Yeah, if you're going for the E7/E9 combo, you're better off getting the E10. The only reason I would suggest the E7/E9 combo over the E10 is if you wanted the better amp, which is the E9. Otherwise, the E10 is the better budget DAC/amp combo than the E7/E9 at half the cost too although you do have a choice of pairing the E10 with the E9 later if you're ever curious. Relatively the same cost as getting the E7 and E9 anyway except you'll be using the E10 as a DAC instead of the E7..
They do, but there are times where you may have to think about the damping factor when pairing a low impedance phone like an IEM with a high output impedance from an amp. With the HD598, however, I think an amp is well worth it because it'll help the bass, specifically the 100 hz region like some other Senn phones. I also feel proper amping gets rid the "veil" (yet not completely) the Senn sound is usually associated with.[/MG][/QUOTE]
Thanks for the help.