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3rd night of Stockholm riots

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Searched, didn't find anything, lock if old.


Rioters have lit fires and stoned emergency services in the suburbs of Stockholm for the third night in a row after a man was shot dead by police.
Incidents were reported in at least nine suburbs of the Swedish capital and police made eight arrests.
On Sunday night, more than 100 cars were set alight, Swedish media report.
Police in the deprived, largely immigrant suburb of Husby shot a man dead last week after he reportedly threatened to kill them with a machete.
The founder of a local youth group told Swedish media the riots were a reaction to "police brutality".
On Tuesday night, cars were torched in western and southern Stockholm, and stones were thrown at police officers and firefighters. One area affected, Rinkeby, saw similar rioting in 2010.
Kjell Lindgren of the Stockholm police told Aftonbladet newspaper that the unrest had spread from the original rioting in Husby.
"It feels like people are taking the opportunity in other areas because of the attention given to Husby," he said.
Earlier on Tuesday, Prime Minister Reinfeldt said: "We've had two nights with great unrest, damage, and an intimidating atmosphere in Husby and there is a risk it will continue.
"We have groups of young men who think that that they can and should change society with violence. Let's be clear: this is not okay. We cannot be ruled by violence."
More than 80% of Husby's 12,000 or so inhabitants are from an immigrant background, and most are from Turkey, the Middle East and Somalia.
However, local people accused the police of racism.
Rami al-Khamisi, a law student and founder of the youth organisation Megafonen, told the Swedish edition of online newspaper The Local that he had been insulted racially by police. Teenagers, he said, had been called "monkeys".



Hoping it will peter out quickly.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Shit's rough... gonna listen to some Aki Kapten Röd now.


To be honest, when Swedes "riot" it's a bunch of 15-20 year old that is angry at the society because they don't get em.

Like Yoshi.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
To be honest, when Swedes "riot" it's a bunch of 15-20 year old that is angry at the society because they don't get em.

Like Yoshi.

Why won't anyone understand me and my feelings T_T


I'm afraid it's only downhill from there unless these kids are integrated to the society...

This has been in the finnish news for 2 days now.


I'm afraid it's only downhill from there unless these kids are integrated to the society...

This has been in the finnish news for 2 days now.

Its going to be very tough. Sweden is very secular and liberal. And a lot of these immigrants are from conservative Muslim countries. Very incompatible and integration would require at least a generation.


More info on the police shooting which sparked the whole thing.

Article is from a week ago:

Police were called to an address in the Husby district, north of central Stockholm, around 6pm on Monday following several reports that a knife-wielding man was roaming around the area.

"He had a knife or a machete. When we arrived, this person disappeared into an apartment," Stockholm police spokesman Lars Byström told the TT news agency.

The man then stood on the balcony of the apartment and threatened police.

"He screamed at police from the balcony that he wanted to kill them," a neighbour told the Expressen newspaper.

Negotiators were called in and police subsequently learned that a woman was also in the apartment. After negotiations failed to yield any results, police then decided to break down the door and storm the flat in hopes of securing the woman's safety.

"Then the person in question appeared holding a machete. Officers felt cornered and threw a flash grenade so they could overpower the man. That didn't work either and they then felt forced to open fire," said Byström.

It's unclear how many officers fired shots and exactly how many shots were fired, but according to witnesses, police fired five or six shots before things went silent.

"We saw the flashes when they shot. Even if you'd never sees an actual shooting before, you knew what it was," a witness told Expressen.

The 69-year-old man was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead from his gunshot wounds.


Ghetto policies don't work. I wonder why places like Tensta and Rinkby still exist in their current form.
You would rather hear such things from Malmö, sadly.


Its going to be very tough. Sweden is very secular and liberal. And a lot of these immigrants are from conservative Muslim countries. Very incompatible and integration would require at least a generation.

Swedish blondes must be defended from the burka at all costs.


Why do people care so much a about a crazy fucker with a machete?

Sounds like he got what was coming to him.
If you attack cops with a lethal weapon, you are not going to get off lightly.
Random: I just totally read that outside of the English speaking countries (US, Canada, UK, etc) Sweden has the highest rate of natives who speak/understand English as a second language. That's pretty cool!


Sweden has social democracy and gave us Johan Mjailby and Henrik Larsson. They still rank high on my fuck awesome list.

Anyway, is there more to this than just this one incident?


Why do people care so much a about a crazy fucker with a machete?

Sounds like he got what was coming to him.
If you attack cops with a lethal weapon, you are not going to get off lightly.

Police shooting, not to speak of killing anyone is a very rare occurrence in the Nordics.


That's the nordic way of newsmaking actually. They rarely mention the ethnic background of criminals or anyone else for that matter.
And that's usually a good thing since it doesn't really matter and would only serve as ammo for stupid people in anti-immigrant arguments.


Don't mention religion or immigration in any of the news stories, these are just "Swedish youths".....

That's because it is not allowed for newspapers to report the ethnicity when a crime is committed - everyone knows the rioters have an immigrant background though so it's not even an issue per se.

Integration is failing, because these people are not going to be educated properly and will have a tough time in the market. Combine that with poor urban planning and you will have parts of town where frustration is growing constantly.
This will probably not happen in Finland as our immigration policy is so restrictive in comparison. Sweden is a very compassionate country that is taking in a lot of people from war torn areas (especially Iraq as of late).

Income redistribution helps but is also alienating people, because there is not enough adult education provided at the same time. Over here (Finland) it is ridiculous that immigrants only take one or two language classes a week, what's that going to do for an adult? Training/education should be constant and mandatory for both males and females.


That's the nordic way of newsmaking actually. They rarely mention the ethnic background of criminals or anyone else for that matter.

Except when it actually happens to be an ethnic Swede or other Scandinavian of course. Then they even put the name and background etc in the newspapers along with a photo so everyone can see who it is.
This is the beginning of the end of the swedish project.
How so? Most people living in the poorer suburbs can't afford to live anywhere else in Stockholm. You can't solve the problem by throwing money at it either. The schools, libraries and other official institutions in the areas all have excellent funding compared to other parts of Sweden.


Except when it actually happens to be an ethnic Swede or other Scandinavian of course. Then they even put the name and background etc in the newspapers along with a photo so everyone can see who it is.

That's how it goes, minorities are in a more vulnerable position and are offered certain protections. That's why you are more likely to be penalized in Finland for criticizing their religion when compared to our own churches - collision of constitutional rights and all that. It's not something new, positive discrimination for females in work place etc.


Because the swedish majority wont be so willing to be paying 50-60% of the income for people who they do not understand, nor sympathise with.

The ever increasing tax rates are a huge issue for Sweden and Finland. Political capital is leaving the door, because governance is not good enough and middle class is losing ground constantly.

But it's not all about housing. People start to behave problematically when there are no activities or prospects. Second generation immigrants are not going to be able to compete against natives in the entrance examinations to higher education (University) so it's looking pretty grim when they are in their late 20's...

There will probably have to be quotas or something similar so that they get some sort of education but others might have a problem with that - studying hard for that chance to get inside that specific faculty only to see another person take your place..
But it's not all about housing. People start to behave problematically when there are no activities or prospects. Second generation immigrants are not going to be able to compete against natives in the entrance examinations to higher education (University) so it's looking pretty grim when they are in their late 20's...
This isn't a huge issue in Stockholm. There are plenty of good university educations that anyone can get into and since we even pay students to attend it shouldn't be a barrier. The bigger problem is that the students aren't well educated enough to pass the courses. In some of the areas the students barely qualify for high school education.

This article is in Swedish, but if you just take a look at the column to right you can see the percentage of students that qualify for any high school program. In the suburb mentioned in the OP about half of the students fail. Large parts of the country have perfect or near perfect results.



This isn't a huge issue in Stockholm. There are plenty of good university educations that anyone can get into and since we even pay students to attend it shouldn't be a barrier. The bigger problem is that the students aren't well educated enough to pass the courses. In some of the areas the students barely qualify for high school education.

Ah, so it's slightly different over there. In Finland we have entrance exams once every year for every different faculty and those with the best results get in.

But the problems are definitely similar. My hope is the families will allow female students to educate themselves properly in the future, because usually boys are the ones with less motivation to advance in life and then go on to commit crimes etc.

I have no idea how you even begin to fix it when there's no motivation to spend more resources on the issue.
Ah, so it's slightly different over there. In Finland we have entrance exams once every year for every different faculty and those with the best results get in.
We only have those for highly competitive educations, like the medicine program. For most educations you just apply with your high school grades and if there are empty seats we let anyone in who has taken the required courses.


Ah, so it's slightly different over there. In Finland we have entrance exams once every year for every different faculty and those with the best results get in.

But the problems are definitely similar. My hope is the families will allow female students to educate themselves properly in the future, because usually boys are the ones with less motivation to advance in life and then go on to commit crimes etc.

I have no idea how you even begin to fix it when there's no motivation to spend more resources on the issue.

It's the same here. Twice a year (I think) you could take the 'högskoleprov' and you could get into every education with it if the result is good enough. The problem is that you still need at least a passed degree in some key subjects.
Mass immigration simply does not work.

Its the same time and time again, all over the western world.

Immigration needs to be completely stopped. For 10 years or more. And then reformed. And the only people that should be granted are people with skills that the swedish society needs.

Non of this mass immigration of people with little to no skills. Who cannot read nor write.
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