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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


Neo Member
I need advice.

Which of these headphones can give me a nice punchy base (wolfgang gartner's "there and back" should sound thumpy) and also give me rip-roarin guitar shreds (wavves "king of the beach"), but also let me appreciate the sudduction in vocals (like chromatics "these streets will never be the same")?


Creative Aurvana Live

Sennheiser HD280

V-Moda Crossfades (LP or LP2?)

or any headphones around the 100 dollar range that can satisfy my requirements (balance, but quality bass, etc).

I have the 280s and you're going to be disappointed with the bass. V-Moda makes some great cans (especially the bass), but if you want to stick closer to your $100 budget I would go with the ATH M-50s: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000ULAP4U/?tag=neogaf0e-20. The M50s are great cans and sound similar to headphones that cost way more money. I've never had a chance to use the others, but the reviews don't make them out to be particularly impressive and the bass on the RHA's sound underwhelming.


I'm looking to upgrade from my Sennhesier HD 555s. I have a Fiio E12 portable amp and a ~$800 budget. Any suggestions? Also do any stores stock these headphones so I can listen in person?
I did the switch to HD650, running them on an NFB 11.32. Very happy with that setup. I was also recommended the hifiman he-400 as an alternative but didn't get to listen to them myself. You should see a nice jump with either. If you want the hifiman you may also want the velour pads for them. As for listening, best bet is if you were to find a local hifi shop. Big retailers usually have bad listening conditions, for the hifiman I don't think you'd be able demo. Maybe someone who has listened to both can help you.

Final Audio Design Heaven VI is in. Very impressed that this is a single armature design. Definitely gives my ES5 a run for its money and outpaces it in certain areas. Currently A/Bing against the Ocharaku Flat-4
They sound even better. The guy I borrowed them from has a pair of Fi-BA-SS and Piano Forte IX as well. The Heaven VI is supposed to be the sweet spot in the FAD line up, as far as performance/value goes. I'm floored by the detailing, space, bass response and timbre of these phones, and keep telling myself that this shouldn't be possible out of a single armature. Timbre is likely the best out of any phone I've ever heard, it just sounds very natural and organic. The stick impact on drum fills on jazz recordings is uncannily realistic, beating out the Flat-4, ES5, SA5K and Mad Dogs, which really shocked me. It nails the tone of drums like nothing I've heard. Mid range is perfect for my tastes, very lush and smooth, but not to the detriment of details. It's likely the best midrange I've ever heard, highlighting flaws in the ES5, which now sounds nasally in comparison. Horns, piano, and guitar also sound amazing on the VI. I intially thought the VI was going to be a "polite" phone (due to their elegant styling) and only really excel with jazz, classical, and vocal albums but they are actually great for rock as well. They excel with quite a wide range of music. I've thrown electronic, jazz, rock and classical at them and they've reproduced everything effortlessly

The VI is capable of incredible detail resolution, but it doesn't sound clinical or analytical. Highs are very detailed, but short of being sibilant. There's credible energy to cymbals, rides and hi-hats, but they aren't splashy like most phones are, you hear the different tones, and they ring out just long enough. Bass on these things though, a single armature should not be capable of this kind of bass, it's just exceedingly effortless. It doesn't extend as low as the Flat-4, so there's not as much sub bass quantity, but what's there is incredibly taut, nimble and capable. I keep picking tracks where I think the bass would crap out on me, and it just doesn't ever happen. I'd still take the Flat-4's bass over it, since that extra bit of oomph adds body to instruments, but the Heaven VI's luscious mids have me seriously contemplating picking them up. Moving over to soundstage... It's actually quite spacious, just two notches short of the Flat-4 which sounds like a full sized headphone. There's a decent amount of air around the instruments as well, although the H VI is more mid forward than the Flat-4, and has pushed instruments a little too close to my face on a track or two, but never to the extent that the ES5 does.

All in all, I find it very hard to find any faults in the VI at the moment. I came in expecting the Flat-4 to kick them up and down the block, but was surprised to find them quite evenly matched in a number of ways. (Speaking of which, I should let you hear the Flat-4 sometime; I gotta send them off to the HFier who lent me the H VI, but I'd like you to hear them. I'm pretty damned crazy about those things) Surprise, that's really the only word that sums up the Heaven VI in the few hours I've listened to them so far
I'm considering getting a new pair of headphones with my tax return to replace the Bose noise canceling headphones I got a few years ago. Right now I'm just sort of pricing things out and figuring out what all these things cost and what Amps and DACs and everything are. So basically I have a bunch of questions. Most of my use would be gaming/music listening on my PC. So yeah, here's the list:

Q1: I'm considering getting a pair of these Mad Dogs that you guys seem so hyped up about. However, my PC is really loud and makes a lot of background noise. How good are the Mad Dogs at blocking out surrounding noise? I don't need noise cancelling tech, but as long as they do a decent job keeping surrounding sounds out I'm happy.

Q2: I've read that the Mad Dogs benefit a lot from an Amp. Any suggestions as to what I should be looking for here? Something in the $100-$200 range is fine by me.

Q3: Should I buy a DAC? Will that give a noticeable sound quality improvement? Or can I skip it and save myself some cash.

Q4: I don't have a sound card in my PC, and I've just been using the on board sound. Would buying one be worth it to go along with the Mad Dogs? If so, any suggestions? Something <$100 would be preferable.

Thanks in advance guys.


I'm considering getting a new pair of headphones with my tax return to replace the Bose noise canceling headphones I got a few years ago. Right now I'm just sort of pricing things out and figuring out what all these things cost and what Amps and DACs and everything are. So basically I have a bunch of questions. Most of my use would be gaming/music listening on my PC. So yeah, here's the list:

Q1: I'm considering getting a pair of these Mad Dogs that you guys seem so hyped up about. However, my PC is really loud and makes a lot of background noise. How good are the Mad Dogs at blocking out surrounding noise? I don't need noise cancelling tech, but as long as they do a decent job keeping surrounding sounds out I'm happy.

Q2: I've read that the Mad Dogs benefit a lot from an Amp. Any suggestions as to what I should be looking for here? Something in the $100-$200 range is fine by me.

Q3: Should I buy a DAC? Will that give a noticeable sound quality improvement? Or can I skip it and save myself some cash.

Q4: I don't have a sound card in my PC, and I've just been using the on board sound. Would buying one be worth it to go along with the Mad Dogs? If so, any suggestions? Something <$100 would be preferable.

Thanks in advance guys.

Why not get an amp with an integrated DAC like the Aune T1


So, I've had my Soundmagic HP 100's for a couple of weeks now. I love them. Very comfortable. Definitely a step up in the sound department over my previous Bose headphones. I'm not too good at explaining what I'm hearing but I can seperate the sounds easier. I can hear the distinct instruments seperately as opposed to one giant sound. It's a real treat to just listen to some old albums again to hear the better sound quality. I'm defenitely enjoying them. Thanks again Des.

I do notice however that I have to crank my sound up pretty much to max on my IPod and it's still not as loud as my old Bose headphones. I'm thinking I might want to look into an amp. Any recommendations for something fairly cheap? $50-75 range.


Yeah should have warned they have low sensitivity, but any cheap amp will boost them just fine. FiiO E11 or JDS Cmoy will be plenty.


Hey guys! I posted a while back looking for some budget IEMs. I used to have the following ones, and they were fantastic.


Sony MDR-EX38IP (Black) Earphones

Easy-to-use remote control (play/ pause/ skip/ volume control)
- 9mm driver unit
- Frequency response : 6 – 23,000Hz
- Sensitivity : 100 dB/mW
- Volume control on cord
- Cord length : approx. 1.2m
- Weight : approx. 3g (without cord)
- Black and white color available
- Supplied acc.: 3 types of ear buds (S/M/L), Cord adjuster, Carrying pouch

They died last week, and I bought a couple of replacements in rush, namely the Apple Earpods, and these RHAs. The earpods have decent enough sound, but they don't beat the ones mentioned above. The RHA ones are absolutely crap, and a waste of money.

Ideally, I'm looking for an IEM that has a iPhone compatible remote, is under $100, and has a good all round sound. I can compromise on the remote if there is a large difference in quality.
For now, I am considering from the following:

1. Sony DREX61IP Premium EX Monitor Earbuds (Black)
2. Sony MDR-XB90EX | In-Ear EXTRA BASS Headphones (Japanese Import)

The 1st one there is basically an upgrade from the current one I had, which I think is a safe bet. The 2nd one has a 16mm driver (compared to 9mm in the EX38/EX61) and has some good reviews. It doesn't have a remote, but if it has a significantly better sound quality, I'll consider it.

I am not sure what else would be good, so if you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.
So I have a pair of HD 380s that I've used for about 2 hours. Just not a fan. The problem is I bought them about 3 months ago so I can't return them. Anybody have any suggestions on how much I should list them for on eBay? They're basically brand new. I have all the parts, the box, etc.


Hey guys! I posted a while back looking for some budget IEMs. I used to have the following ones, and they were fantastic.

They died last week, and I bought a couple of replacements in rush, namely the Apple Earpods, and these RHAs. The earpods have decent enough sound, but they don't beat the ones mentioned above. The RHA ones are absolutely crap, and a waste of money.

Ideally, I'm looking for an IEM that has a iPhone compatible remote, is under $100, and has a good all round sound. I can compromise on the remote if there is a large difference in quality.
For now, I am considering from the following:

1. Sony DREX61IP Premium EX Monitor Earbuds (Black)
2. Sony MDR-XB90EX | In-Ear EXTRA BASS Headphones (Japanese Import)

The 1st one there is basically an upgrade from the current one I had, which I think is a safe bet. The 2nd one has a 16mm driver (compared to 9mm in the EX38/EX61) and has some good reviews. It doesn't have a remote, but if it has a significantly better sound quality, I'll consider it.

I am not sure what else would be good, so if you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.

MEElectronics A161P would definitely be your best bet.


i think i did some damage to my M50's.

i had them plugged into my iPhone 3GS and for some reason on the iPhone they get INSANELY loud, like completely unbearable. i had them on the table and cranked it up to 100% for about 10-15 seconds to see how loud they are off of the head.

they just sound different now. the best way i can explain it is that it feels like the audio equivalent of a little vaseline on a camera lens. it just doesn't seem right, while my other cheapy headphones sound as they always did to me.

do you think it's possible the phone was able to do any damage?

i know it's possible my brain is just messing with me or maybe my hearing is getting worse but something just does not seem right.

e: the more i listen the more i think something is wrong.


Neo Member
i think i did some damage to my M50's.

i had them plugged into my iPhone 3GS and for some reason on the iPhone they get INSANELY loud, like completely unbearable. i had them on the table and cranked it up to 100% for about 10-15 seconds to see how loud they are off of the head.

they just sound different now. the best way i can explain it is that it feels like the audio equivalent of a little vaseline on a camera lens. it just doesn't seem right, while my other cheapy headphones sound as they always did to me.

do you think it's possible the phone was able to do any damage?

i know it's possible my brain is just messing with me or maybe my hearing is getting worse but something just does not seem right.

e: the more i listen the more i think something is wrong.

Well, you can definitely destroy your headphones with too much volume. I've luckily never done it so I'm not exactly sure what it would change, but I know you can melt wires from too much input (I think you would have to had done it for considerably longer), or (more likely) you can destroy the drivers, which sounds like what happened. You should try contacting Audio Technica (or whoever) especially if they're still under warranty.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
After much internal debate and even PM'ing with Des a few months ago I finally ordered a set of headphones. I'm so indecisive so go ahead GAF make me feel bad for my purchase these are the ones I got.

Audio Technica ATH M50 w/ Spiral Cord


Neo Member
I don't think anyone is going to make you feel bad for buying a pair of ATH M50s, they're arguably the best $100 overall cans on the market. You're going to enjoy them.


MEElectronics A161P would definitely be your best bet.

Thank you for your response! The reviews on these sounds really good. I would have instantly bought this, if it had a volume control on the remote. But it is still very tempting. I might just get it.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I got my M50's today and damn they sound good I'm hearing bits in my music that I didn't even know where there previously. Only downside is I tend to wear headphones all day while I'm working and my ears are getting super hot and sweaty in just about an hour. I also really miss having inline volume control that my PC Sennheiser's had. Price I'm willing to pay for this type of sound quality.

It's sure to get even better once my Xonar DGX soundcard arrives.


So I went out to Stapes to get a new keyboard and they happened to have the Koss Porta Pros there. It was an impulse buy and I picked them up.

Um, holy shit. these were 60 bucks (I know they can be found for less) and they're killer. Seriously nice sound. Sound is warm - a bit bass tilted but not too much. it's not the cleanest bass around but it's good for casual listening. The mids are excellent and there's a nice, open sound with a clean treble. It's not harsh or grating.

But what was surprising was that, for 60 bucks, it's also very fast and clean. it's not muddled or slow. A very detailed sound for under $100 that has a pleasing tone. Mostly neutral with slight bass tilt.

Jeesh. I feel silly for not having tried these before. Cracks me up that these have been around for over 25 years. A lot of portable headphones over 100 bucks aren't as good as these or are just a small upgrade.


Looking for nice ear buds that are between $80-$200. What do you guys recommend?

I'm also looking for a new phone. Which phones have good audio quality?

Thinking of buying the Skullcandy Aviators or the Navigators. which is a better headphone?
Aren't Skullcandy headphones notoriously overpriced and bad sounding? I might be thinking of a different company so I don't know...


Will drop pants for Sony.
So I went out to Stapes to get a new keyboard and they happened to have the Koss Porta Pros there. It was an impulse buy and I picked them up.

Um, holy shit. these were 60 bucks (I know they can be found for less) and they're killer. Seriously nice sound. Sound is warm - a bit bass tilted but not too much. it's not the cleanest bass around but it's good for casual listening. The mids are excellent and there's a nice, open sound with a clean treble. It's not harsh or grating.

But what was surprising was that, for 60 bucks, it's also very fast and clean. it's not muddled or slow. A very detailed sound for under $100 that has a pleasing tone. Mostly neutral with slight bass tilt.

Jeesh. I feel silly for not having tried these before. Cracks me up that these have been around for over 25 years. A lot of portable headphones over 100 bucks aren't as good as these or are just a small upgrade.


Looking for nice ear buds that are between $80-$200. What do you guys recommend?

I'm also looking for a new phone. Which phones have good audio quality?

Aren't Skullcandy headphones notoriously overpriced and bad sounding? I might be thinking of a different company so I don't know...

Been looking at reviews online and youtube. I decided to get the Aviators since amazon had it for 120.00. I'll try them and if i dont like them i will return it.


Guys, what are your thoughts on fischer audio?

What do you want to know I'm a Fischer Audio whore, so gonna be a bit biased.

Looking for nice ear buds that are between $80-$200. What do you guys recommend?

I'm also looking for a new phone. Which phones have good audio quality?

Aren't Skullcandy headphones notoriously overpriced and bad sounding? I might be thinking of a different company so I don't know...

No the Aviators are quite good, also do you mean earbuds specifically? And the Samsung Galaxy GS3 has good audio quality for one.


I don't know why the Sony MDR-XB500 are not in the OP. They are amazing for the price, and better than anything $100 or under that I have tried.


ugh, not a fan of those at all. got them for cheap from a boxing day deal and couldn't stand the booming bass.

If you want a ton of bass and nothing else, they work. otherwise I wouldn't recommend them to anyone hoping for some sort of balanced response.


Will drop pants for Sony.
What do you want to know I'm a Fischer Audio whore, so gonna be a bit biased.


No the Aviators are quite good, also do you mean earbuds specifically? And the Samsung Galaxy GS3 has good audio quality for one.

cool. i ordered the Aviators on amazon. 120 for them.
Checked the OP, and searched the thread, but I KNOW this has to have been asked multiple times this point, so figured I'd just ask.

With spring finally here, looking to do some walking, running, and biking. Looking for a good pair of headphones to connect to my iPhone and wanted to know what are some good headphones for exercising. Would prefer bluetooth ones as I think it'd be easier to run with, and would like to spend $50-$100ish (would go higher if a great value pair was a little more).

Any suggestions?


Hello experts,

I'm in the market for some headphones, and I need some advice considering:

  • Preferably Open (no need for noise cancel), and Over ear
  • I would consider a DAC-Amp, if neccesary
  • Main use is music listening, with occasional gaming/movies
  • I listen to Progressive House, Trance
  • Total budget is 300-350ish

what should I get? do I need to upgrade my soundcard? (I'm using the default audio chip from my asus mb)



Hello experts,

I'm in the market for some headphones, and I need some advice considering:

  • Preferably Open (no need for noise cancel), and Over ear
  • I would consider a DAC-Amp, if neccesary
  • Main use is music listening, with occasional gaming/movies
  • I listen to Progressive House, Trance
  • Total budget is 300-350ish

what should I get? do I need to upgrade my soundcard? (I'm using the default audio chip from my asus mb)


Gey my headphones the Fischer FA-011 and spend on the rest on a combo like the Hifiman EF2A or Aune T1


des, know if any places have the eternas stocked? wiring broken on mine a few months ago and i've been missing them, rev 1 or 2 don't matter


Will drop pants for Sony.
My skullcandy Aviator headphones came in today and when I opened the box the things were used! The box itself was beaten up but that's ok as long as the headphones are brand spanking new. They were not. The headphones were white so the bag with it was white however upon seeing the bag it was dirty, black smudges and wear and tear. The headphones didn't look any better and the wire was loose in the bag not wrapped in plastic. Pretty much had a tough time with amazon as I could not log on and print a return label due to the seller not being amazon themselves just fulfilled by them. After two calls from customer service (the first woman I spoke was awful) I was sent a return label via email and 5 bucks credit for my troubles with the first CSR. I doubt I will ever by a product not sold by amazon on the amazon website. I ended up ordering them from zappos at the full price and not the discount one on amazon.com.

des, know if any places have the eternas stocked? wiring broken on mine a few months ago and i've been missing them, rev 1 or 2 don't matter

Do you mean these?


mr stroke

Better headphones for EDM?



Audio-Technica ATH-M50WH


Currently using some Denons AH-D2000 and love them, but need a second similar sounding pair around $130 or less.


Hi, I'm looking for headphones that I can use with my iphone exclusively.
Looking through the Op list, I'm inclined towards either the Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro or the Audio-Technica ATH-M50, would these be a good choice for a first time headphone buyer?

Would I need any portable amplification with these headphones?, and what would you guys recommend, keeping in mind, I'm only using them with the iphone, thank you


What's the current best pick for a good closed portable around $150 - $200? I'm worried that DJ models like the M50 or the TMA-1 will just be too bulky, and those V-modas people seem to like are just unforgivably ugly. For reference I owned and loved a pair of ES7s before I did the cable in (again).


i've been begging for over 5 years.

I got my M50's and Xonar DG in a few days ago. I know nothing about EQ settings and the like. Can you or someone knowledgeable in such things tell me what are the settings I should be using. Here is a quick screen of the current setup I've been using since yesterday.

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