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50 Cent testifies his lifestyle is an illusion.

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If he is really claiming his net worth is $4.4 million, I will have to agree and say that sounds like bullshit. If he is claiming his liquid assets are $4.4 million and that his debts are higher than that, I can see what he is doing.

That is odd. I was under the impression that only businesses can file Chapter 11?

Apparently you can. I think you need to have at least $1 million in unsecured debt, and maybe some other qualifications. Also, it's a restructuring, not a discharge. So he'll still be paying at least a portion of it.
Just because forbe reports it doesn't make it true.

Have you read any of this thread? He has the money, just not personally. Its locked away in LLCs/Living Trusts thus untouchable by the courts. He "personally" doesn't have the cash on hand, but its his.

You keep your personal wealth under your name low, but remain the sole beneficiary of a living trust. The trust can buy things for you, but the court can't touch them.

This is how you protect your wealth. You lock it away otherwise you are just waiting for lawsuits.

He is filing a CH11 which will allow him to reduce the damages to a much lower level and he will pay a portion of this amount, but his wealth will remain.


Just because forbe reports it doesn't make it true.

This time, co-host Sharon Osbourne lobbed a softball: “Now, my darling friend, there’s been a lot of news about you the last couple of days and all your fans and all of us here want to know that you’re okay,” she said.

“I’m fine. I’ve just been going through a little legal issues,” 50 said. “I got some trained professionals to help me with it. It’ll get past it.”


War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
"Yo Fiddy hit that ramp," Lloyd Banks hollered, "but be careful not to cause any damage that is not covered by the insurance."
Some creative accounting here. If his bank account is down to 4.4, I wouldn't be surprised if he has a huge amount of money in investments, or funds.


It's funny that he testified that, but how many times must it be stated that this is part of the plan and he is likely being instructed to do so.
It's not impossible that he spent it all, or at least a lot of it. The overwhelming majority of NBA players go broke inside like 7 years. Nicholas Cage, Mike Tyson, all kinds of athletes and actors blow through tens of millions because it just seems bottomless when the number are so big. They're as shocked as everyone else when it runs out. Property taxes, dumb stuff like flying cars around, jewellery impulse purchases, expensive club tabs for your entourage 3-4 nights a week, the wrong kind of women, money can evaporate really quickly, and a lot of these guys are in a position socially where they feel like they can't stop spending.

If you're thinking about retirement, once you add your home, retirement accounts and such, its actually doable for middle class folks.

Actually I'd concede, upper middle class.

Also net worth is not annual income, a common mistake people make.

Are you Mitt Romney?
Yeah like Trump was poor when he filed bankruptcies for his businesses. Fiddy is playing the system. Dude is smarter than many people give him credit for.
This. He's a very smart dude. He has his hand in a lot of different businesses.

Doesn't he own the manufacturing rights to all Disney toys that use audio components? Or the company that does? Or something like that..
Would he risk doing some real prison time for perjury?

It's not perjury if it's true. He personally doesn't have the money as its tied up in a trust/LLC and thus isn't part of his personal assets. He is the beneficiary of those entities and get use them as he pleases but the court can't touch them.

When you get money, you put it in secure places. Limit exposure. He personally doesn't have the money, thus he's not lying. Thems the rules.



So I guess only half of that tweet was true


It's not perjury if it's true. He personally doesn't have the money as its tied up in a trust/LLC and thus isn't part of his personal assets. He is the beneficiary of those entities and get use them as he pleases but the court can't touch them.

When you get money, you put it in secure places. Limit exposure. He personally doesn't have the money, thus he's not lying. Thems the rules.


Who makes the laws? Rich people.

It's why Buffett made that video years ago showing that his secretary pays more taxes proportionally than him due to his wealth being tied up on investment compared to income, which is heavily taxed.
There's no way he doesn't have money. As popular as he is, he could do a tour and pull in probably close to $1M per show. (Or at the very least, high 100,000's)

And there would be demand, he could sell out stadiums.

He probably tied up most of his money in trusts and the like but I doubt he doesn't have enough liquid assets.


Some of y'all really think 50 is being honest about his wealth.

Some people seem to think he is some sort of financial mastermind...

I'm sure the truth is somewhere in between. Yes I am sure he is trying to minimize exposure to lawsuits, and yes a lot of his projected wealth is BS.
Didn't 50 recently go on Conan and straight up admit that the bankruptcy thing was just a way to protect himself from lawsuits, dude was playing it up like it was all a joke.
IDK people seem to think he is some kind of genius.

Seems to have gotten lucky with vitamin water then blown that money into other so far unsuccessful startups.

Its not that he is some financial genius. He doesn't have to be. It doesn't take a genius to know how to handle your finances as long as you do hire geniuses to do these things.
Besides all that history shows that Fiddy is resourceful. Dude is Executive Producer of a hit TV series. He isn't broke.


Lol what kind of trick is he trying to pull here?

Yeah 50, we know the bitch took your skull but it wasn't worth that much.

He's doing what all white collar rich guys do when they are hit with those kinda lawsuits

He says his companies are worth a lot but he doesnt have that money, which is prob his out, since the money does go to the business and not his bank account


Its not that he is some financial genius. He doesn't have to be. It doesn't take a genius to know how to handle your finances as long as you do hire geniuses to do these things.
Besides all that history shows that Fiddy is resourceful. Dude is Executive Producer of a hit TV series. He isn't broke.

For his current role on Starz's hit series "Power," which he also executive-produces, Jackson said he's pocketed only $150,000 from each of its first two seasons.

"executive producer" doesn't mean what you think it means.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Can I rent a million dollars for a day. Like, do my youtube video making a fort and sitting in a bath with the stacks, upload it and then return the money at the end of the day?
You'd be better off renting movie money if you're in the US. The Federal Government requires special permits to photograph money, and if you do so without getting those permits you're subject to fines. Hollywood money looks almost like the real thing, but it is probably more expensive to rent, and is certainly more expensive to buy.


Or maybe he has accountant and lawyer who deals with that kind of things.

Accountants and lawyers have never lost anyones fortune now?

I mean I'm sure the dude will be fine, but is not really unheard of to blow 100 million in 8 years.

The thing is you have to remember is no one knows how much money he actually made from vitamin water, all of the estimates of net worth are guesses.
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