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50 Movies. 50 Books. 1 Year.

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Neo Member
And if you do the numbers things, my book count isn't five, it's three.

The books listed as number 2 were books I started reading but changed halfway through. I wouldn't mention but you seemed highly offended, and when I saw the book count I couldn't stop laughing at the copy paste.


And if you do the numbers things, my book count isn't five, it's three.

The books listed as number 2 were books I started reading but changed halfway through. I wouldn't mention but you seemed highly offended, and when I saw the book count I couldn't stop laughing at the copy paste.


best split it up for the op man... :p
And if you do the numbers things, my book count isn't five, it's three.

The books listed as number 2 were books I started reading but changed halfway through. I wouldn't mention but you seemed highly offended, and when I saw the book count I couldn't stop laughing at the copy paste.

Hardy har har that's -- EXPLODES


aka andydumi
Interesting. I was recently recommended "anything" by Vonnegut and that's one of the books I've joined the waiting list for. that's one practice that I can't condone, no matter who says it, UNLESS it somehow serves a purpose. Was that the case here? Or do you think it was purely racism? And would you read more Vonnegut?

All of his books that I have read tend to be a commentary on issues.

In this case it is commentary on the American age it was written in, and it is also from the perspective of someone who essentially goes insane. On top of it, its a guided journey in a way, through a society and its ills at the time. He does not mince words in general, and his language is certainly appropriate rather than decorative for the most part.

As to the OP suggestions, shorter makes sense. Let people update their posts, and put in the OP just name and count like:
AndyD - Books 3, Movies 7
Then at the end of the year, or periodically, link the name to the most updated post by the user. It is nice seeing who else is reading what you are, but it gets cluttered fast. If possible we can also do a list of most popular books and movies at the end.
All of his books that I have read tend to be a commentary on issues.

In this case it is commentary on the American age it was written in, and it is also from the perspective of someone who essentially goes insane. On top of it, its a guided journey in a way, through a society and its ills at the time. He does not mince words in general, and his language is certainly appropriate rather than decorative for the most part.

As to the OP suggestions, shorter makes sense. Let people update their posts, and put in the OP just name and count like:
AndyD - Books 3, Movies 7
Then at the end of the year, or periodically, link the name to the most updated post by the user. It is nice seeing who else is reading what you are, but it gets cluttered fast. If possible we can also do a list of most popular books and movies at the end.

Good ideas, all.


Might as well update.

1. Game of Thrones / George RR Martin
2. American Gods / Neil Gaiman
3. Clash of Kings / George RR Martin

1. A Short Film About Killing (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1988)
2. Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream (Stuart Samuels, 2005)
3. Submarine (Richard Ayoade, 2010)
4. The Ox-Bow Incident (William A. Wellman, 1943)

Your work does not go unappreciated OP.
Interesting. I was recently recommended "anything" by Vonnegut and that's one of the books I've joined the waiting list for. that's one practice that I can't condone, no matter who says it, UNLESS it somehow serves a purpose. Was that the case here? Or do you think it was purely racism? And would you read more Vonnegut?

I've read Slaughter House Five in its entirety, Parts of galapagos (which I lost interest in) and 1/2 of Deadeye Dick (which I misplaced for some time). I didn't see Vonnegut doing that in any thing else I've read so far.

One of the other forumers suggested that it may have been done to help illustrate just how terrible we as humans can be which... I think works in the overall context but his intent is never directly apparent in my opinion. I know how I reacted to what he did (mostly, it made me feel like crap knowing that there were tons of people who did think this way) and I do think that Vonnegut is smart enough to make sure that feeling is intended.

It's just one of the things he says in the book is that he wants to describe everything as it is and place equal importance on every detail... but he also interjects his own views at times which that makes it difficult to separate exactly what is his attempts to be objective and his attempts to stir something in the reader since both read similarly.


Update for me:

Book 1: Brave New World
Book 2: Steve Jobs (in progress)

Movie 1: Amadeus
Movie 2: Waiting for Superman
Movie 3: Revolution OS
Movie 4: Exit Through the Gift Shop
Movie 5: Mission Impossible
Movie 6: Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father
Movie 7: Orgasm, Inc.
Movie 8: The Thin Blue Line
Movie 9: Chinatown
Movie 10: Toy Story 3
Movie 11: Tangled
Movie 12: Primer
Movie 13: Minority Report
Movie 14: The Thin Red Line


In progress bit is a good touch. Simple, clean, and clear. I'm gonna write up mine like that as well. I think in the op version 2.0, he will use the much cleaner format, and this will only include the completed books, and films, so by putting the 'in progress' part, makes it 100% clear, concise and clean.


Arh, why not, I've been lurking for a while and figured, I might as well participate.

  1. Let Me In
  2. Real Steel
  3. Sunshine Cleaning
  4. Insidious
  5. Our idiot Brother
  6. Friends With Benefits
  7. Lars and the Real Girl
  8. Punisher: Warzone
  9. Clerks II

  1. The Hound of the Baskervilles
  2. Baron Munchhausen's adventures

I got a kindle for christmas and tried some of the free books. Next stops: Terry Pratchett -I Shall Wear Midnight, The Rocketeer, Unknown Identity and Tree of Life.
I know that I will struggle with the books, but the films shouldn't be a problem. I have a pretty steady movie input ;)


I'm starting this as well, though I've got a little bit of catching up to do:

1. Mockingbird - Walter Tevis
2. Republic, Lost - Lawrence Lessig
3. The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption - Clay A. Johnson
4. Chao te Ching - Cramulus and LMNO

1. Three Colors: Blue (Krzysztof Kieślowski, 1993)
2. Modern Times (Charlie Chaplin, 1936)
3. 13 Assassins (Takashi Miike, 2010)
4. Tampopo (Juzo Itami, 1985)
5. The Rules of the Game (Jean Renoir, 1939)
6. Captain Blood (Michael Curtiz, 1935)
7. The Producers (Mel Brooks, 1968)
8. Lemmy (Greg Olliver & Wes Orshoski, 2010)


anyone knows a good humor book? i'm kinda burned out after reading game of thrones.

How about Douglas Adams 'Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency' ? One of my favorites. And while your at it read 'Last chance to see'. Both feature some of Britain's best and clever humor.

1. Collateral
2. Midnight in Paris (magical)
3. 50/50
4. Tucker & Dale vs Evil
5. Quantum of Solace
6. 30 Minutes or Less
7. Sucker Punch (actually really enjoyed this)


1. The Great Gatsby (just started)
1. Predator (1987)
Its aged well, even if it is a corny 80's action movie. I was surprised to read recently that Jean Claude Van Damme made his acting debut as The Predator in this movie, but only for 2 scenes. Both when the Predator was stealth and jumping around the jungle.

2. Predator 2 (1990)
Cheesy. Camp and Danny Glover. Who cares though. There's a decent idea within this film, shame the execution is so poor. It does allow however for a good trivia question - Who are the only 2 actors to have been killed by an Alien, Predator and a Terminator?

3. Predators (2010)
Didn't like it on first viewing when it was released. However, on second viewing when I no longer care about what it should/could have been its decent and fits somewhat within the Predator storyline. Not too sure about the whole collecting 'bad people' to hunt part though.

4. AVP: Alien v Predator (2004)
I tell people I don't like it, but I keep watching it... action cuts were too fast for my liking.

5. Jurassic Park (1993)
Classic. Amazing that it still looks 'modern' nearly 20 years on.

6. One Day (2011)
Watched it with the wife. She hated it (she's recently read the book). I was bored. Do not watch.

7 AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem (2007)
Very dark. First time I've seen it and somewhat disappointed. Nice touch with the classic 'sounds', shame its just... odd.

8 Boyz n the Hood (1991)
Not what I was expecting at all. A good character developing story (even if the ending seemed a little rushed). Watched this mainly for the references in GTA: SA... enjoyed it, however.

9 Black Dynamite (2009)
Unreal. One of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Its a spoof based on a the blaxploitation movies of the 60s - namely 'Shaft'. The one liners are fantastic, the 'bad' editing is great.

10 Conan the Barbarian (1982)
I forgot how bad this was. I spent most of the film laughing at how cheesy everything was.

11 Friday (1995)
Perhaps its because I was never a stoner, but I just didn't get this or find it half as funny as my mates suggested it would be. Though that was 10 years ago... and they were stoners.

12 Conan the Destroyer (1984)
Worse than the first film! Wilt Chamblerin is the only saving grace.

13 Batman (1989)
This used to be my favourite Batman movie, however that's changed since Christopher Nolan decided to make 2 great films. I'm not sure why, but the cartoonish/Tim Burton style limits it for me. Still an OK film (amazing 80s soundtrack from Prince), but its just not the same.

14 14 Patton (1970)
The monologue at the start hooked me. I had no idea it was a 3 hour film, and it didn't really feel like it. Great film.

15 Terminator (1984)
Always imagine how amazing the special effects must have looked when this was released. This always feels 'fresher' to watch since I saw it after T2, and just feels like I haven't seen it as much.

16 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
I never really liked this when I watched it the first few times, but its grown on me over the years. That stupid scene with the kid and the gymnastics... that can be forgiven for how good the visuals are of the Raptors in the Long Grass. Still - prefer the book.

17 Contagion (2011)
Interesting ideas throughout the movie, but none of them seem to progress beyond that. Basically a story about how a virus spreads with very little drama or 'events' in it. There are so many characters in it and so little time for each one that you don't care about them.

18 Commando (1985)
This has to be both the worst movie ever and at the same time the greatest movie to watch while drunk and with mates. The editing is crazy and at times feels like someone has strung together several action scenes from different Arnie movies into one. The acting is bad -- even for an Arnie movie. The soundtrack is basically steel drums on repeat for 60 minutes. Yet, despite all of that I enjoyed it! Its so bad.

19 Planet of the Apes (1968)
Genuinely surprised at how well the make up holds up after all this time. Its not that bad of a story either.

20 Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
Bit disappointing after how impressed I was with the first one. The ending... seriously what the hell... its almost as abrupt and as bad as the ending to Quantum Leap, though I can forgive Quantum Leap as its class.

21 Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Hellraiser movies are the only horrors that freak me out. I have no idea why. Not really freak me out, but disturb me a little. The horror make up effects are class.

22 Alien (1979)
Classic. I can't understand why people who are aware of this movie haven't chosen to watch at least once. The soundtrack and direction tell the story in this movie, not the words spoken.

23 Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)
Think I actually preferred this to 'Beneath the Planet of the Apes'. I had never realised that the story arch continued on as much as it did when I was younger. There's a whole time paradox thing going on.

24 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
The whole racism/slavery subplot thing was a bit strange (the one black guy in the whole movie is sympathetic to the Apes' cause and frees Ceaser). However, it was interesting to see the story follow what was foretold in the previous movie. Makeup effects have increasingly become worse.

1. Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut.
2. Best Served Cold - Joe Abercrombie
3.The Killing Joke - Alan Moore
4. The Damned Utd - David Peace


1. The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
2. District 13 (2004)

The Killing Joke was good (but then again it is a Joker origin tale, how bad could it really get), now I'm going to start The Damned Utd.

Yes Boss!


2. Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and he Controversial Science of Diet and Health by Gary Taubes

An interesting book giving the historical reasons why US diet and consumption looks like it does today. Moving on to Taubes new book, Why We Get Fat.


5. Veera, 2011 by Ramesh Varma

A completely terrible telugu movie starring Ravi Teja. Pretty dreadful but it does have some great songs and the the girl in my avatar acts in it.

1.Indiscretions of Archie - Wodehouse
2.Roman Senchin - Moscow Shadows


1.French courvoisier
2.In the Mood for Love
3.Fallen Angels
4.Chungking Express
5.Offside - Jafar Panahi
6.Circle - Jafar Panahi
8.Interview - Steve Buscemi
9.Buongiorno, notte - Marco Belocchio
10.N. a pris les dés... - Alain Robbe-Grillet
11. Thor
12. First Avenger
13.Au Hasard Balthazar


Neo Member
For the OP. Books: 5/50

Books read so far:

1. The Bedwetter - Sarah Silverman. 3 stars. I didn't particularly see the point in this memoir to be honest. It was enjoyable but I didn't come away with any insight into her/life, like you usually get with other memoirs and biographies.

2. 44 - Joolz Somebody. (forget her last name) 2 stars Interesting premise that ends up being so convoluted, clichéed and telegraphed it quickly became a pain to read.

3. The Color Purple - Alice Walker. 4 stars I probably liked it better because I saw the movie a long time ago and it brought to life the characters. The movie did depart from the book so the ending was a surprise to me. Interesting, enjoyable read.

4. The Ice Queen - Alice Hoffman. 3 stars Bizarrely written book that is nevertheless enjoyable. Written like a fairy with some stilted sentences like you'd expect from a child.

5. Eat Pray Love - Elizabeth Gilbert. 4 stars I was NOT expecting to enjoy this. I hate this kind of self-help, divorcée goes to Italy and finds love kind of stories but from the first chapter the bitch pulled me in, and I took quite a lot away from it. Biography/memoir done right.

Now reading
The third angel - Alice Hoffman. Since I liked The Ice Queen, I got this from Kindle, expecting to have a new author to follow. Hah! This book is so shit it's unbelievable. It's worse than book number 2. I'm at 20% now. Unless it picks up in a big way very soon, it will officially be the worst book I've ever read in my life.


yeah not sure if i'm going to continue with this...

I'm about 1/3 way through the 3rd Dune book and it's just too much work to try and read one book a week.


Book 2 for me:

Fevre Dream by George R. R. Martin.

It's was fucking great.


2. The Searchers
3. True Grit (John Wayne) - zoned out during it, but it still counts


aka andydumi
1. The Trial/Franz Kafka 2. A Selective History Of Max Werner/Scott Forbes 3. A Storm Of Swords/George R.R. Martin
1. Dinner For Schmucks 2. Due Date 3. The Eagle 4. Date Night 5. Elizabeth I 6. McGruber 7. Leap Year 8. Coming to America 9. Funny People 10. Rise of the Planet of the Apes 11. It's Complicated 12. Robin Hood

Huge twist in Storm of Swords HUGE!!!!
New stuff in bold

1. The Devil in the White City
2. Nightwoods
3. Gateway
4. Beyond the Blue Event Horizon


1. 13 Assassins
2. Tucker & Dale vs Evil
3. The Help
4. Castaway on the Moon
5. Jeremiah Johnson
6. Robin Hood
7. Valkyrie
8. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
9. Bridesmaids
10. The World, The Flesh, and The Devil
11. Warrior
I'll give this a shot, even though I'm getting a bit of a late start in actually finding out about it.
I already read or am reading the first three or four books on the list, so I'm not completely behind. Likewise with the first two or three movies. This works well, because there is a huge backlog of things I'd like to reread, and my Netflix queue is so long that this will be a good opportunity to pare it down. Here goes...

Books: 1 The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch/Philip K Dick; 2 The New Jim Crow/Michelle Alexander; 3 Lost in the Cosmos/ Walker Percy; 4 It/Stephen King

Movies: 1 Office Space; 2 Hesher; 3 Attack the Block; 4 Reservoir Dogs; 5 The Big Lebowsky; 6 Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil


Updates in bold:

Might as well try:

1: Murakami: Underground
2: Franzen: Freedom
3: Tóibín: Brooklyn

None so far


I can't do 50 books. My books average at about 500 to 1000 pages.

I'm moving on to War and Peace after Farenheit 451, so I'm going to bet right now I'll probably not get to the next book until late February or early March.

I tried reading Story of the Eye, but it's too much weird sex stuff and not enough substance. I'll probably read a page or two here and there until I get through it, but it's not a book I can sit down and feel satisfied by reading all at once.


Guess i'll try and do this.

1. World War Z
2. Issac Asimov: Foundation
3. Murakami: Norwegian Wood
4. Murakami: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Currently reading)

1. The Man From Nowhere
2. Captain America
3. Bottle Rocket
4. X-Men First Class
5. Sucker Punch
6. Drive


I hope it's not too late to join. Might hit 50 movies, won't hit 50 books, but I think I can get at least 20. I've seen a fair few more movies but I can't remember them. Only counting films I haven't seen before.
1. Devil's Backbone
2. LA Confidential
3. Senna
4. Barton Fink
5. 50 Dead Men Walking

1. Drawing of the Three: Dark Tower 2 by Stephen King
2. Mr Unbelievable by Chris Kamara
3. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Blade Runner) by Phillip K. Dick
4. Carrie by Stephen King



01. Moneyball
02. Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol
03. Tucker & Dale vs. Evil
04. Morning Glory
05. Machete Maidens Unleashed!
06. The Trip



Watched two movies this weekend.

07. We Need to Talk About Kevin
08. Midnight in Paris


I can add three movies to my list:

Elizabeth - The Golden Age
and Unknown Identity

Tomorrow I'll watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (OV) and my next stop at the movies will be Drive.


Neo Member
For the OP. Books: 5/50

Books read so far:

1. The Bedwetter - Sarah Silverman. 3 stars.

2. 44 - Joolz Somebody. (forget her last name) 2 stars

3. The Color Purple - Alice Walker. 4 stars

4. The Ice Queen - Alice Hoffman. 3 stars

5. Eat Pray Love - Elizabeth Gilbert. 4 stars

6. The third angel - Alice Hoffman. half a star. Since I liked The Ice Queen, I got this from Kindle, expecting to have a new author to follow. Hah! This book is so shit it's unbelievable.
Update: it became less shit towards the end with about twenty good pages then turned to shit again.


Book 1: Brave New World
Book 2: Steve Jobs
Book 3: A Theory of Fun for Game Design
Book 4: Fahrenheit 451
Book 5: War and Peace (in progress)

Movie 1: Amadeus
Movie 2: Waiting for Superman
Movie 3: Revolution OS
Movie 4: Exit Through the Gift Shop
Movie 5: Mission Impossible
Movie 6: Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father
Movie 7: Orgasm, Inc.
Movie 8: The Thin Blue Line
Movie 9: Chinatown
Movie 10: Toy Story 3
Movie 11: Tangled
Movie 12: Primer
Movie 13: Minority Report
Movie 14: The Thin Red Line
Movie 15: Zodiac
Movie 16: The Broken Tower
Movie 17: Bellflower
Movie 18: Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
Movie 19: Contagion
Movie 20: Paranormal Activity 3
Movie 21: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Movie 22: The Girl Who Played With Fire

Do textbooks or reference books count?
Havent finished my first book since I stopped a few weeks ago. Been watching the hell out of movies. Too bad tv shows dont count. Like "x episodes=one movie"


Might as well join since I watch movies and I can read too

1. Perdido Street Station (rules state if over 500 pages it can be 2)
2. Perdido Street Station

1. 50/50
2. Billy Madison

1) Alien
2) Aliens
3) Hard Boiled
4)The Killer
5) Jerry Maguire
6) Tangled
7) Age of Innocence
8) Total Recall
9) Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
10) Taxi Driver
11) The Untouchables
12) 10 Things I Hate About You
13) A Knight’s Tale
14) Death at a Funeral
15) Wonder Boys
16) Blade Runner
17) Kingdom of Heaven

And a whole slew of TV shows. Like tons of Doctor Who and Chuck, but they dont count apparently.


aka andydumi
1. The Trial/Franz Kafka 2. A Selective History Of Max Werner/Scott Forbes 3. A Storm Of Swords/George R.R. Martin 4. Call of Cthulu 5. Arabian Nights
1. Dinner For Schmucks 2. Due Date 3. The Eagle 4. Date Night 5. Elizabeth I 6. McGruber 7. Leap Year 8. Coming to America 9. Funny People 10. Rise of the Planet of the Apes 11. It's Complicated 12. Robin Hood 13. The Kids Are Allright

Storm of Swords, excellent ending, better than the first two. Cthulu was long overdue on my list. And Arabian Nights was good, although some of the stories are pretty corny, some have interesting twists.


Opinions too? Sure, makes it more interesting:

Book 1: John Dickson Carr: The Problem of the Green Capsule (7/10 - a whodunnit not a howdunnit)
Book 2: Philip K. Dick: Ubik (10/10 - classic Dick reality bender)
Book 3: Jasper Fforde: The Last Dragonslayer (6/10 - not really there to the Thursday Next series)
Book 4: Adrian Tchaikovsky: Empire in Black and Gold (6/10 - was quite enjoyable once I startet imagining everyone actually were insects)

Movie 1: Gulaal (5/10)
Movie 2: Full Moon Scimitar (4/10)
Movie 3: Sexy Killer (6/10)
Movie 4: The Important Thing Is To Love (10/10)
Movie 5: The Clone Returns Home (7/10)
Movie 6: Don't Go Breaking My Heart (8/10)
Movie 7: A Devilish Murder (4/10)
Movie 8: Redline (8/10)
Movie 9: Ip Man: The Legend is Born (6/10)
Movie 10: The Front Line (6/10 - lacks the empathy of Taegukgi)
Movie 11: Repentance (9/10)
Movie 12: White Heaven in Hell (7/10)
Movie 13: Santa Sangre (10/10)
Movie 14: Leafie - A Hen in the Wind (6/10)
Movie 15: Heaven and Hell (3/10 - Chang Cheh's weirdest film?)
Movie 16: The Seventh Bullet (6/10 - no White Sun of the Desert)
Movie 17: Dreamchild (3/10 - Lolita meets The Muppets)
Movie 18: Scabbard Samurai (8/10)
Movie 19: Elena (7/10)
Movie 20: Dabangg (7/10)
Movie 21: Rundskop (8/10)
Movie 22: Source Code (7/10)
Movie 23: Samurai Rebellion (9/10)
Movie 24: Kidnapper (5/10)
Movie 25: Szindbad (6/10)
I'm in to!

1. Pandoras star
2. Manhattan in reverse
3. The winter queen
4. Our culture whats left of it
5. The foundation
6. Second foundation


1. Too big to fail
2. Midnight in Paris
3. The Help
4. Apollo 18
5. In time
6. In 30 minutes or less
7. The hangover 2
8. Margin Call
9. Contagion
10. Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy
11. The departed
12. What's your number
13. The debt
14. Crazy stupid love
15. Tower Heist
16. Sherlock Holmes
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