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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


Went from a bit disapointing Beyerdynamic DTX101iE to Vsonic GR02, and I am in awe.
Fantastic earphone, probably the best I've ever had. (And I've had a few, I change once a year because they all broke after some time...)
Very surprised, and pleased by the acoustic isolation, I can't hear me walking, which is really strange. And the basses are huge! Never had earphone that delivered so much on this point.

Overall the sound is a little less pure, clearly there is more bass, but that doesn't mean the mediums and highs aren't correct. They're perfectly fine, and theses earphones won't saturate, even at high volumes.

Quality seems very decent, they look solid, and the wire is absolutely frictionless. Tons of spare tips(but only one biflange, which is by far the best), and a little bag.

I am truly impressed, they are more than twice cheaper than the Beyerdynamic, and to me, they're undoubtedly better all around.

If it wasn't for this thread, I would probably never had heard about them, so thanks OP!

If you don't mind, where did you get them from? I have still not decided on what I wanted to get, but I am looking at these pretty closely. The only site I have was the one Des suggested that ships from Singapore I believe. There also seem to be a decent amount on Ebay. Just wondering which route would be the best to take, as I am in the States.




Neo Member
Does anyone else use the Audio Technica WS-55?

After getting recommendations at another Headphone site considering my older AKG K518DJ broke twice with the same problem (plug being loose and one side not working consistently), I'm really happy with them. Most say they're the bit more bassy/less neutral version of the famous ATH-M50s at a decent price point (paid around 70€ for mine total).

Definitely a recommendation for people on a smaller budget and looking for a good pair of cans.
Man, good headphones seem way overpriced in Canada, at least in the Ottawa area. For ex I can order the DT 770 and the HD 558 from the US for $125-$150 less than what they retail for in my area. It seems the only things that are reasonably priced around here are Grados.

Question on the DT 770: I've seen some people saying that the bass on these was quite good. I couldn't get my hands on a pair but did get to test the DT 880 and I wasn't particularly impressed [by the bass]. The Grado SR-80i blew them away in that department. Is the 770 significantly better than the 880 in this regard?

Speaking of Grados, where can I get something that SOUNDS like a Grado (SR-80i), but doesn't FEEL like a Grado because man those things were not comfortable at all. Sounded terrific, but no way am I doing a 6 hour stint with those things on. Grado should just make the SR-80i "Deluxe" (aka: "actually comfortable to wear") and dominate the world of headphones...


I didn't have a chance to test the DT880, but I own DT770 myself, and sometimes I still can't believe how much bass they delivers (with an amp).
I am absolutely satisfied, and the overall sound is clearly the best thing I've tested. But I haven't tested much high end headphones.
However, I compared them to the HD595(which isn't closed). The DT770 have a heavier sound, probably because of its closed nature. It also have significantly deeper, more powerful basses.

I also tested the K240 MKII (IIRC). They sound far lighter, bass almost seems absent compared to the Beyerdynamic. And they aren't very comfy. On that point too, the DT770 is remarkable.

So to put it simply, DT770 are exceptional, best things to ever touch my ears. But be aware that my experience is limited to a few headphones.


Speaking of Grados, where can I get something that SOUNDS like a Grado (SR-80i), but doesn't FEEL like a Grado because man those things were not comfortable at all. Sounded terrific, but no way am I doing a 6 hour stint with those things on. Grado should just make the SR-80i "Deluxe" (aka: "actually comfortable to wear") and dominate the world of headphones...

The Sony MDR-ZX700's are very Grado-like to me. A very spiked upper-midrange with the lower mids trailing behind, and plenty of bass impact. If fact, I think they overall had much better bass the Grados (at least the lower end ones).

Oh, and comfort and isolation are also very impressive.


Man, good headphones seem way overpriced in Canada, at least in the Ottawa area. For ex I can order the DT 770 and the HD 558 from the US for $125-$150 less than what they retail for in my area. It seems the only things that are reasonably priced around here are Grados.

Question on the DT 770: I've seen some people saying that the bass on these was quite good. I couldn't get my hands on a pair but did get to test the DT 880 and I wasn't particularly impressed [by the bass]. The Grado SR-80i blew them away in that department. Is the 770 significantly better than the 880 in this regard?

Speaking of Grados, where can I get something that SOUNDS like a Grado (SR-80i), but doesn't FEEL like a Grado because man those things were not comfortable at all. Sounded terrific, but no way am I doing a 6 hour stint with those things on. Grado should just make the SR-80i "Deluxe" (aka: "actually comfortable to wear") and dominate the world of headphones...

I've found Grados are incredibly overpriced in Ottawa. Planet of Sound sells the RS1 for like $1100, when you can get them in the US for $599.

Anyways, my recommendation for bassy headphones at around the DT 770's pricepoint are the Ultrasone HFI-580, which I like a fair bit more. I'm out of town this week, but if you want to have a listen, I can demo my set. I'm in Ottawa, near Billings Bridge.

edit: though noting that comfort is of utmost importance...the HFI-580 may not be quite for you. They're mostly comfortable, but they're heavy enough to cause discomfort over long periods. Maybe just mod your Grados with better pads?
Just for youtube videos eh?...Just get the same ones. That's the bummest shit ever.

Well the thing is, the earbuds I linked to just stopped working a couple days ago. I only used them for a few months. Maybe half a year or so?

Apparently that's a problem people get with them. Though they are only 10 dollars. Maybe I'll just bite.


Well the thing is, the earbuds I linked to just stopped working a couple days ago. I only used them for a few months. Maybe half a year or so?

Apparently that's a problem people get with them. Though they are only 10 dollars. Maybe I'll just bite.

10 dollars? Not sure what you were expecting for that price. For your purposes you might as well hook up a tin can with some string on it to your DS and you'll be set.
10 dollars? Not sure what you were expecting for that price. For your purposes you might as well hook up a tin can with some string on it to your DS and you'll be set.

I was expecting something that sounded better than standard iPod earbuds, and that lasted for more than a few months.

I got half of what I wanted.


So I noticed the Blox M2C are no longer listed in the OP or on the purchase page at their page, but a search found no discussion about that. I can only assume that with the TM7 out that they just aren't making the M2C anymore?

If so that's too bad. The Yuin PK3 are growing on me but ultimately don't have as much bass as the ones I was replacing. I was going to buy both the M2C and PK3 and then gift the "loser" to my daughter who is becoming an audiophile at way too early an age.

Did a group buy happen from the last listing that maybe has a pair to offload?


I was expecting something that sounded better than standard iPod earbuds, and that lasted for more than a few months.

I got half of what I wanted.

Headphone cost, in the best cases, directly reflect a balance between aural, build, and aesthetic quality. $10 will get you very little in any of these categories. The $30 price point is about where you can start expecting your money to be well spent.
I gave the K550s a listen while at Best Buy yesterday. Was surprised to see them in their Magnolia home theater department since I thought they only carried Beats, Skullcandies, cheap Sony's etc. All around, pretty impressive phones although they did have this strange, hollow/echoey ringing/resonance, almost as if the music was being played back in a bathroom or something. Seems like the cups could use some dampening materials to tame those acoustic reflections.


Okay, sorry to just barge in with this, but why does everyone hates the Beats By Dre headphones so much? I'm interested in getting a solid pair of headphones one of these days, and it'd be nice to know why everyone just absolutely detests these, yet everwhere I go at college, everyone has a pair on?

Obviously popularity doesn't equal quality, but I don't think I've ever heard a positive thing uttered about them by people on here, or anywhere else on the web.


Okay, sorry to just barge in with this, but why does everyone hates the Beats By Dre headphones so much? I'm interested in getting a solid pair of headphones one of these days, and it'd be nice to know why everyone just absolutely detests these, yet everwhere I go at college, everyone has a pair on?

Obviously popularity doesn't equal quality, but I don't think I've ever heard a positive thing uttered about them by people on here, or anywhere else on the web.

overpriced. simple as that
Okay, sorry to just barge in with this, but why does everyone hates the Beats By Dre headphones so much? I'm interested in getting a solid pair of headphones one of these days, and it'd be nice to know why everyone just absolutely detests these, yet everwhere I go at college, everyone has a pair on?

Obviously popularity doesn't equal quality, but I don't think I've ever heard a positive thing uttered about them by people on here, or anywhere else on the web.
Overpriced, garish, offer poor performance and are only suitable for a very narrow range of music. They are pretty much the new BOSE, which is unfortunate, cause Monster's turbine line of phones are quite good.


Well the thing is, the earbuds I linked to just stopped working a couple days ago. I only used them for a few months. Maybe half a year or so?

Apparently that's a problem people get with them. Though they are only 10 dollars. Maybe I'll just bite.

Try the monoprice.com buds. It's like 7$. I think a few people on here got it and said it's pretty decent?


So I noticed the Blox M2C are no longer listed in the OP or on the purchase page at their page, but a search found no discussion about that. I can only assume that with the TM7 out that they just aren't making the M2C anymore?

If so that's too bad. The Yuin PK3 are growing on me but ultimately don't have as much bass as the ones I was replacing. I was going to buy both the M2C and PK3 and then gift the "loser" to my daughter who is becoming an audiophile at way too early an age.

Did a group buy happen from the last listing that maybe has a pair to offload?

Check out the Hisound earbuds in the OP instead!


Okay, sorry to just barge in with this, but why does everyone hates the Beats By Dre headphones so much? I'm interested in getting a solid pair of headphones one of these days, and it'd be nice to know why everyone just absolutely detests these, yet everwhere I go at college, everyone has a pair on?

Obviously popularity doesn't equal quality, but I don't think I've ever heard a positive thing uttered about them by people on here, or anywhere else on the web.

The two posts below yours do a pretty good job explaining why they aren't liked among headphone enthusiasts, but the reason they are so liked among other people is most people have never actually heard a headphone that costs more than $100. That, paired with the fact that they see them in music videos and the like create the image that they are used by professionals in the music industry. To me, this is really bordering on false advertising, since Beats (the "Studios", at least) are probably the absolute last headphone I'd want in a music studio (because their frequency response is so, so, so uneven).


I am really saddened by the fact that I see actual, big name electronic music DJs using Beats at festivals. Sickens me when I see them up there using it. At that point it HAS to be for show, because these fuckers should know what good sound is.
Headphone cost, in the best cases, directly reflect a balance between aural, build, and aesthetic quality. $10 will get you very little in any of these categories. The $30 price point is about where you can start expecting your money to be well spent.

So any earbud recommendations at that price point?
Hey guys, I'm using a Superlux 662F right now and I'm in the market for a sub $150 pair of cans. Right now, I'm looking at the Sony MDR-V6, Audio Technica M50, Grado s80i, and the AKG K240's.

Granted, my 662F's are excellent. The sound signature is eerily similar to the MDR-V6's so it's quite awesome at listening and very capable at the recording studio. Both of which I consider as necessities as I need it for my recording class. Anyway, I'm looking to get a new pair because I need a set that I can leave at home coz I'm gonna be taking the 662F's with me for school and pretty much running it through the abuse of a good old university. I could probably raise my limit up to $200 but anything above that is gonna be impossible.

Any recommendations for this price range?


The AKG K271 MKII's are all sorts of awesome. Really a fantastic mid range, with pretty impressive soundstage, and very nice isolation. You might even find them to be better for studio use.


Guys I need help. I want to get some cover my whoe ear headphones and my limit is $150 ish. I'm looking for around the ear, good sound, comfort, and I need them to not make so much noise to the people around me. I know BEATS are out of my limit. I just hate that the people I work with have super loud headphones that supposedly "noise cancel" by being so loud I have to suffer hearing Duran Duran from their ipod :( . I thought noise canceling meant they were quiet to the outside world.


Guys I need help. I want to get some cover my whoe ear headphones and my limit is $150 ish. I'm looking for around the ear, good sound, comfort, and I need them to not make so much noise to the people around me. I know BEATS are out of my limit. I just hate that the people I work with have super loud headphones that supposedly "noise cancel" by being so loud I have to suffer hearing Duran Duran from their ipod :( . I thought noise canceling meant they were quiet to the outside world.

What kind of music do you listen to? The K271's I mentioned above have great isolation, both for keeping noise out, and keeping your music in. They are just ill-suited for music with a lot of bass.


What kind of music do you listen to? The K271's I mentioned above have great isolation, both for keeping noise out, and keeping your music in. They are just ill-suited for music with a lot of bass.

I'm super eclectic, Doors, Interpol, Wu Tang, Elvis, Neil Diamond, Feist or Rage :) So I guess the bass thing is not really gonna hamper me?


Guys I need help. I want to get some cover my whoe ear headphones and my limit is $150 ish. I'm looking for around the ear, good sound, comfort, and I need them to not make so much noise to the people around me. I know BEATS are out of my limit. I just hate that the people I work with have super loud headphones that supposedly "noise cancel" by being so loud I have to suffer hearing Duran Duran from their ipod :( . I thought noise canceling meant they were quiet to the outside world.

Philips Uptown seem to be getting some nice reviews. They supposedly do an excellent job of keeping sound from escaping and bothering others. Amazon has them on sale for $120 until the end of August.


I also think they look pretty nice.


Philips Uptown seem to be getting some nice reviews. They supposedly do an excellent job of keeping sound from escaping and bothering others. Amazon has them on sale for $120 until the end of August.


I also think they look pretty nice.

Cool. Saw these at best buy, will give them a try also. Thanks!


Holy shit. The WA6 is fucking amazing. It's way bigger than I thought it would be, the thing is fucking huge. Feels incredibly solid. Sound quality is amazing with everything I've tested so far, it filled out my DT880s perfectly. Tons of bass impact and clarity that wasn't there before. The jump in quality is crazy, I was not expecting it to make this big of a difference.


Thanks for the replies about the Beats. I always figured that they were just marketing hype after hearing so many people just outright say they were garbage.

The only thing I disagree with is the garish comment. I can say that while I've never listened to a pair, I've seen quite a few, and I have to say I really like the design of most of them.


Got a NuForce uDac 2. It makes my amazon cloud music sound like crap. Now I have to get lossless versions of everything I've bought in the last year. Sunuva bitch.
Hey guys, I sent in my HD448's for a warranty fix, and Sennheiser upgraded my pair to some 449's since it was still under warranty.

So I got some new headphones. Best way to break them in? White noise for a day straight?


I got some HD650s in yesterday. They're really worth all the praise. I like them quite a bit. This pair is used but only about a year old and around 50 hours on them.

They have a very appealing, slightly dark tonality with good, beefy bass and a smooth lower midrange.

I do note a tiny bit of upper mids harshness. not much, just a little bit. They're slightly more similar to the Grado-style Magnums in that respect than the Audeze LCD3, which are smooooooth.

regarding soundstage, it's pretty nice, wider and taller than the magnums with flat pads (as expected) but not as 3D and layered as the LCD3 (also expected)

The main issue I have with them is that you can't adjust the clamping force. my head must be slightly wider than average because the HD650 pads feel a little tight and uncomfortable against my cheeks. this kind of tight fit is not a problem with a grado or Audeze can, since I can bend the headband, no problem. But the HD650 plastic headband can't be stretched. bummer.

I was curious to try these and see if, perhaps, I would like their sound enough to be able to sell the LCD3. But the flatter soundstage and the comfort issue is enough for me to stick with the more expensive LCD3.

But I'll be keeping these for a bit longer to see how they compare with the cheaper Mad Dogs (which I should get today or tomorrow, depending on post office shenanigans)


Thanks for the replies about the Beats. I always figured that they were just marketing hype after hearing so many people just outright say they were garbage.

The only thing I disagree with is the garish comment. I can say that while I've never listened to a pair, I've seen quite a few, and I have to say I really like the design of most of them.

Yeah I think they look cool as hell. In fact, I bought a pair because of that. Listened to them once, shipped them back and bought a pair of Sennheiser HD 25-1 II instead. They don't look as cool, but they sound way better, and are at least $100 cheaper. Also, tons of professionals use them. You can see the NBA commentators use them with a mike attached.
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