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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


I don't know if I should make a new thread for this but I'll try asking hear first. Looking for a good, old school box receivers to use for my record player and some other audio devices. I really don't know which brand or model is good for the money but I'm looking to spend up to $300 for one. Any suggestions?


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Hey guys, I want to buy a good pair of cheap headphones for work, and I'm looking at the HD439s. Reading reviews though, it seems they are not very bassy. What are some good similar in price headphones with more bass? something that doesn't need an amplifier and is comfortable to wear?


butthurt Heat fan

I don't wanna kill that squirrel...


Just spent about 40 mins with the Westone 4. On the whole, I'm a little disappointed. The W4 is definitely more balanced than my IE8. But it falls short in separation and loses a lot of clarity when the music becomes complex.

Just a little background, I listen primarily to Dream Theater, a progressive rock/metal band. Their music is considered to be heavy and very technical and each instrument (bass, guitar, keyboard, drums and vocals) contribute significantly to the song in different ways. Hence clear separation is critical when all five members are playing at the same time.

The W4 sounds fantastic when only two or three instruments are at the forefront but it becomes overly veiled and somewhat dark during the parts when there's heavy drums or keyboards layering the music.

Are there any suggestions as to which IEMs I should try next?

I own a pair of W4's and have compared them with several top end universal IEM's which I either own or have also owned including the W3's, SE535's, Triple.Fi's and numerous other high end headphones.

I agree that vanilla W4's are a little lacklustre. This is largely due to an annoying veil and cloudiness that plagues them at default. However, if you take your time to EQ them, I promise you they will open up and astonish. They actually have the best instrumental separation and imaging out of any of the universals I have tested, they're just not as lively or dramatic.

Having also tested a wide range of portable amps ic two Filo's, JDS cMoyBB, Pico Slim, SR-71A, SR-71B and ALO Continental (my fave), I must say the best pairing for the W4's is actually the JDS cMoy BB, which is one of the cheapest of the bunch.

Reason for this is because it has a really wide soundstage (more than all the others bar the Continental) and also adds a bit of bass quantity that helps. The cMoy is not as warm and smooth as the Continental which is why it suits the W4 better. The wider sound stage really helps the W4 to show of it's detailing and ability to space out different nuances of sound really well.

That said, before you take the jump, it might be worth while to keep an eye out on Sony's new line of Universals. The X3 and X4 have been gaining quite a bit of buzz.

In any case, here is my W4 EQ. Drop the bass unless you're a bass junky. Using EQu on the iPhone 4.


Anyway, been listening to a crap load of my T1's with my ALO Continental lately. Just a sublime pairing.


I own a pair of W4's and have compared them with several top end universal IEM's which I either own or have also owned including the W3's, SE535's, Triple.Fi's and numerous other high end headphones.

I agree that vanilla W4's are a little lacklustre. This is largely due to an annoying veil and cloudiness that plagues them at default. However, if you take your time to EQ them, I promise you they will open up and astonish. They actually have the best instrumental separation and imaging out of any of the universals I have tested, they're just not as lively or dramatic.

Having also tested a wide range of portable amps ic two Filo's, JDS cMoyBB, Pico Slim, SR-71A, SR-71B and ALO Continental (my fave), I must say the best pairing for the W4's is actually the JDS cMoy BB, which is one of the cheapest of the bunch.

Reason for this is because it has a really wide soundstage (more than all the others bar the Continental) and also adds a bit of bass quantity that helps. The cMoy is not as warm and smooth as the Continental which is why it suits the W4 better. The wider sound stage really helps the W4 to show of it's detailing and ability to space out different nuances of sound really well.

That said, before you take the jump, it might be worth while to keep an eye out on Sony's new line of Universals. The X3 and X4 have been gaining quite a bit of buzz.

In any case, here is my W4 EQ. Drop the bass unless you're a bass junky. Using EQu on the iPhone 4.


Anyway, been listening to a crap load of my T1's with my ALO Continental lately. Just a sublime pairing.

How do you get custom EQ on the iPhone?

Also, it's interesting that you mention the T1 because it is the neutrality and clarity of the T1 that I bought two months ago that is prompting my search for a replacement for the IE8. How do the W4 stack up against the T1, in your view?


Hey guys, I'm thinking about getting my first pair of decent headphones for PC use.
Basically just want them for music and occasional gaming.
I'm really considering getting the HD598 from amazon at some point soon. I'm not looking to spend more than $200, but are there any other open headphones I should consider? Also, is an amp necessary, or would I be okay plugging directly into my PC
Anyone? Would I need an amp with these (HD598), or could I just get one later on if necessary?
Some bands/artists I listen to: Radiohead, Animal Collective, James Blake, The Strokes, The Flaming Lips, The National, Pavement


Anyone? Would I need an amp with these (HD598), or could I just get one later on if necessary?
Some bands/artists I listen to: Radiohead, Animal Collective, James Blake, The Strokes, The Flaming Lips, The National, Pavement

Google says the HD598 has an impedance of 50 ohms and sensitivity of 112 dB. That suggests to me that an amp is not required.


Google says the HD598 has an impedance of 50 ohms and sensitivity of 112 dB. That suggests to me that an amp is not required.

Thanks for the quick response, I'm totally new to this stuff :p.
If anyone has other open-ear headphone suggestions judging by the artists I posted, I would appreciate it. Or if you think these headphones will suit me fine that feedback would also be good.


How do you get custom EQ on the iPhone?

Also, it's interesting that you mention the T1 because it is the neutrality and clarity of the T1 that I bought two months ago that is prompting my search for a replacement for the IE8. How do the W4 stack up against the T1, in your view?

I use an app called EQu. Basically just like the default music app but much better looking and with a whole host of EQ and custom settings. Highly recommend it.


The W4 has much more room for EQ'ing. It's sonic signature can be drastically changed with EQ'ing where the T1 is not as mouldable, which is fine given that the T1 pretty much already has a perfect balance (though maybe a tad sub bass shy for some). I say this after spending countless (I do mean countless lol) hours tweaking and EQ'ing, only to end up sticking to default or flat. You can't really change any element of the T1's balance without losing something special. For example, sure you can up the low end bass quantity, but you will lose some of the bass texture and bass detail. Like wise you can lessen the highs or upper band frequencies, but you'll lose the pin sharp imaging.

The W4 on the other hand, can be positively moulded with an EQ, since it's default balance is, imo far from perfect. It's a tad cloudy and timid, and just needs some tweaking to really bring the best out of it. But comparing my EQ tweaked W4 against an EQ tweaked SE535, W3, Triple.Fi etc, the W4 wins out due to it's amazingly wide (for an IEM) soundstage, and superior instrumental separation. With an EQ tweaked W4, you can detect more elements in music than with some of the other IEM's, though the others do excel in areas too, such as bass impact (SE535) and liveliness of sound (Triple.Fi).

So it really does boil down to personal taste and whether or not you'll be EQ'ing. If you're not going to be EQ'ing, and want something more fun and punchy, go SE535. Likewise, minus EQ'ing, if you want something nice and balanced, go UM3X. If you WILL be EQ'ing, and want something balanced and with fantastic clarity and separation (for an IEM), go W4.

With respect to the T1 vs W4 comparison. Firstly, there isn't much of a comparison really. The T1 is just a whole lot more detailed, dynamic and accurate. The W4 EQd has a bit more bass quantity, but not quite quality. The W4 also has a wider (sounds strange I know) at times, soundstage, but only horizontally speaking. The T1 has a much more three dimensional soundstage, where it's not just about figuring out sound placement width wise, but also in terms of depth and height. So you get a real sense of the entire stage a band is performing on, not necessarily, mainly the different sounds spread out horizontally, like with the W4. But this is a problem intrinsic to nearly all IEM's due to the design and nature of them.

So yes, the W4 is a highly accomplished IEM, post EQ, perhaps one of the, if not the best (Universal IEM speaking). But it's still not near the level of the T1 in terms of balance, three dimensional sound staging and imaging. For a more comparable IEM, you'd need to go custom, probably something like the ES5, JH13, JH16 etc. But I doubt even then, they'd be an exact match.

The W4 is more than enough for me on the move though. I've been thoroughly content with it coupled with the JDS cMoy. Though I wouldn't say no to upgrading if a new better product (universal only) came along. Like I said, Sony's new Universal IEM X3/X4 line look very tasty.


Wow, thanks for the great impressions, nib95.

I'm really hesitant to go down the EQ-ing route because it's probably going to open a whole can of worms for me and I can see myself obssessing over every little detail when trying to create a decent custom EQ.

Regarding your recommendations, I've listened to the SE535 and I don't like them enough to justify spending on them at this point in time. I have heard the UM3X as well and from what I remembered, they are decent but sound pretty similar to the IE8 which I currently own. My memory may be wrong on this though and I just might have to listen to them again to be sure.

I really don't want to go down the custom route as well. I prefer to just buy off-the-shelf. I might give the ER4S and the Triplefi 10 a listen but those don't appeal to me aesthetically and they look like a real pain in the ass to use on the go so I'm a little hesitant. Dynamite Ringo Matsuri suggested the RE272 and Fischer DBA 02 but we don't get those around here so they're not an option for me. I heard the Brainwavz B2 is basically a Fischer DBA02 and that is available here so I might give that a go and see how it works out. Any idea on when the Sony IEMs you are talking about will be released?

Also, I realized just yesterday that after 1.5 years of owning the IE8, I've been using them wrong; I've been using the smallest rubber tips since day one but yesterday, I tried the medium ones just for the heck of it and the isolation improved tremendously. With the improved isolation, the bass really started to pound and this was not something I've experienced with them in the past. People usually talk about the IE8's fantastic bass, which had confused me in the past, so now I finally know what people are talking about. LOL.


anyone else got any suggestions for iems priced around £70?

Two ones I'm most familiar in that range are the RE-ZERO ($100 US) and RE262 ($150 US); both are rather neutral entries so I enjoyed them as just a general "I have no idea what I feel like listening to so let's touch base on everything" pair.
Try the Sony qualias


Elryionx - you might want to look into the Audio Technica CK10/100 as well if those are available to demo. They're supposed to have the best separation, clarity, imaging and speed out of just about any iems, period I think. I think Joker said they are so impossibly fast, he thinks they could reproduce several songs simultaneously without missing a beat.

Chinner - the RE-Zero is a good choice as well. Very neutral sound signature and highly detailed. More on the audiophile side of tastes though (read: some might find their sound uninvolving/unexciting), if you want a more consumer oriented sound, the Sunrise Xcape that Des recommended would fit your bill (har har).

Deadly Cyclone - VaderNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


What is going on in here? Chinner gets like three great recommendations and keeps asking for more, and these responses...Who's trolling who?

Edit: Yeah those are good too, were you just waiting for someone to recommend the exact pair you wanted?


What is going on in here? Chinner gets like three great recommendations and keeps asking for more, and these responses...Who's trolling who?

Edit: Yeah those are good too, were you just waiting for someone to recommend the exact pair you wanted?

im just trying to get a good list of suggestions bro. no i am just trying to find a pair that i can comforatbly buy online. whenever i look for what you suggested they never come up, but maybe im not very good at the internet. im not trolling jesuss.

edit: at a first glance, can't find any re-zero from the uk at least, someone is selling sunrise xscape IE on ebay for 54 quid on clearance, so that sounds good.


I know the plugs are for sure different, but I think the Zero is a special edition of sorts that is presumed to be a very slight upgrade.


Dynamite Ringo Matsuri, what's the difference between the RE-0 and RE-Zero. I'm pretty sure I own the former.

Not too much. The bass is roughly the same, the mid-range is a bit fuller and the treble is a little gentler. It's not a direct upgrade from the 0 to the ZERO and definitely not a big enough change to convert those who didn't enjoy the 0 as a whole. Besides the sound signature, I think the other change is a lower impedance on them.

And, well, there's the aesthetic changes.


okay lets try this another way. i've used shure befoer and they seemed alright, what do you guys think of these:

edit: okay dynnamite thanks for teh words

Grab the Shure's if you want something more neutral and less colourful in that price range. They are solid imo. Go for Ultimate Ears equivalent if you want something a bit more vibrant, fun or exaggerated.

Wow, thanks for the great impressions, nib95.

I'm really hesitant to go down the EQ-ing route because it's probably going to open a whole can of worms for me and I can see myself obssessing over every little detail when trying to create a decent custom EQ.

Regarding your recommendations, I've listened to the SE535 and I don't like them enough to justify spending on them at this point in time. I have heard the UM3X as well and from what I remembered, they are decent but sound pretty similar to the IE8 which I currently own. My memory may be wrong on this though and I just might have to listen to them again to be sure.

I really don't want to go down the custom route as well. I prefer to just buy off-the-shelf. I might give the ER4S and the Triplefi 10 a listen but those don't appeal to me aesthetically and they look like a real pain in the ass to use on the go so I'm a little hesitant. Dynamite Ringo Matsuri suggested the RE272 and Fischer DBA 02 but we don't get those around here so they're not an option for me. I heard the Brainwavz B2 is basically a Fischer DBA02 and that is available here so I might give that a go and see how it works out. Any idea on when the Sony IEMs you are talking about will be released?

Also, I realized just yesterday that after 1.5 years of owning the IE8, I've been using them wrong; I've been using the smallest rubber tips since day one but yesterday, I tried the medium ones just for the heck of it and the isolation improved tremendously. With the improved isolation, the bass really started to pound and this was not something I've experienced with them in the past. People usually talk about the IE8's fantastic bass, which had confused me in the past, so now I finally know what people are talking about. LOL.

No problem at all dude.

Triple.Fi's sound great, but are a more vibrant kind of sonic presentation. If You weren't a huge fan of the SE535's I doubt you'll love the Trip.Fi's either. They are also FAR less comfortable. Just big, unwieldy and a bit cumbersome.

If you're quite a bass junky, armature based IEM's might not be your cup of tea in comparison to dynamic driver based one's. Miniature armature designs tend to favour articulation in place of a bassier darker tone.

With respect to the ER4S, it's sort of the polar opposite, being very clinical and articulate, with what some might describe as bass light. Etymotic's IEM's are really good for detail retrieval, but really not the most lush or bassy. Sort of on the colder side of sonic presentations.

Let me know what you eventually settle on! Will be interesting to read a comparison with the IE8, one IEM that unfortunately I'm yet to try!


im just trying to get a good list of suggestions bro. no i am just trying to find a pair that i can comforatbly buy online. whenever i look for what you suggested they never come up, but maybe im not very good at the internet. im not trolling jesuss.

edit: at a first glance, can't find any re-zero from the uk at least, someone is selling sunrise xscape IE on ebay for 54 quid on clearance, so that sounds good.

Xcape-IE, Shure 215, and RE-ZERO all have different sound signatures. Do you have an idea of what type of sound you like?
Dynamite Ringo Matsuri, what's the difference between the RE-0 and RE-Zero. I'm pretty sure I own the former.

As scy said, it's more of a sidegrade. You'll net improvements across the board but it's not a wholly different sound sig. You'll have to move up to the RE252/262/272 for that. Hell, I remember when people were selling off their RE262s for 120 shipped brand new a year ago on headfi, it was a stupid good deal, cause those phones sounded amazing amped.

Deadly Cyclone - if you're enjoying them, then thats cool. We're just trying to net you the biggest bang for the buck. What kind of music do you listen to?


edit: at a first glance, can't find any re-zero from the uk at least, someone is selling sunrise xscape IE on ebay for 54 quid on clearance, so that sounds good.

AmazonUK appears to have both the RE-ZERO and RE-0 at £70 and £60 respectively pre-shipping. But, yeah, there's quite a few differences in all the suggestions made so some more details on sound signature you like would help get a better pick.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Nom nom nom!

These Comply Tx-500 ear tips make my IE8s sing! The seal is so gorgeous and comfy...super nice lows.

A little worried about the longevity of these, but man it's magic the difference a good seal makes on the sound.

Finally done with my headphone swapping for a bit. Sennheiser IE8s it is.


Alright people. I'm sick of thinking about IEM's CONSTANTLY and I am going to bite the bullet, plus I feel like I've asked about this a thousand times already. You all know what I listen to by now (if I need to I can repost them), so help me choose. I've looked at several things and have taken some of the recommendations for others in this thread and made a list of what I am looking at. If someone knows something better in this price range let me know, but you should get the general idea of what I am looking for as far as price range goes for these. I want as many recommendations here as possible and I'll make my decision some point in the next day or two. LET'S DO THIS!!!

Shure SE215-K
MEElectronics CC51P
Brainwavz B2
HiFiMan RE-0
Sunrise SW-Xcape IE (Not really sure where to find these besides Ebay)


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Nom nom nom!

These Comply Tx-500 ear tips make my IE8s sing! The seal is so gorgeous and comfy...super nice lows.

A little worried about the longevity of these, but man it's magic the difference a good seal makes on the sound.

Finally done with my headphone swapping for a bit. Sennheiser IE8s it is.
A pair usually last me for 3-4 months before it tears up. I use it daily though


Nom nom nom!

These Comply Tx-500 ear tips make my IE8s sing! The seal is so gorgeous and comfy...super nice lows.

A little worried about the longevity of these, but man it's magic the difference a good seal makes on the sound.

Finally done with my headphone swapping for a bit. Sennheiser IE8s it is.

Never used the IE8, but have compared a range of Comply's with Shure's different tips and found the Shure Black Olive tips to still be the best in terms of sound quality and seal. The Comply's imo offer ever so slightly less bass quantity and impact, and also sound a little thinner and less full. I think the grainy more foam like texture of the Comply's make for a less sticky or tight seal. Not really sure.

But be sure to test the Shure Olive tips too if they fit.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Never used the IE8, but have compared a range of Comply's with Shure's different tips and found the Shure Black Olive tips to still be the best in terms of sound quality and seal. The Comply's imo offer ever so slightly less bass quantity and impact, and also sound a little thinner and less full. I think the grainy more foam like texture of the Comply's make for a less sticky or tight seal. Not really sure.

But be sure to test the Shure Olive tips too if they fit.

I'd heard about these Olives before. Maybe I'll have my next batch of tips be these so I can compare. Definitely need to do a bit more research.

A pair usually last me for 3-4 months before it tears up. I use it daily though
Good to know. I'll be using these daily as well for probably anywhere from 1-4 hours a day on average, so hopefully they can stand the test of time.


Never used the IE8, but have compared a range of Comply's with Shure's different tips and found the Shure Black Olive tips to still be the best in terms of sound quality and seal. The Comply's imo offer ever so slightly less bass quantity and impact, and also sound a little thinner and less full. I think the grainy more foam like texture of the Comply's make for a less sticky or tight seal. Not really sure.

But be sure to test the Shure Olive tips too if they fit.

I disagree with this. I have found the Comply tips to be more comfortable and to produce a better seal than the Olives.

However, the downside of Comply is that there is a rather significant attenuation of higher frequencies. In audiophile-speak, that means it will make the sound signature 'darker'. I used them for a long time without figuring this out until I tried them with the bass-heavy Klipsch S4i and found that there were certain channels in the upper treble that became inaudible when using Complys but could be heard with the silicone tips.

I personally wouldn't use them on any IEMs that tend towards a bass peak. I use Olives now when possible, although I don't find them to be all that much better at comfort and isolation than Sony Hybrids. I wish I could get the comfort of the Complys again without sacrificing sound quality.

One other thing about Olives vs Comply is that Olives are a lot more durable. As far as the guy who said he uses Complys for 4 months....Well maybe his ears are less waxy than mine, but if I used a pair of Complys for that long they would be super gross. Complys are like sponges for the oil produced in your ears. Olives don't seem to have that problem.


I disagree with this. I have found the Comply tips to be more comfortable and to produce a better seal than the Olives.

However, the downside of Comply is that there is a rather significant attenuation of higher frequencies. In audiophile-speak, that means it will make the sound signature 'darker'. I used them for a long time without figuring this out until I tried them with the bass-heavy Klipsch S4i and found that there were certain channels in the upper treble that became inaudible when using Complys but could be heard with the silicone tips.

I personally wouldn't use them on any IEMs that tend towards a bass peak. I use Olives now when possible, although I don't find them to be all that much better at comfort and isolation than Sony Hybrids. I wish I could get the comfort of the Complys again without sacrificing sound quality.

One other thing about Olives vs Comply is that Olives are a lot more durable. As far as the guy who said he uses Complys for 4 months....Well maybe his ears are less waxy than mine, but if I used a pair of Complys for that long they would be super gross. Complys are like sponges for the oil produced in your ears. Olives don't seem to have that problem.

Whilst I disagree on the seal thing, I do agree with what you said about higher frequencies. The Comply's do imo, cause a slight drop off in the highest of frequencies leading to some recessed details. I should have mentioned this in my earlier post, but it completely left my mind. I personally thought this was also to do with the seal, but it could just as well be because of the dynamics of the foam compound itself.

And yea, with comply's after like a week or two mine would be wax ridden or slightly gross lol. With the Shure's at least it's easier to clean, wash or hide ordinary dirt or wax discolouration because they're black. However, this is less of an issue with the new TX-500 range as they're also black.
Alright people. I'm sick of thinking about IEM's CONSTANTLY and I am going to bite the bullet, plus I feel like I've asked about this a thousand times already. You all know what I listen to by now (if I need to I can repost them), so help me choose. I've looked at several things and have taken some of the recommendations for others in this thread and made a list of what I am looking at. If someone knows something better in this price range let me know, but you should get the general idea of what I am looking for as far as price range goes for these. I want as many recommendations here as possible and I'll make my decision some point in the next day or two. LET'S DO THIS!!!

Shure SE215-K
MEElectronics CC51P
Brainwavz B2
HiFiMan RE-0
Sunrise SW-Xcape IE (Not really sure where to find these besides Ebay)

I'm assuming your price range is in the $100 range then? Out of all those, I'd go for the Sunrise Xcape. It sounds like a pretty nice and musical sounding pair of phones and should suit most rock/jazz/indie offerings just fine. I'm actually pretty impressed the company is based out of Vietnam. Being Vietnamese myself, I never thought I'd see anything of note come out of my homeland lol


I'm assuming your price range is in the $100 range then? Out of all those, I'd go for the Sunrise Xcape. It sounds like a pretty nice and musical sounding pair of phones and should suit most rock/jazz/indie offerings just fine. I'm actually pretty impressed the company is based out of Vietnam. Being Vietnamese myself, I never thought I'd see anything of note come out of my homeland lol

Is there any place to buy those besides Ebay?
Is there any place to buy those besides Ebay?

That's a good question. I'm on my iPhone, so not the best means to do research, but I didn't seem to notice any sources. The only source I can find at the moment is this:

Russian based. I think Des ordered from them and was complaining about how long it took to dispatch or something. Your best bet might be EBay. Are you concerned about warranty?

Based in Singapore, but free worldwide shipping and good prices.

He might be worried about a foreign third party handling RMA, which I would certainly understand. Sunrise are based in Asia though, so I wonder how returns and repairs would even work... I think about that about Earsonics from time to time. Having to pay EMS both ways to France is gonna suck big time should my SM3s fail.
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