Forsete said:They have the school![]()
gofreak said:Don't smile yet. I've a horrible feeling this got very messy before they were reported to have control of the school.
Forsete said:Yeah I know..
Though CNN is showing a lot of people coming out of the school. According to a Russian source most kids made it, I hope its true.
Dekajelly said:100 dead found in the school gym. (BBC Radio)
Thaedolus said:Geez. Way to sway world opinion in your favor, Chechnya
commish said:I bet a billion dollars that at least 80 hostages die.
At least.
Russians don't give a fuck about their own people.
wenty militants were killed in the violence, including 10 Arabs, an aide to President Vladimir Putin said, according to the Interfax news agency. The Arab presence among the attackers would support Putin's contention that al-Qaida terrorists were involved in the Chechen conflict, where Muslim fighters have been fighting Russian forces in a brutal a war of independence for most of the past decade.
RiZ III said:That horrible. These damn Arab extremist have infested the whole world after the war on terrorism began. They're cocroaches that have scattered all through out the world. I don't get what they plan to achieve with all this. And no im not saying all arabs are evil.
Slick_Advanced said:That's good because only a few of them were Arabs the others were Islamic but, they are pretty much cacucasian. The Chechnens are pretty much looking for anyone who will support their cause. The don't really care if it is deviants, Islamic fundalmentalist, organized crime, local thug, or the females of men who have been lost in the war.
UltimateMarioMan said:One thing about the Russians they show the terrorists not to mess with them.
Shompola said:True true. And that shows how desperate and blind they are. Look at Afghanistan and how they let fundamentalists help them. Same fundamentalists later on raped them after the war with Soviet. The fundamentalists fighting the russians have a higher agenda than fighting the holy war against Russia.
Hopefully the more moderate chechens will have a chance stopping these radical terrorists groups, I doubt the russians can do anything to stop them. It must be stopped from the inside of Chechnya.
CNN said:"The bandits opened fierce fire on the running adults and children. In order to save the lives of the hostages, return fire was opened on the bandits. Local people who were armed also then opened fire on the bandits. This did not allow the special forces to do their work effectively." --
Chrono said:How the hell did those "local people" with guns get in the action? Didn't the russian authority close down the surrounding area? That's messed up.
Chrono said:How the hell did those "local people" with guns get in the action? Didn't the russian authority close down the surrounding area? That's messed up.
Catchpenny said:What a botched operation this was. Didn't they establish any sort of perimeter around the school? I don't get how some of the hostage takers could be escaping, citizens getting involved in the shooting, etc. Makes Waco look smooth by comparison.
Slick_Advanced said:I don't see this as a botched operation.
Deg said:I;m sure even you will see this as a big piece of mess however.
Slick_Advanced said:Oh from a human standpoint of course I do. From a military standpoint I have a different opinion. They were in negoations, a terrorist popped herself, panic ensued more explosions, SF reacted. This was a rather large group of hostages to have it would be almost impossible to predict how to handle the reactions of that many hostages especially when you are dealing with some many children. The terrorists when in shooting so I didn't see a "good" resolution for this.
Vormund said:This is going to end badly.
Remember the hostages in the theatre a while back?
efralope said:Heck, even France found themselves in a bad situation after their journalists were kidnapped.
Bush-Blair-Putin should form this triumvarte or whatever against terrorism to kinda make it an international thing and not just a US thing.
Leon said:Define irony :
France would have never been a victim of terrorism had the US not gone into Iraq to presumably fight terrorism.
But the thing is the US shouldn't ally itself with a country that has commited many atrocities against the Chechens. I am appalled that you would say something like that.