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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

That thing is probably going to be $400 at least.
I'd honestly be surprised if its under a grand. Cavalli's amps are in the 2K range :/ A guy I talk to helps market for Cavalli and said he'd try to talk him into going as low as possible, but I don't see it being cheap. As an alternative to something like a CLAS/ Quickstep/ALO MK III rig at a similar/lesser price but with better performance? It'd shake things up big time for people who want a transportable rig. I'm just curious about its form factor
Headphone gaf, best place online to be shopping for headphones ( for gaming) if you're in the uk? Using amazon.co.uk right now, have no idea where to branch out to to compare prices


I'm looking for some opinions on new headphones. I currently have Panasonic HTF600's, which I bought ~10 months or so ago to see if I liked full-size headphones or not. Having established that, I am looking for a slightly budget inclined upgrade.

I listen to a little of everything, but hip-hop/pop/electronic music is my most listened to.

I've been considering the Phillips Uptowns, Noontec Zoros, and the JVC S500. Out of these, which would be the best for my taste in music/overall best phone? Are there any other competitors that I'm missing? Ideal price range would be around or lower than $75 but under $100 might be doable.

Also note that although I listed more aesthetically pleasing headphones, it's not my main concern, I only use headphones at my PC. The supposed comfort level and soundstage of the Uptowns is making them attractive to me though.


I'm looking for some opinions on new headphones. I currently have Panasonic HTF600's, which I bought ~10 months or so ago to see if I liked full-size headphones or not. Having established that, I am looking for a slightly budget inclined upgrade.

I listen to a little of everything, but hip-hop/pop/electronic music is my most listened to.

I've been considering the Phillips Uptowns, Noontec Zoros, and the JVC S500. Out of these, which would be the best for my taste in music/overall best phone? Are there any other competitors that I'm missing? Ideal price range would be around or lower than $75 but under $100 might be doable.

Also note that although I listed more aesthetically pleasing headphones, it's not my main concern, I only use headphones at my PC. The supposed comfort level and soundstage of the Uptowns is making them attractive to me though.

Creative Aurvana Live would seem like the best natural upgrade from the Pannys. RHA SA950i are also quite good.


crosspost from head-fi. The KEF M200 are absolutely excellent IEMs for 200 bucks. these are up there with the TOTL IEMs in the $500 and up range.

I got the M200 today! these are gooooooood.

so, gotta get fit out of the way. I have pretty small ear openings but, even with that, I need to use the medium tip on the right side and then use a small tip on the left side and I can get a good seal. But for part of my listening time I was eating and the chewing can break the seal a bit. So, yeah, it’s on the edge. the M200 have large bits that stick in the ear. fit might be a problem for some.

Using three sources: ipod nano 7G, iphone 5, and burson ha160D. differences are minor. bit more smooth in the highs on the HA160D but I’m focussing on the portables for now.

OK, so the sound is very impressive. Very even. No sibilance, no midrange shout (this is what I felt was the biggest weakness on the M500). nice wide soundstage for an IEM with an airy sound and detail retrieval is very good. these seem very quick.

They have a little bit of a hump in the lower mids that adds a bit of warmth. I really like it. It’s not exaggerated but it helps with some vocals. overall, mids are fantastic. There’s no hollow, scooped out sound. there’s no glare. it feels very natural.

Highs are smooth and not at all peaky or sibilant. I can see some people who like more sparkle to prefer something with more treble bite. I cannot honestly tell if these are rolled off or just flat. I know that I really like the treble.

Bass has good kick. reminds me of the MDR 7550 I just traded away. But I think there’s a bit more impact here. part of that mild mid bass, lower mids hump. I like a little more subbass in my IEMs to make up for the small size of drivers (I like the Senn IE800, to let you know where I’m coming from) but I think this bass can satisfy most people. And it seems very clean as it doesn’t distort if I EQ it up a little (3 dB at 60 Hz) in itunes.

I have the Senn IE800 right here for some side by side comparisons. the IE800 has more sub bass, as mentioned. It also has a more narrow soundstage. The IE800 has a more sparkly treble but it also seems thinner. Cymbals on the M200 have less sparkle but they also sound heavier and a little meatier. Mids are a weird one for me to compare. It’s still too early. The Senn IE800 mids seem more lush/dark. So some female voices sound more inviting on the IE800 but other guitar pieces or male vocals might sound better on the flatter M200. I go back and forth on this one. I really like the IE800 mids.

anyway, these are still just first impressions (2 hours listening). I’ll be running the M200 overnight for a couple days in case the dynamic drivers benefit from loosening up a bit.
Wow, that deal I linked you on HF was a god damned steal then! Good to know that they're the real deal. I'm kinda interested in the Fischer FA-04 that Music's been raving about recently as well. But... I've kinda lost interest in most other things now that I've got



Wow. Wow. and Wow. These things are just stunning and my favorite pick out of all the TOTL kilobuck phones I've heard/owned.

I've listened to these for about 10 hours now. Very impressed with the sound right now. Very. It sounds quite linear from top to bottom, and nothing appears to be missing, or sticks out as being harsh or overly boosted to me.

Bass is very controlled with a perfect ratio of mid/sub bass presence, decay on the bass is on the quicker side but it's very satisfying all the same, as it lingers enough to not sound thin but is fast enough to establish texture. The bass is always poised and clearly delineated from the rest of the spectrum. I'd say it's of reference quality. With that said, it can kick in with a surprising degree of heft and impact when needed, making for an exciting listening experience. It's very similar to the 1Plus2's bass response but I want to say that this perhaps has more a bit more sub bass quantity than what I remember the 1P2 doling out.

Mids are spectacular. There's some extreme clarity to it, but it doesn't sound clinical. It sorta reminds me of the Ocharaku phones, but even cleaner. It's capable of resolving details in some songs that I didn't even know existed til now, so it's definitely in the upper echelon in resolution. I want to say that these phones may even be slightly mid forward, as the sound is just very full, but everything is perfectly delineated; it remains composed on even the most busy passages. For this reason, I enjoy these phones a lot more than the 1Plus2 due to that particular phone's slightly recessed midrange coupled its oddball presentation.

The K3K is very open sounding with some great lateral width, surprisingly great width even, great height and great depth, with some really pin point placement. It just sounds really big in general. It shares this quality with the 1plus2 except it isn't prone to splaying the entire image seemingly 7 feet in front of you, which tended to make that phone sound sort of detached and aloof. I dunno, it sounds bigger than the 1plus2, but that's me talking from memory. On some live/orchestral/ambient/electronic tracks, the size of the stage is just immense, and it just feels like you are engulfed in the sound.

Highs are quite smooth without being rolled off up top, it's probably the best implementation of the TWFK I've heard to date as it largely sidesteps the issue of sibilance. The highs are extended enough that you really do get a sense of how large a space is from the reflections captured; the K3Ks allow me to take in the ambience of a recording better than anything I've heard to date. I think that those who are sensitive to brighter phones might find it to straddle this sort of line between comfort/discomfort, but with well recorded albums it isn't an issue. Even with some hotter recordings it's quite tolerable

Tonality sounds great to me, guitars have the proper crunch and bite, drums are punchy and snap with clearly distinguishable tones, cymbals have that brassy tone and reverberant, shimmery quality, bass guitar is very clean sounding, (I probably prefer the G-2's more ballsy handling of this instrument...), pianos are very coherent throughout the range and vocals are very true to life; just stunningly detailed and eerily present (at least on a par with the 334 if not better)... horns, woodwinds, strings all very convincing... and rendered with the proper weight and texture. There's not really much to complain about so far. The timbre seems every bit as likable as the 334 so far, and eclipses it with some instruments. As I said, I'm very impressed that this is coming from a TWFK set up as it doesn't sound thin at all, the note weight is quite convincing on any instrument/vocal you throw at it, nothing sounds off.

Lastly, I think the thing that impresses me most is the sheer headroom the K3K has. I was playing this version of Beethoven's 9th that has an entire orchestra and choir and with that song, you can clearly tell that other phones I had was compressing it as it struggled to keep it together when the entire ensemble hit a crescendo. I queued up the same performance on the K3K expecting it to all fold like a house of cards, and to my surprise when the music hit that peak, they didn't acquiesce and plateau, but soared ever higher. Very impressive indeed. The K3K just sounds positively gigantic on some of these orchestral pieces, you close your eyes and it's like. whoa. Very scientific, I know. The dynamic range is up there with the Ocharaku's as some of the best I've heard, it's capable of oscillating between extremely delicate and ethereal sounding to explosive at the drop of a hat. Very impressive.

Since I can't exactly compare these to any TOTL full sized cans, I do have on good authority of a fellow K3K owner (and HD800 owner) that it sounds very similar to the HD800 with a better bass foundation. These things also sound brilliant straight out of an iPhone. I think at this point, I just may be done... MAYBE LOL
Nah, that particular Fischer is a totally different Fischer. Fischer Amps or something. They're German, whilst the Fischer we know is Russian. I have on good authority from Music_4321 that the Fischer FA-04 is the real deal McSteal, he thinks they are supremely excellent phones, but they are very pricey at I think $500 or so. The M200 that LC mentions seems to be the new bang for the buck phone that punches above its weight atm. '

And still no idea about the new V-Sonic. I am extremely curious as to whether V-Sonic can clone the K3003. It was alleged that they did just that awhile back, but I remain skeptical that they can refine the design to that degree until I hear them. I think I'm relatively safe though as I scored the K3K at $750, and V-Sonic is planning on selling that particular model as their flagship at $500+
The K3K is $1,300 at retail. They are a fairly maligned phone on HF. As the very first phone to cross the 1K mark, people just wanted them to fail and reveled in the schadenfreude that followed. You can see that same sorta behavior reflected once again in the Shure SE846 thread. It's all bunk of course. There're a couple of people on HF who just love to dump on the K3K any chance they get, citing supposed coherence issues or whatever. It's complete bullshit, the hybrid driver implementation is extremely well done. But people buy into it so the K3Ks' became this sort of pariah that languishes on the FS forum. The Sennheiser IE800 kinda suffered the same fate as well. You can find both these phones for well under retail cause no one wants to touch either with a 50 ft. pole.

But yeah, last I heard, the V-Sonic flagship is clocking in at $500ish. Believe you me, if they are indeed $500ish. Fuck it. Fuck everything. Just buy that. You will not have to think about anything else. It's better to just head for the top of the heap than dilly dally with all the other shit, as you just keep wondering what things are like at the top and waste time and money buying and reselling. This type of performance at $500 would be absolutely insane, that level of technical capability/refinement would be worth it.
Huh, the last time I read up on the K3K3 I thought they were pretty well received?

They generally are, but there're a couple of key individuals over there who started this wave of parroting when they cited supposed coherence issues. Even going as far as to say that there are tuning differences between the first 2,000 models and the ones that followed. Then again, it's important to remember that these tend to be the same people who say that there are meaningful differences between FLAC and 320 Kbps MP3, or that $1000 cables make significant differences, or that cables and BA drivers somehow "burn in." The damage was unfortunately done though, and the K3K threads either got locked or devolved into a joke. Anyhow, there are a few K3K guys in this thread I think. ElryionX is one of them, and he thinks the K3K sounds better than his Beyer T1
Lol, you can't even mention NWVAGUY's or Kiteki's name on HF. It's filtered out. Place is total bullshit, but there are a handful of honest and helpful people there that keep me from leaving. Unfortunately, I can imagine some of those people will be banned one day too for speaking their mind


Those are some tasty impressions and thoughts on the K3003, Dynamite. Very interesting, indeed. good read!

Maybe one day I’ll need to give them a shot. But not too soon. I think I’ll be sticking with the KEF for a while. I blazed through many TOTL IEMs in a short period and need to take a break :)


o_O @_@ O_o
My Senn HD595s are getting pretty worn from wearing them every day and banging them around in my carry-on bag when I take them on trips.

I've been out of the loop for about two years now. Does anyone have any informed opinion on whether these AD700s are worth the jump at $99, coming from the 595s?

I'm going to do my own research of course, but I just saw that last post, and thought it might helpful to just solicit some informed opinions from here.

Edit: And since I'm already asking for opinions, and I'm in the market: any suggestions for a next step up from the HD595s I'm used to? I'm using a headphone amp of course.

Edit2: Just saw some recommendations for someone else looking to upgrade from the 595s. Sounds like the Senn 600 might be for me (I prefer more neutral to bass heavy, since I listen to pretty much everything), and HiResDes also recommended looking at the Fidelio X1 and HE400. Wee, research time.


the holder of the trombone
Lol, you can't even mention NWVAGUY's or Kiteki's name on HF. It's filtered out. Place is total bullshit, but there are a handful of honest and helpful people there that keep me from leaving. Unfortunately, I can imagine some of those people will be banned one day too for speaking their mind

I still like it for the sound science forum and it is still a great place to learn about headphones (even with all the bullshit), but yeah, it's hard to take it seriously at time.


Dang the AD700s are on sale on Amazon:

Right now I'm using a Razer Orca(...or whatever it's called). To drop 99 bucks or not? From the sounds of it from reading a few impressions, these are godly!

I have the AD900, and I hear the AD700 are pretty similar. For 99, they're a steal. Bass is their weak point, it is there, just not really pronounced. They are incredibly comfortable and have a pretty wide soundstage, which I love.

For 99, they're a steal. I'd get them
I have the AD900, and I hear the AD700 are pretty similar. For 99, they're a steal. Bass is their weak point, it is there, just not really pronounced. They are incredibly comfortable and have a pretty wide soundstage, which I love.

For 99, they're a steal. I'd get them

Yeah, I dropped a c-note for them. I'm pretty excited, they look pretty cool! Can't wait. I don't really mind about Bass, from what I read you can just turn on the Bass EQ to hear it.
Those are some tasty impressions and thoughts on the K3003, Dynamite. Very interesting, indeed. good read!

Maybe one day I’ll need to give them a shot. But not too soon. I think I’ll be sticking with the KEF for a while. I blazed through many TOTL IEMs in a short period and need to take a break :)

I'm actually really interested in the M200 myself. I'm always really interested in those supposed giant killers cause I want to see just how close they can get to the best of the best. The mid range offerings are getting better and better though, with some of my favorite phones being in that range (Flat-4, FAD Heaven S/VI, ASG-2 etc.). A $200 phone that can hang with the likes of the $500 crowd sounds very interesting indeed.

Oh and man, I highly doubt you'd be disappointed by the K3K. It is just bewitching with well recorded material, I was listening to Beck's Sea Change last night and it was unbelievable, it even makes poorer recordings engaging; the tuning is exquisite. I'm about to contact AKG about sourcing a non remote version though since it's the singular weak point in the design. It seems like all of those units were destined for Asian territories for whatever reason. I've talked to Music_4321 about it and he says I'd have to do some arm twisting but that it is possible.


I'm actually really interested in the M200 myself. I'm always really interested in those supposed giant killers cause I want to see just how close they can get to the best of the best. The mid range offerings are getting better and better though, with some of my favorite phones being in that range (Flat-4, FAD Heaven S/VI, ASG-2 etc.). A $200 phone that can hang with the likes of the $500 crowd sounds very interesting indeed.

Oh and man, I highly doubt you'd be disappointed by the K3K. It is just bewitching with well recorded material, I was listening to Beck's Sea Change last night and it was unbelievable, it even makes poorer recordings engaging; the tuning is exquisite. I'm about to contact AKG about sourcing a non remote version though since it's the singular weak point in the design. It seems like all of those units were destined for Asian territories for whatever reason. I've talked to Music_4321 about it and he says I'd have to do some arm twisting but that it is possible.

I think the M200 are worth a listen just to see what’s possible for $200 these days. It’s very impressive what Kef has done here. I think back to the $400 Heir 4.ai or Grado GR10 and these just dominate them.

That said, I spent more time yesterday listening to the IE800 and M200 and the IE800 just sounds more transparent and natural. I was getting close to thinking I could sell the IE800 but… nope.

Voices on the IE800 sound like someone singing to me in real life (or, less hyperbolically, voices sound like my vintage stax setup: effortless). The M200 has a little bit of artificiality. combination of slightly more forward upper mids and a bit of grain to the sound. it’s slight but it’s there. So that combined with the insanely tiny size and comfort of the IE800 means I’ll be sticking with the more pricey set as my main portable.

I’ve been tempted to try out the K3003 several times but always held back. I gotta admit, some of the comments from certain head-fi members (not the ones who believe in cable burn in :) held me back.

I think I’ll have to try the k3003 down the line. as long as I can get them used for ~750 next year, I’ll try them


I want the new Vsonic flagships to come out, so I can buy the GR07 for less, and be happy. I also need a new DAP, and it seems like FiiO's X3 would be a great choice, but it's a tad too pricey and not available anywhere lol
I think the M200 are worth a listen just to see what’s possible for $200 these days. It’s very impressive what Kef has done here. I think back to the $400 Heir 4.ai or Grado GR10 and these just dominate them.

That said, I spent more time yesterday listening to the IE800 and M200 and the IE800 just sounds more transparent and natural. I was getting close to thinking I could sell the IE800 but… nope.

Voices on the IE800 sound like someone singing to me in real life (or, less hyperbolically, voices sound like my vintage stax setup: effortless). The M200 has a little bit of artificiality. combination of slightly more forward upper mids and a bit of grain to the sound. it’s slight but it’s there. So that combined with the insanely tiny size and comfort of the IE800 means I’ll be sticking with the more pricey set as my main portable.

I’ve been tempted to try out the K3003 several times but always held back. I gotta admit, some of the comments from certain head-fi members (not the ones who believe in cable burn in :) held me back.

I think I’ll have to try the k3003 down the line. as long as I can get them used for ~750 next year, I’ll try them

Better than the GR10 sounds quite impressive indeed. I'm a fan of those single driver moving armature designs, though it seems that things are moving towards microdrivers and hybrid setups. The bass that a moving armature can output is always a boggling feat.

And I'd actually apply the exact same descriptor to the K3K's overall sound and vocal reproduction: effortless. Its been compared to electrostats by one or two people. But... I do know that the IE800 is well reputed for its magical mids. I hear it has one of the best midrange presentations in the game. I kinda kick myself for not hopping on James444's tour when offered the chance. I'm thinking areas where the K3K may have the advantage are staging (absolute size), quality of highs, and balance of frequencies. With that said, I do like the IE800's design, especially that super robust lookin Kevlar sheathed cable.

And uh... $750? Wouldn't you know it, our buddy Toads has got a lil something something here...



Better than the GR10 sounds quite impressive indeed. I'm a fan of those single driver moving armature designs, though it seems that things are moving towards microdrivers and hybrid setups. The bass that a moving armature can output is always a boggling feat.

And I'd actually apply the exact same descriptor to the K3K's overall sound and vocal reproduction: effortless. Its been compared to electrostats by one or two people. But... I do know that the IE800 is well reputed for its magical mids. I hear it has one of the best midrange presentations in the game. I kinda kick myself for not hopping on James444's tour when offered the chance. I'm thinking areas where the K3K may have the advantage are staging (absolute size), quality of highs, and balance of frequencies. With that said, I do like the IE800's design, especially that super robust lookin Kevlar sheathed cable.

And uh... $750? Wouldn't you know it, our buddy Toads has got a lil something something here...


Hmm, I think we heard things a leeelte differently with the GR10 :) My issue with the GR10 was that sub bass and mid bass were weak. Never had the bass I wanted. It was a very mid centric sound. good mids but the low end wasn’t impressive. that’s not a problem with the M200. A few other IEMs have deeper, stronger bass that the GR10 while still keeping it clean. (MDR 7550 is another good example)

You might be right about the k3003 advantages over the IE800. IE800’s main weaknesses are a peak in the highs that makes cymbals sound thin, a mediocre soundstage, and - depending on personal preference, imo - too much sub bass. K3003 is supposed to be more even all around.

But, no, not jumping in with another $700+ headphone right now. Gotta save some cash. Heck, I should probable sell the IE800 but I feel I would regret that a few months down the line :)
Hmm, I think we heard things a leeelte differently with the GR10 :) My issue with the GR10 was that sub bass and mid bass were weak. Never had the bass I wanted. It was a very mid centric sound. good mids but the low end wasn’t impressive. that’s not a problem with the M200. A few other IEMs have deeper, stronger bass that the GR10 while still keeping it clean. (MDR 7550 is another good example)

You might be right about the k3003 advantages over the IE800. IE800’s main weaknesses are a peak in the highs that makes cymbals sound thin, a mediocre soundstage, and - depending on personal preference, imo - too much sub bass. K3003 is supposed to be more even all around.

But, no, not jumping in with another $700+ headphone right now. Gotta save some cash. Heck, I should probable sell the IE800 but I feel I would regret that a few months down the line :)

I haven't heard the GR10 to be honest, I was extrapolating performance based on an old writeup by James444 comparing moving armature phones of which included the Heaven C, A, S, FIBASS, EQ5/7 and GR10. I've heard the Heaven S and A, and they both really impressed me. Both doled out way more bass than I thought was possible from a single armature. Like seriously, it's really surprsing what FAD is able to wring out of a single driver, but theirs are of a proprietary design that has some kind of air chamber to propagate air flow; they don't source Knowles/Sonion drivers. I'm thinking the GR10 must not be comparable to the FAD phones or maybe I'm remembering details of that writeup wrong....

and yeah I feel you. I'm thinking of the Alpha Dog/Cavalli portable. I've got a friend who's close to Cavalli who's been sharing some very savory details pertaining to that thing. Still, I gotta find a way to pay off my PS4 preorder first lol


I just got the Razer Electra a few days ago. Figured i'd put my thoughts down on it here since I'm actually pretty happy with them considering the price. Please note this is coming from an untrained ear

1: The cups are the most comfortable anything ever. I've worn these for over 3 hours easy and i barely know the headphones are even there on my head.

2: Sound is very nice. I dont know what else to say!

3: Haven't tested the mic since I need to get a splitter. Will one of those impact quality at all?

As far as bad points goes, it's all about the cable. They're kinda short. Replacements don't seem to be available online anywhere (which is weird because you can detach them from the headset). They have that rubbery sticky coating that i absolutely hate. Would it be possible to sleeve this thing?

All that said, has anyone had any experience with the AKG Acoustics K550? I've been planning on getting them for a long while, but now i'm concerned if they'll cup my ear like the Electra does, or try to squish them in like most headphones do.


the holder of the trombone
I just got the Razer Electra a few days ago. Figured i'd put my thoughts down on it here since I'm actually pretty happy with them considering the price. Please note this is coming from an untrained ear

1: The cups are the most comfortable anything ever. I've worn these for over 3 hours easy and i barely know the headphones are even there on my head.

2: Sound is very nice. I dont know what else to say!

3: Haven't tested the mic since I need to get a splitter. Will one of those impact quality at all?

As far as bad points goes, it's all about the cable. They're kinda short. Replacements don't seem to be available online anywhere (which is weird because you can detach them from the headset). They have that rubbery sticky coating that i absolutely hate. Would it be possible to sleeve this thing?

All that said, has anyone had any experience with the AKG Acoustics K550? I've been planning on getting them for a long while, but now i'm concerned if they'll cup my ear like the Electra does, or try to squish them in like most headphones do.

I don't really know the circumference of the razer, but the K550 cup my ears and are really comfortable. The inner section of the pads has a 55mm circumference to give you a reference.
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