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3DS owners, what are you currently playing?


Kind of using my 3DS to play DS classics I never go the chance to play like Kirby Mass Attack, 999 and Bangaio.

The 3DS library really, really peaked for me at SM3DL.
After beating ALBW, nothing :( I haven't touched it since then. I hope Nintendo announces more games like Luigi's Mansion 2 for this year.
-Virtue's Last Reward - completed all the primary puzzles, now working on unlocking all the routes to get the true ending

-Animal Crossing - 3DS equivalent to crack, enough said

-Pokemon Y - I intend to finish, but waning interest, just reached Lumiose City the 2nd time to get the 5th badge

-Super Mario 3D Land - playing a level here and there, slow burn

Once I complete VLR and Pokemon Y, will move on to Bravely Default and Rune Factory 4.


Currently daily checks of my Animal Crossing town and a lot of Pokemon X.

Still need to finish Kid Icarus and Mario 3D land though. Also scouting for deals on Link Between Worlds and Ocarina of Time 3D. Handheld gaming is real.


After beating ALBW, nothing :( I haven't touched it since then. I hope Nintendo announces more games like Luigi's Mansion 2 for this year.

Same deal here. I might give ALBW a 2nd. run later on. I enjoyed the game but I felt it needed a short break before I ventured into it once more.


I'm getting my ass handled to me by Japanese players in Pokémon X. I really tried to ignore Smogon this time and use critters based on personal preference, but apparently this is still pretty much impossible. Other than that, I started Bravely Default. So far my only impression is that this is the most beautiful game I played in a long ass time.
Then whenever I feel overwhelmed by all this JRPG goodness, I brake the tedium with some godlike DKCR.
Nothing. 3DS game releases are getting too sparse and that's bothering me. I want to love my handhelds but 3rd parties won't let me!

Haha, most of the rest of this thread would seem to disagree with you. There's a lot of good stuff out there, and more releasing every month.



I decided to pick up Phantom Hourglass again and do a second play through after completing it a few years ago. I'm half way through. I really like it and don't think it's as bad as some believe it to be.

I'm still playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf daily although its gotten to the point where I'm just checking in for about 15 minutes a day to do chores.

I started Oracle of Seasons like a month ago, but only got about an hour into it. I really need to get back into it.
Finishing off main game in Pokemon X. Hope to get a bit further in AA5 before Bravely Default.

I jumped in late but the 3DS has kept me very busy for nearly a year now.
I finished ALBW a few weeks ago. Been playing through the excellent Fire Emblem since. I surged through the first ten hours a bit quickly and got a bit tired with it. It's been great to play in short bursts since.


I'm about 22 hours into Pokemon Y. Nearly completed the main story, but I'm in no way done with the game! I'm going to go back and catch more Pokemon and I'd like to do some more online battles, as I've only scratched the surface of that.
Mostly Etrian Odyssey Untold, but also some Shin Megami Tensei 4 and Rune Factory 4. I don't see myself beating any of these any time soon.


Right now im playing Luigis mansion. So far I love it. The mission system doesn't even bother me that much. The animation is fantastic.
After a month of only playing Vita after Legend of Zelda: LBW, I'm back to 3DS and completely crazy for Bravely Default. Got it last month instead of waiting for a time when I have finished other games because for some reason it became a bit rare in stores around here and German Amazon. Finally finished the Demo 2 weeks ago (wanted to do that before playing the main game) and have been playing 20 hours since :D ...I was sick in bed most of last week anyway.

So yeah, Bravely Default is what I'm currently playing... and probably for the next 3-4 weeks. Or, when I read the person here who wrote that it took him/her 71 hours is stating a regular playthrough-time, even longer with breaks and stuff.


I've not actually touched my 3DS in a couple of weeks but the last game I finished was this


Without spoiling anything, it was a really great end to the Layton series with some great twists and resolutions,
however, some of the stuff between the start and the final few chapters felt a little bit too filler-ish.
Regardless, fantastic game. Not quite an Unwound Future beater, though.


Dillon's Rolling Western sequel, loving the improved framerate and no more bouncing off mines!!! Also had to start Chibi Robo because I've never played it before and was always curious. Last retail game was ALBW, but I need time to recover from loosing my mind to the timed coin game before hero mode.


Haha, most of the rest of this thread would seem to disagree with you. There's a lot of good stuff out there, and more releasing every month.


Most of the rest of the thread probably don't play 3DS as much as I do. All of those games in "why can't I hold these games" picture are months old. I have finished all of them in their release week (except for AC and Pokémon)

3DS game releases really are sparse. Last non-shovelware game released in US was Link Between Worlds on November 22nd and next one after that will be Bravely Default on february 7th. There are 77 days, that's right, seventy seven days between those two. My 3DS has been sleeping for 63 days (I finished LBW in just 3 days). none of my previous handhelds have slept that much. There were strong 3rd party support for all of them.


-Virtue's Last Reward - completed all the primary puzzles, now working on unlocking all the routes to get the true ending
You do know there is a flowchart you can jump around right? Because the way you worded that sounds weird. But I have been holding off on any games until Bravely Default.


Got a few dungeons left in ALBW, then finishing up Pokemon Y, where I just need to level grind a little before taking on the Elite 4. After that, I haven't got a clue.


I beat Link Between Worlds yesterday, and I put Animal Crossing in this morning just to have some 3DS to play. I did invest in some Turnips, which was exciting since I've never found the Stalk Market boar--Sow Joan--before.

So many puns. Pretty cute.


Most of the rest of the thread probably don't play 3DS as much as I do. All of those games in "why can't I hold these games" picture are months old. I have finished all of them in their release week (except for AC and Pokémon)

Damn you are a faster hunter if you finished Monster Hunter that fast !

did you try out Phoenix Wright ? i got 25 hours from that

Still trying to finish MHU
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. I've always been a fan of the series and as the representation of the 10th Anniversary, this game is pretty sweet. The color design can be a little hard to get used to but you'll end up liking it after each stage you visit.

Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Got this one a long time ago and I've been in the mood to play as much as I can.

Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages & Seasons. Picked these up on the eShop and they're obviously much more stylish than Link's Awakening.
Most of the rest of the thread probably don't play 3DS as much as I do. All of those games in "why can't I hold these games" picture are months old. I have finished all of them in their release week (except for AC and Pokémon)

3DS game releases really are sparse. Last non-shovelware game released in US was Link Between Worlds on November 22nd and next one after that will be Bravely Default on february 7th. There are 77 days, that's right, seventy seven days between those two. My 3DS has been sleeping for 63 days (I finished LBW in just 3 days). none of my previous handhelds have slept that much. There were strong 3rd party support for all of them.

Maybe try picking up another hobby?
Mario and Luigi: Dream Team. The game refuses to end. I told myself at hour 30 that I will stop playing. At 60 hours now and I am still at it.


Nothing at the moment as I am busy with Uni work and waiting for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze.

I might get back into Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity and kick start Pokémon summer once uni is finished.


Damn you are a faster hunter if you finished Monster Hunter that fast !

did you try out Phoenix Wright ? i got 25 hours from that

Still trying to finish MHU

Ok, I admit, MH3U took a little while too. But the game was very familiar to me since I finished Wii version too.

PW took 3 days not including DLC case. I wished it was longer but PW games better when they are shorter. Activity Log says 19 hours.

Maybe try picking up another hobby?

The thing is I work in a hospital, ER hours are veeeery boring and most of the time I just wait in the waiting room. Handhelds really help to pass the time there. That's why I finish most of the games quickly and seriously, current frequency of game releases is not enough for me. I need more.


finally started Etrian 2 about 2 weeks ago. I should reach the ending soon.
after that... about 30 3ds/ds games left in my backlog...


Playing a lot simultaneously:

Fire Emblem: Awakening
Rhythm Thief
Layton 6
Aura Aura Climber

Recently finished Mario 3D Land and NSMB2, which were both a bit lacking and felt like rehashes of previous titles. I guess I played too many Mario games as they've never felt that easy.


My Vita. I've had enough of the flimsy hinge, poor analog stick, and washed out display of the 3DS XL.

I hope to rekindle my relationship with it in the future, as I have yet to beat all the Shin Megami Tensei's I stupidly started at the same time. I recall being surprisingly disappointed by Pokemon X and Animal Crossing, though I'm still trying to decipher why.
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