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40+ Shiite Tribes threaten to level Falluja and Ramadi...

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they call me "Man Gravy".
maybe this'll be good. Kind of like the wars of religion they had in Europe in the 1500's. Except these people will have semi-automatics, so more will die. Hooray for religious fundamentalism!

Doth Togo

This is very sad. There are dozens of historic archaeological sites in the Falluja area. The Tower of Babel is said to be in the area. "Leveling" the city means that what could be identified through excavation now could be destroyed.

A shame.


Doth Togo said:
This is very sad. There are dozens of historic archaeological sites in the Falluja area. The Tower of Babel is said to be in the area. "Leveling" the city means that what could be identified through excavation now could be destroyed.

A shame.
....not to mention all the lives inevitably lost.
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