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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


I doubt there are receipts...if there was then it cant be fake. Nothing would ring up if it wasn't already in the system.

edit: not to mention, there would be nothing to be afraid of if he had a receipt in regards to returning the item. He said his friend was freaking out thinking he got ripped off.

What kind of idiot buys something inside a store without a receipt though? Something he didn't even know how to verify at all. For that matter, what crook keeps stock of counterfeit headphones inside his place of employment, just hoping to sell them? Where is the manager?

No offense to his friend of course.

Got my TF10's in from Amazon earlier. They sound incredible, but they have the worst ergonomics of any IEM's I've ever used. I'll be reshelling them shortly.


What kind of idiot buys something inside a store without a receipt though? Something he didn't even know how to verify at all. For that matter, what crook keeps stock of counterfeit headphones inside his place of employment, just hoping to sell them? Where is the manager?

No offense to his friend of course.

Got my TF10's in from Amazon earlier. They sound incredible, but they have the worst ergonomics of any IEM's I've ever used. I'll be reshelling them shortly.

I once sold a motorcycle helmet in the parking lot of my workplace, on company time. Maybe it was just a private sale within the safety of the store? But then that doesn't really line up with his story of leaving his job or whatever. Pretty weird all around, I await news and pictures of the cans.


So i just got my CC51P and i feel like the left channel is somewhat.. err.. muffled? (english isn't my main language).
Is this something i should be worried about?

I've tried different sources and placed the left channel headphone in my right ear so i think i've eliminated most variables. I installed winamp and put the panning bar to the far left and to the far right and left channel seems like it's not outputting the same sound as the right one.
I'm not sure if i noticed this when i tried them out the first time but it's something i've been noticing the last couple of days.
It will be such a hassle to return them but i would love some input. Maybe it's just me.


So i just got my CC51P and i feel like the left channel is somewhat.. err.. muffled? (english isn't my main language).
Is this something i should be worried about?

I've tried different sources and placed the left channel headphone in my right ear so i think i've eliminated most variables. I installed winamp and put the panning bar to the far left and to the far right and left channel seems like it's not outputting the same sound as the right one.
I'm not sure if i noticed this when i tried them out the first time but it's something i've been noticing the last couple of days.
It will be such a hassle to return them but i would love some input. Maybe it's just me.

If there is an audible difference in the volume output between channels (with multiple sources tested) I'd say you got a broken pair.


So I'm in the market for a companion piece to my Sennheiser HD555s (or, if the price is right, outright replacing them for general use). Generally J-Pop/K-Pop stuff on one end of the spectrum and then Rock and Rap on the other. Movies, Gaming, etc. are of secondary importance here.

I have a pair of RE-0s I use for general portable use that I'm fine with so this is more of a hunkering down pair of cans, though I don't really care either way. That said, $150-250 range is pretty much pushing the budget on this one, though I'll be willing to go higher under a good enough reasoning (and/or if an amp is needed/recommended for the pair).

So my current list of things I was looking at are:

Audio-Technica ATH-M50: Honestly, this is like a staple of the price range so I don't have much to say. They seem to fit the bill, for the most part (iffy on the mid-range).

Shure SRH840: Not quite sure on the exacts of this, honestly; I'm relatively familiar with the 440 and I saw a good amount of recommendations of this in lieu of the M50 above. Not much else to add.

Sennheiser HD 25-1 I/II: A pretty good all-rounder, it seems based off reviews. Seems like a solid choice at the price point, especially since it's down to $175 on Amazon currently for the 25-1 II.

V-MODA Crossfade M-80: I'm not even sure where this came from. I like the look of it and it has reviewed well for sound quality vs the HD 25-1 and DT 1350.

The jump to the $200-range seems worth it at a glance, just want some input on these or if there's any notable ones I missed to consider. Any thoughts? I'm going to hopefully spend some time to try and find these to get some hands-on time.


If there is an audible difference in the volume output between channels (with multiple sources tested) I'd say you got a broken pair.

Sorry man, definitely sounds like you got a bad pair.

Crap :/
Well i'm gonna get a second opinion before i send them off but hopefully the return wont be painful.

With multiple sources i mean i tried them out both on my laptop and on my phone. But like i said, i'm going to get a friend to try them out just to be sure. It might just be me.


I just bought the Audio-Technica ATH-M50's today.

Been waiting for it to drop down in price and just so happens that they did for a bit


Rapid Response Threadmaker
My ATH-AD700's got their end jack (What is the thing at the end of the cord called?) bent, and after trying to rebend it back it still won't play 100% in the iPod anymore. At first it was getting sound from both earphones, but if you twisted it, it would go to just one headphone. Now it seems to play out of only 1 earphone unless you really push it in, and the littlest tap will make it go back to just 1 ear phone. How do you go about fixing these or replacing the cable?

I don't know if I should go for those M-50's. I can't be spending too much money >_>

I was originally thinking of possibly getting the Sony MDR7506 since I heard good things about them. How do the sony's compare to the M-50?


Once you're at the point that expensive custom cables seem like a decent upgrade path, you've reached the limits of the hobby. There is no helping you.


How do the ATH50s compare to Sennheiser HD555 (my current headphones, a bit busted) or Dre Beats?

My biggest HD555 complaint is lack of bass.

They're closed back compared to the open back HD555's. The M50's lack the more spacious sound that open back headphone provide but they do have much better bass than the HD555's. M-50 is easily better then Beats by Dre and at less than half the price.


My ATH-AD700's got their end jack (What is the thing at the end of the cord called?) bent, and after trying to rebend it back it still won't play 100% in the iPod anymore. At first it was getting sound from both earphones, but if you twisted it, it would go to just one headphone. Now it seems to play out of only 1 earphone unless you really push it in, and the littlest tap will make it go back to just 1 ear phone. How do you go about fixing these or replacing the cable?

I don't know if I should go for those M-50's. I can't be spending too much money >_>

I was originally thinking of possibly getting the Sony MDR7506 since I heard good things about them. How do the sony's compare to the M-50?

If you have any experience In soldering, you can pick up a new jack at Radioshack for like a dollar or two. I've done it before to repair my old ATH M30s after my mom yanked the cord and bent the jack when cleaning.


How do the ATH50s compare to Sennheiser HD555 (my current headphones, a bit busted) or Dre Beats?

My biggest HD555 complaint is lack of bass.

Fuck all of those. If you want great headphones with a lot of bass (that doesn't drown out the music) get the Denon D2000's, D5000's or D7000's.


I “like" this 3000 dollar headphone cable that comes with an optional 1600 Louis Vuitton bag to carry them around in.

Spending twice as much on the cable for the headphones it's advertised to work with.

Why not just get an Orpheus setup and be done with it?

If you want a lot of bass, almost overwhelming, get the Beats.
You mean, if you want overblown, muddy, detail-less bass get the Beats.


Junior Member
But I don't spend $1000 on cables. ;_;

$12000 is unfortunately out of my current budget, but I wouldn't be opposed to owning an Orpheus if I had the cash.
But you should first get a speaker setup with that kind of money, some nice 5-7k speaker, 2k amp, 2k source, 1k cables (harrharr), and that will blow away the listening experience of the Orpheus.


But you should first get a speaker setup with that kind of money, some nice 5-7k speaker, 2k amp, 2k source, 1k cables (harrharr), and that will blow away the listening experience of the Orpheus.
Don't forget the 50k room to set them up in. I listen to headphones because I can't be bothered to put forth the money and the effort to set up a good speaker environment.
gents, i need your feed back. im buying headphones for my nephew.
which is better?
Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Sony MDR-V6 Monitor

or anything else you recommend in the price range of $50-$100

thanks in advance


gents, i need your feed back. im buying headphones for my nephew.
which is better?
Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Sony MDR-V6 Monitor

or anything else you recommend in the price range of $50-$100

thanks in advance

I have the Sony MDR7056, they are almost exactly the same as the MDR-V6 and i really like them. I have never heard the HD 280, but i can recommend the MDR-V6.


Got the Sony MDRV6's today(still waiting on the amp) and so far the biggest thing I've noticed from listening to both the V6 and the MDR7505, is that the volume for the V6 seems to be much lower than the 7505 and the bass seems to be less as well. At the same time the bass feels as if it's much more accurate to the source material, and I feel as if the highs are better on the V6 as well. Because of the volume reduction I feel like when I crank up the volume on the V6 everything sounds better and more up front, rather than the 7505 where it still sounds good, but slightly more muddy in comparison. Maybe I'm just crazy. Can anyone who has had experience with both confirm or deny this evaluation?

Oh and how much of an increase in quality can I expect with the E6 amp?


I'd be grateful for some advice. I would not consider my ears as well trained, in fact I think I'm quite the opposite of an audiophile so far, but I'd like to change that.

So as the first step of my training I recently acquired the Denon AH-D5000 which apparently were on sale for a brief period. I currently use them directly on my notebook and phone and am very happy with what I'm hearing.

In fact they kind of tarnished my mobile in-ears for me. So I was happy to see the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10 on amazon's Cyber Monday sale...

But perhaps my expectations were not realistic. In terms of sound quality (when using identical ear cushions) I don't really hear too much of a difference to my Creative EP-630 that I've been using so far.
Perhaps I wrongly expected the TF10 to sound more like the D5000 than the EP-630?
Especially medium ranges sound very muffled in comparison to the D5000. That's a pretty big surprise. And not the nicest one.

I'm also rather disappointed with the Comply foam tips of the TF10, they kind of muffle the bass in addition to the medium ranges. Didn't think that would be the case, but th silicone cushions provide me with much clearer sound and nice bass as well.

So my question is, am I doing something wrong? What could I do to improve? Did I jsut receive a faulty TF10? I'm wondering that because the cable to the right ear, right were it splits for left/right ear has a loose contact as well.

I'd be very thankful for any comments.
Oh man, if you daisychain them bad boys you got a killer surround sound system too.
Fart cannons that would quake enough to tear the San Andreas fault apart for sure

In fact they kind of tarnished my mobile in-ears for me. So I was happy to see the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10 on amazon's Cyber Monday sale...

But perhaps my expectations were not realistic. In terms of sound quality (when using identical ear cushions) I don't really hear too much of a difference to my Creative EP-630 that I've been using so far.
Perhaps I wrongly expected the TF10 to sound more like the D5000 than the EP-630?
Especially medium ranges sound very muffled in comparison to the D5000. That's a pretty big surprise. And not the nicest one.

I'm also rather disappointed with the Comply foam tips of the TF10, they kind of muffle the bass in addition to the medium ranges. Didn't think that would be the case, but th silicone cushions provide me with much clearer sound and nice bass as well.

So my question is, am I doing something wrong? What could I do to improve? Did I jsut receive a faulty TF10? I'm wondering that because the cable to the right ear, right were it splits for left/right ear has a loose contact as well.

I'd be very thankful for any comments.

Not much of a difference compared to $25 phones huh? That's pretty drastic. I'd say you have a lot of acclimating to get used to, as I've actually dealt with someone who couldn't find much difference between the JVC FX500 and the phones you've got, in spite of these two phones being... worlds apart. The first thing is, yeah, ditch the Complys, they suck the treble out of everything and muddle the overall sound sig. Yeah, they're really comfy, but you ought to be able to find some tips that will provide comparable comfort. The ones you've got on from the E-630 may be good, may be not. Experimenting with tips will really make a big impact on the sound in some cases because of the way they affect the fit. The TF10 are notorious for having a pretty shitty fit, so make sure your phones are seated well and that you are getting a good seal with the tips you are using. That's half of the equation, the other half is getting used to an entirely different sound signature.

For instance, I've owned my fair share of phones, but my last acquisition was the Earsonic SM3 which is reputed for having one of the most balanced sound signatures you can find in the IEM world. When I first put them on, I was grossly underwhelmed, I understood that they were polarizing upon first listen, but they shocked even me. How could phones costing $300+ sound so much worse than the $150 phones I was using before? I knew what I was in for, and it surprised even me. As time went on, I learned to appreciate the way the SM3 presented sound to me, and I honestly can not go back to any of the other phones I've got. I'll even take them over my DAC to amped SA5000 rig because the SM3 are the most resolving phones I've ever heard. They make some of the most awful recordings I have somehow enjoyable. I don't have the slightest clue why I found them lacking in the first place. So yeah, I've been there, just listen with no expectations and you'll grow to either like or hate the sound signature. One thing is for sure, they FOR SURE do NOT sound ANYTHING like the EP-630. Just give it some time.


Decided on picking up the V-MODA M-80s. Hopefully I'll have them in a few days and can put some thoughts down on them once I break them in.

...now, to try not to buy the ATH M50 or HD 25-1 II anyway...
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