Just bought a pair of Fischer Audio Eterna v1 after hearing that they're probably the best in that price range.
But, as with all headphones that are reasonably priced and actually worth a damn, pretty much no one sells them. Had to buy trough a site called Frogbeats which I couldn't find any info about.
Looks to be a new start-up by a couple of audio enthusiasts. Seems reliable enough. : )
My Sennheiser CX300s just broke, looking for a replacement. In ears to use with a Nexus S. I have about £65 of Amazon vouchers coming but I guess I could go a bit higher. Was looking at these. Also saw the B&W C5s, would stretching a bit for the £150 be worth it?
Frogbeats should be fine, get mentioned on headfi all the time.
Getting into speakers?So I'm getting out of the headphone game and am selling my WA6 w/ Sophia Princess as well as my HD650s, so before I toss this up on head fi or another site I thought I'd see if anyone here was interested. Neither are really heavily used as I found that I prefer speakers.
Thinking $630 for the amp, Sophia, the two 6DR7 tubes and the three original tubes. (No power cord or any other connects since it never came with em)
And $300 for the HD650s.
Both are + shipping and will come with their original boxes.
How do they compare to these found on Amazon, the Superlux HD681's?
I have the ath-m50 and I'm very happy with them. However, my thinkpad doesn't have a very good sound card so the max volume on it is not very high. I mentioned this in the speakers thread, but my pro media 2.1 have a problem where sound comes out of them even if I plug my head phones so I can't use them to increase the volume.
So now, I'm thinking of getting a cheap amp to remedy the problem. I'm looking into maybe getting the cMoyBB amp right now. Are they worth the price and will I get good results with them?
I have the ath-m50 and I'm very happy with them. However, my thinkpad doesn't have a very good sound card so the max volume on it is not very high. I mentioned this in the speakers thread, but my pro media 2.1 have a problem where sound comes out of them even if I plug my head phones so I can't use them to increase the volume.
So now, I'm thinking of getting a cheap amp to remedy the problem. I'm looking into maybe getting the cMoyBB amp right now. Are they worth the price and will I get good results with them?
JVC HARX700 are on sale for $33 at amazon right now. great deal on great sounding headphones. extremely well rated and highly modifiable. search "JVC HARX700 mod" and you'll find tons of easy mods to make these headphones really shine.
Just bought a pair of Fischer Audio Eterna v1 after hearing that they're probably the best in that price range.
But, as with all headphones that are reasonably priced and actually worth a damn, pretty much no one sells them. Had to buy trough a site called Frogbeats which I couldn't find any info about.
Looks to be a new start-up by a couple of audio enthusiasts. Seems reliable enough. : )
Getting into speakers?
Ok, so I'm about to dive into this thread. I've been looking for some headphones to work out in, tired of the earbuds. I've been looking at these Audio-Technica ATH-M30 Professional Headphones for a few days. Thoughts? suggestions. Nothing expensive.
Ok, so I'm about to dive into this thread. I've been looking for some headphones to work out in, tired of the earbuds. I've been looking at these Audio-Technica ATH-M30 Professional Headphones for a few days. Thoughts? suggestions. Nothing expensive.
Got into speakers. I'll still be an IEM guy though.
I have the ath-m50 and I'm very happy with them. However, my thinkpad doesn't have a very good sound card so the max volume on it is not very high. I mentioned this in the speakers thread, but my pro media 2.1 have a problem where sound comes out of them even if I plug my head phones so I can't use them to increase the volume.
So now, I'm thinking of getting a cheap amp to remedy the problem. I'm looking into maybe getting the cMoyBB amp right now. Are they worth the price and will I get good results with them?
I'm looking at the JVC HARX700 for $30. Are they better than the Samson SR850?
I'm looking at the JVC HARX700 for $30. Are they better than the Samson SR850?
Does anyone know if the Denon AH-D1100 require an external amp?
Not really, the AH-D2000 are also quite efficient as well.
Thanks. I'm thinking about picking up a pair for home and some on the go use. Are they too high end that if they were plugged into an iPhone that I'd notice poor sound quality?
Ok, so I'm about to dive into this thread. I've been looking for some headphones to work out in, tired of the earbuds. I've been looking at these Audio-Technica ATH-M30 Professional Headphones for a few days. Thoughts? suggestions. Nothing expensive.
Well that's how we suck you in.I'd like to thank NeoGAF for advising me to pick up ATH M50s. They're my best purchase soundwise in quite a while...
Well, for $200 you can get Grado SR225i which in some way is enough for even discerning listeners, more is already luxury.
Too bad they become $400 headphones if you wanna buy them in Europe.
Just came from posting in one of the ancient threads. I just got my first Android and am currently looking for some in ear buds. Any recommendations?
Just came from posting in one of the ancient threads. I just got my first Android and am currently looking for some in ear buds. Any recommendations?
What's your budget? If you've got the bones you can always go for these.
I use 'em with my zune and they're quite good.
I don't think most people in this thread are willing to spend what I spend on headphones/earbuds, though.
Go with a DAC/Amp combo, the FiiO E10 would be perfect.
Head Fi should rename their b/s/t forums to Low Ball. :|
650's right? What's the lowest someone has offered you? When last I was in the market, 650's retained their value pretty well. Then again, the 800's came out, so the 650's aren't "top tier" any more. God knows HF hates anything that isn't "top tier".
All things considered, I've probably broken even buying and selling on HF. The trick is to...well...buy low, which is where your current predicament is coming from lol.
I'm going to get a pair of TF10's reshelled, sell my K701's, and probably just be content with the customs for a few years.