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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

How's the comfort in comparison to the DT880s

It's definitely a hell of a lot tighter on the head, as far as grip is concerned. You get leather/pleather pads on them out of the box, and a set of velours in a pouch for you to replace the leathers with if you're so inclined. I did so as I read that it opens up the soundstage and the highs somewhat. Neither option is as comfy as the 880s, which are just ridonk as far as comfort goes; like a fucking pillow. Some people complain that the 500s are very uncomfortable, while others, myself included, find that other than the hearty grip they have, are perfectly functional, if not up to Beyer standards of comfort.

But man oh man, this fucking sound. I don't even have anything close to resembling audiophile equipment (I'm rocking a Fii0 E9 hooked up to my iPad/iPhone), and the quality of sound is blowing my goddamn mind. I listen to pretty much all genres barring country and really heavy metal, and I haven't found anything thus far that these can't handle. At the moment, I'm listening to Tower of Mist from the SotN soundtrack and it's giving me chills. And I KNOW that my audio equipment is holding these back from their full potential, so that just increases my hype.

But hey, baby steps. I'll spring for a nice amp next probably (I've heard that the Schiit Lyr is a fantastic pairing for this).

Edit: Also, I thought it's worth mentioning that this is the first time I've heard of the fucking manual giving a recommended burn in time for them to sound their best (150 hours, if anyone was curious).


I'm starting to feel that there is a problem with my headphones (which i bought a couple of days ago). So while listening to some songs i noticed that during some notes there was this crackling sound in the right earphone of the headphone. I first thought that i may be imagining this but listening to a particular song yesterday made the issue very apparent. Has anyone noticed something like this happen with their headphones? I'm sure i'm not imaging this because i've asked other people to listen to the same track now and they can hear what i'm hearing.
I love the Q40 so much, but you'd want to grab an E6 to help them reach their full potential eventually
They look fantastic, and ill keep that in mind. Ill order them whenever i got some extra money to burn. I really like the concept of the detachable cable... seems like it would be so much neater, i could coil and prevent damage to the cable with more ease and whenever it dies I can just replace it.

There's nothing worse than your cable breaking on your seemingly fine headphones.
So quick review of the UE4000 that I got... someone on Head-Fi said it sounds better outside than inside and call me crazy, but I think this is true. There's a perceivable difference between using them in or outside. I'm gonna fully investigate this theory this week, so I'll report back.

That said, they're actually really good in or outside. Burned them in for 20 hours and I happened to run through a song that sounded very flat on the initial run but now, the flatness is almost gone. I say almost coz they still have somewhat lower high end, but at the same time it's opened up enough to where I actually don't mind it anymore... or I just got used to the sound haha.

If you're on the market for a comfortable pair of on-ears with the Apple controltalk thing, snap the UE4000 up! I got them $30 from a Groupon deal but I see them around $35 and at that price point, they're pretty great value.


They kinda ripped again.. Returned them to Amazon, got refund since they don't have stock. I would have just got them again even with the questionable build quality or my bad use of it.

Here are some suggestions of IEMs with purportedly better build quality at that price range that sound quite good, though all three may lack a bit of detail in comparison:

Vsonic R02 Silver
Vsonic GR06

I'd personally find a way to get those MOE's, they're the new hotness.


I'm starting to feel that there is a problem with my headphones (which i bought a couple of days ago). So while listening to some songs i noticed that during some notes there was this crackling sound in the right earphone of the headphone. I first thought that i may be imagining this but listening to a particular song yesterday made the issue very apparent. Has anyone noticed something like this happen with their headphones? I'm sure i'm not imaging this because i've asked other people to listen to the same track now and they can hear what i'm hearing.

Try headphones in a different source to make sure it's the phones and not the a port/soundcard problem.


Hey guys, how is the bass on the DT 770's? (32 Ohm to be specific)

I feel like I can trust your opinions better than the guys on Head-Fi and r/Headphones.

I listen to 80% hip hop, 15% Electric/Alternative, 5% Rock of all kinds.



Try headphones in a different source to make sure it's the phones and not the a port/soundcard problem.

I have. I tried them on my laptop (its pretty old but still), on an older sandisk mp3player and a samsung galaxy s3. The weird thing is, this problem is coming and going. I notice the cracking sound at one time and if i listen to the same song a little later, i dont hear it.

This is happening in all 3 of the above devices. I'm quite confused right now to be honest.


I have. I tried them on my laptop (its pretty old but still), on an older sandisk mp3player and a samsung galaxy s3. The weird thing is, this problem is coming and going. I notice the cracking sound at one time and if i listen to the same song a little later, i dont hear it.

This is happening in all 3 of the above devices. I'm quite confused right now to be honest.

Hair in the driver? Blow into the cup.


Hey guys, how is the bass on the DT 770's? (32 Ohm to be specific)

I feel like I can trust your opinions better than the guys on Head-Fi and r/Headphones.

I listen to 80% hip hop, 15% Electric/Alternative, 5% Rock of all kinds.

A bit bloated but a nice full soft impact.
Figured you guys might be able to help me out, and I couldn't think of where else to go, so here goes.

First off, don't shout at me, I didn't buy them, they were a gift. But do you think anything will go wrong in terms of sound if I use superglue to reattach the headband cushion part to my solo HDs?

There's no exposed wiring or anything, just thought I'd ask if it was ok before I went messing around with them, or if you knew any better way.


So there is definitely hair(s) or some dust in the right earphone of my headphone. Whenever i get the crackling sound, if i take off my headphone and blow into the right pad the crackling sound goes away and then comes back after a while (8-9 hours of non-use).

Any suggestions on fixing this issue permanently?
So what's the consensus here with amps and having headphones plugged in? Do you guys leave them in all the time or do you unplug/plug in when you need them?


So what's the consensus here with amps and having headphones plugged in? Do you guys leave them in all the time or do you unplug/plug in when you need them?

With my Bravo amp I make sure my headphones aren't plugged in when I turn it on or off because I read that was best. I don't know if that's good advice or not. If I'm plugged into my Aune T1 I generally just leave my headphones plugged in since I haven't seen anyone say it's bad to do that.

Yeah I guess I'm in the same boat as you. Advice seems to vary based on equipment so it's hard to tell what's best.


Has anyone here used Soul by Ludacris SL300.

I'm looking for a noise cancelling headphones to use in the gym. And I found them for about 100 bucks. I don't have a big budget. Next thing I was looking at was the Sony MDRNC200D going for 150 to 190. While I like Sony headphones, they just don't look as stylish as the soul.


Get some on ear Momentums TMA-1s are old hat.

I like how they look and like the company philosophy. Never had a problem with senn
So I'd consider those.

I also want a pair that I can wear outside. Metal details are nice but they look like a stay inside and sit in the recliner pair.
Can someone advice me what would be good replacement for Philips HP 890 ?


I need something which would be open, have good sound characteristics for vocals/classic music and be as comfortable to wear as those.

Budget <100 Euro


Been wanting to get get a decent pair of headphones for a while so nailed it down to these two:

Sony MDR7506 or Audio Technica ATH-M50


Both are good budget choices, just wanted to know if the Audio Technica is better for that extra price. I think accuracy is the most important thing for me, rather than looks.

uses: In-door attached to a computer, gaming, music and movies.

PS: good amp choice for using with a computer?




Also consider the Gemini HSR-1000 if you're looking for something with good accuracy and a neutral sound. They're also really comfortable unless you have a large head. The M50 has a weird peaky treble range, and the Sony's have really forward treble that can be overly sibilant to some.

...The Fiio E10 is a decent budget amp/Dac

If you really still want the M50s, the white version can be had here for $99

Some other good sales going on:

Logitech UE6000 for $80

And the incredible NAD VISO HP50

Thanks for the info HiResDes, alas I live in the UK, so the cheap M50's are not on sale here. Will look into the the other recommendations.


Junior Member
Does anyone have a tip on 40-100$ earplugs? Not IEMs? A friend of mine's frustrated, trying to find something besides IEMs. Mic for phone use is a bonus.


First I would like to say this is a very nice thread! Liked the attention here.
I am looking for a new headphone(today I have only a very cheap one), open type since I prefer more wide and positional sound than bass(correct?). I use mostly for games, PS4 and PC. Music(classic rock, basically) some times. My budget is $140.


First I would like to say this is a very nice thread! Liked the attention here.
I am looking for a new headphone(today I have only a very cheap one), open type since I prefer more wide and positional sound than bass(correct?). I use mostly for games, PS4 and PC. Music(classic rock, basically) some times. My budget is $140.

Pioneer SE-A1000 should go the trick, 80 dollars under budget.
Takstar Hi 2050

Oh that looks promising - and i'm kinda shocked because those looked like a near certain import from ebay but they are actually sold in Poland in a chain of shops so i can even do listening test before buying :D

I've noticed they also have Takstar TS-671 - how would they compare to Hi-2050 ?

I'll be driving them with Xonar DX


Oh that looks promising - and i'm kinda shocked because those looked like a near certain import from ebay but they are actually sold in Poland in a chain of shops so i can even do listening test before buying :D

I've noticed they also have Takstar TS-671 - how would they compare to Hi-2050 ?

I'll be driving them with Xonar DX
The TS-671 sport an even wider sound stage than the 2050, but have a much higher impedance IIRC. So if you get those you might want to think about adding an amp down the line to drive them. They have a bit more treble and just as much detail in the other ranges, but they're also a bit on the bulky side, whereas the 2050 are fairly light. Both are good choices.
Thanks for the suggestion. A friend of mine also suggested Audiotechnica ATH-AD500X. It is a bit more expensive, but it is worth?
No not unless you go all the way up to the ATH-AD700, which are even more positionally accurate, but still have weaker bass than the Pioneers. I mean if you're going to spend that much the Sony MDR-MA900 would be the way to go. The only caveat about the Pioneers is that if you have a small head you may find the fit to be on the loose side.

PS consider the Takstar TS-671 as well if you're going to be amping the headphones.
Just heard the Pandora VI and the Shure SE846. Wow. Wow. Wow. Absolutely loved both. Astoundingly enough, I felt like the Shure's captured about 8.5-9/10 of the Pandora's overall sound. Amazing for such a tiny, tiny phone.

The Pandora's mids and stage projection are exceptional. Listening thru my friend's Sony ZX1/ALO MK III. stack, I found they were equally at home with Beck's Morning Phase or something like the Battle of Los Angeles. Morning Phase was so immersive on the Pandora, the layering of vocals, guitars, bass and drums was practically holographic and the phones in no way sounded closed in. Beck's vocals were superbly textured and radiated this human warmth. I had no issues with the comfort at all, and found the phones, although large and somewhat heavy, to be very comfy. The phones have got no ratcheting mechanism for the sliders so they're prone to creepin down without something like rubber bands in place (severe oversight on FAD's behalf).

Bass and treble were very carefully executed as well; kick drums have got a palpable heft and solidity, bass lines are full and adroitly articulated and cymbal work is crisp, tonally accurate and free of any harshness. Overall, I'm very impressed, and it's a definite FAD phone in that it just puts the emotion of a song front and center.

The SE846 was nearly as spacious as the Pandora, but the imaging wasn't quite as vivid. It is NO slouch though and I'd say it gets frighteningly close to the Pandora's openness which really floored me. Its sig is simultaneously detailed and yet non aggressive (aside from the bass), really calling to mind the Fisher Amps FA-4E. The first thing that hits you is the bass, god damn, the bass hits LOW and is solid as hell. The Pandora with its 50 mm driver can only dream of sounding like the SE846 in the bass department. In fact, I don't know that I've ever heard another phone hit the way that the 846 does, the result of that Byzantine 4 cubic inch low phase array really is evocative of a dynamic driver. Not even the Tralucent 1p2 nor the Sony H3 sounded as powerful as the 846 to me, damn impressive for BAs!

The mids are about as clear as I've ever heard, and the treble was smooth and extended, but I really found myself missing the crisp cymbal shimmer from the K3003. On the flip side, the mids on the 846 were about as full and clear as the FitEar 334s, but weren't tempered by a bothersome mid bass hump. I feel like the FADs had the upper hand in texturing vs. the 846, as vocals (most notably) although supremely intelligible, lacked a certain texture to them that the Pandora picked up. Overall though, the listening sensation of the 846 was more akin to a full sized can then a set of IEMs, which is why I was quite shocked to find that they delivered about 9/10s of the Pandora's overall sig.

At this point, I'm really, really jonesin for a set of 846's. To have that sort of SQ on the go is just god damn nuts. Only thing that'd keep me from dropping the dough is the LFF Paradox Slant and the K812, but right now, all I can think about is how big the 846 sounds and that crazy ass bass
The Pandora is the real deal Mcsteal dude. I fucking loved them. Only thing keepin me from copping a pair is the the 846 comes damn close (and is only $150-200 more if you go thru ProAudioStar who will allegedly go down to $850 shipped if pressed) and I can listen to them ANYWHERE. The Pandora is easily driven from an iPhone as well, which really floored me. Super efficient phones, and really good looking, the lack of ratcheting sliders is just puzzling though, but eh, it's FAD, every single one of their phones has got some boneheaded mechanical oversight


Do you think the Shure's are worth that much even with phones like KEFM200 supposedly sounding 2/3s as good as TOTL stuff like the AKG K3003
I've never heard the KEF so I can't comment on that. In this hobby it's all give and take. You'll never find a phone that does it all, at least not that I've found (yet). I think the closest analogue to the Shure is the FA-4E, but it just can't present the bass in the way that the Shure does. The low phase filter in the Shure is very cleverly executed as far as I'm concerned. I always hear about how phone X (which packs BAs) is evocative of a dynamic, but it just hasn't been done on this level; the bass is always rolled off and it doesn't hit with this degree of weight, nor is it this clean.

In terms of staging, this is really ideal to me. A phone like the K3003 sounds vast, but it comes at the expense of some intimacy. When you listen to something like the FitEar 334/Fischer FA-4E/ASG-2 etc. it sounds "big" because the mids are comparatively fuller and it gives off the impression of "height" as well as width. Where the aforementioned phones miss the mark for me is in treble extension and bass, which the Shures deliver upon. It's an extremely detailed presentation (but it doesn't come at the expense of fatigue), with mids that are ideally placed so that you get the sensation of height and width (you got the former with the 334/G-2, but not as much of the latter due to the relative proximity of the mids - aka that "onstage feeling")

At this point, I'm really tempted, but that's just cause I can wrangle together the cash and resell if needed. I'm still holding out hope for the Rockets being really awesome, but now that I've had a taste of the 846's low end, and space, it'll be hard to forget it


bumping so people see this!...Catpee you didn't like them?

Naw I like them a lot. I adore the soundstage and gaming is fantastic with them. I've just found that I much prefer neutral sound sigs to colored and warm ones. Most of my music is abundant in strong, bold vocals and lighter on bass too, so these would suit someone else much better than me.


Naw I like them a lot. I adore the soundstage and gaming is fantastic with them. I've just found that I much prefer neutral sound sigs to colored and warm ones. Most of my music is abundant in strong, bold vocals and lighter on bass too, so these would suit someone else much better than me.

I actually kind of agree with you, I would trade mine for a second pair of Sony MRA-MA900 since my gf took mine.
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