tsubaki
Player Name: Sanjuro Tsubaki
Number: 77
Position - Offensive Defenseman

I'm looking to play now, tonight, etc.


Just gonna make a standard format so it's easy for me to copy and paste, hehe.

GAF Handle - Preferred Position - Player type (ie. Sniper, Playmaker, Dangler, Grinder) - Handedness (righty/lefty)

And then for the OP (not too critical at this point, but nice to have)...

GAF Handle - Player Name - Jersey #

Secondly, to update those avatars I have to go re-link the images again to new images if you've changed the look of your guy (I was hoping it was all automated, but it isn't, it's a diff file name). I'll do that like, once a week or something, that takes some time. So if your image shows up as a silhouette, when you know you've created your guy, don't worry, I'll make it show up at one point or another.

Handy link: Explains the ratings differences between the different types of players, and gives example NHL players that fit under each catagory. If you're having trouble choosing, check it out:
Player Types Part 1
Player Types Part 2
Player Types Part 3
Player Types Part 4

I might have to include a "links" part in the OP...if we find more helpful stuff then I'll do it.


shitting in the alley outside your window
sefskillz - C/RW/LW - Grinder - Righty
sefskillz - Sef Skillz - #6

ya, my character name is real clever. PM'd you the first line already, wanted to get my player name and # out there though


Just played an awesome game. Another W in the win column. Opposing team scored on their own net in OT thanks to our CPU's AI skillz.

"SanjuroTsubaki - Left Defenseman - Offensive Defenseman - Righty

SanjuroTsubaki - Sanjuro Tsubaki - #77"


Yeah, so I don't really care about my position. I've been playing left defense (offensive d) and left wing (sniper), since my guy's right handed atm, but I'll switch handedness if there's too many on the left side, which it looks like there might be. But...

Doytch - Mark Doytch - 52
So I have a question.

When I made my pro I made him a Power Forward C. So does that mean that when I play as other positions that I will be fucking horrible?
Because I'll be happy to play anything (but goalie)


X26 - RW - Sniper - righty

X26 - Leo Skagos - #11

Sniper right now, but don't mind changing it if we need more of something else. Also, I REALLY wish EA made 3 (forward, defence, goalie) categories rather than two (skater, goalie).

For those who have gotten more than the rookie card, how many extra attribute points do you get?

Anyways will probably be on tonight, the long, sad road to .500 continues!


SanjuroTsubaki said:
Just played an awesome game. Another W in the win column. Opposing team scored on their own net in OT thanks to our CPU's AI skillz.

"SanjuroTsubaki - Left Defenseman - Offensive Defenseman - Righty

SanjuroTsubaki - Sanjuro Tsubaki - #77"

That was an awesome game! Good playing with you.

Sandman42 - Right Wing - Sniper - Righty

GT: Zell Rocks, Player name: William Murderface - #0


Oh and for handedness, are we going by the games version which is really asking which way you shoot, or just in general as I'm right handed and thus shoot left.


Sanjuro, I haven't included you on the roster yet since you are a temporary fill in that may or may not be in the roster depending on if others accept invites or set their game up to do so. We'll know for sure by Sept 24th. But I will include you in the team organization as you are an active player.

X26 said:
Oh and for handedness, are we going by the games version which is really asking which way you shoot, or just in general as I'm right handed and thus shoot left.

Handedness in terms of how you hold the hockey stick, rather than in real life.

I wouldn't change handedness or preferred position yet. It may look like there are trends, but we only have info from 1/5th our players. We'll get a better picture in the coming week.

As we play our games until then, feel free to experiment and try different things. But at the moment, I'm only interested in your preferred position. Even if you see 12 Left Wingers on that list, if you want to play LW, let me know.

I'm also interested in your preferred player type, which I'm sure you're using right now. If you like to hit hard drive to the net, choose powerforward. If you are a guy who likes to deke everyone out, choose dangler. Don't worry yet, about filling in a role that looks unfilled, we don't know yet. Once we get responses from at least 30 of our players, we'll find that a lot of these roles WILL be filled.

pheeniks said:
When I made my pro I made him a Power Forward C. So does that mean that when I play as other positions that I will be fucking horrible?
Because I'll be happy to play anything (but goalie)

Not necessarily. You may be at a certain disadvantage in many defensive situations, but not horrible. A power forward though, has a decent ability to hand out checks and take some, so for a defensive position it may not be bad. But he's got a decent scoring ability that will go unused.

Secondly, it all depends on who you are paired with on defense. If you had 2 Ds who were both Powerforwards, that could be a bad situation. If you had one grinder, and one powerforward, you would balance out your strengths/weaknesses.

I'm bolding some of the text in my posts because I realize I ramble and type a lot. :p That way the most important stuff is seen easily.

----updated up to this point.

I'm going to leave the updating of the OP for a few days, as I'm busy with organizing the GAME 3.0 project too in the OT section. Check it out! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=328193 We are creating an album for WipeOut:HD's release, which is in 10 days! So it's going to be a busy couple of weeks for me in terms of my free time.

Hopefully I've set enough groundwork for this thread so that you guys can trickle in your information and I can do updates of the OP every 2-3 days at this point.

Again, if you think that there is anything fundamental that the OP should include at this point, let me know!


FightyF said:
Sanjuro, I haven't included you on the roster yet since you are a temporary fill in that may or may not be in the roster depending on if others accept invites or set their game up to do so. We'll know for sure by Sept 24th. But I will include you in the team organization as you are an active player.
Better make room. I'm 2-0 baby.


Another freeze, woooo..

and for all our faults, there really is no reason we shouldn't be scoring more. You look at the goals scored agaisnt us, and the shots are usually nothing special yet the same never seems to go our way.
I give up for tonight. I got one game in. We played well but just couldn't put the puck in the net. I keep having connection issues with EA for some reason. Hopefully these get fixed soon.


slept with Malkin
purg3-Jason Crosbyface #87
Player type- Sniper/speed
Left Handed

I probably won't be able to play much until Wednesday night (work is killing me right now) but I'll be on for the rest of the week for sure.


shitting in the alley outside your window
damn, thought we were playing pretty solid there and the other team's connection dropped.

faceoffs have been weird lately, even when i pull back they're going straight left, everytime. dunno if it's a lag thing or what, but it's annoying
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