Magni 2/modi 2 came out recently. How do these compare to O2 ODAC?
Even the original was very similar, though I believe the O2 had slightly better power. Now it's probably extremely negligible.Magni 2/modi 2 came out recently. How do these compare to O2 ODAC?
Been reading about the Soundmagics all morning. Reviews are making it sound like just what I need. Thanks!I'd recommend the Soundmagic HP200. If you want a cheap option I think the Audio Technica TAD-500 sound like slightly upgraded SR-80 with better comfort and build.
The Sony might be my favorite sounding out of those, but they don't a very good job of isolating sound. The Momentum are a very close second, and they isolate noise fairly well, but if your ears are too big they aren't going to be very comfortable. Bose headphones usually isolate well when they're supposed to, and are very comfortable, but sound very mediocre. So umm pick your poison.
I bought a new laptop on Black Friday and I love it except the audio quality is bad. Listening through my headphones sounds pretty bad. I've got Fidelio X1's. Would the FiiO E10K be a good choice to pair with them? Also, does a dedicated amp with a docked DAC sound much better than a combo like the E10K? There's quite a big jump in price. An E09K with a docked E17 would be over $250
Power aside, most online folks prefer the Schiit stack to the O2/ODAC, no?Even the original was very similar, though I believe the O2 had slightly better power. Now it's probably extremely negligible.
HD600 on Adorama for $260
HD600 on Adorama for $260
HD600 on Adorama for $260
I only see $400...
Use code SD12142014 at checkout.
So I'm seeing the HD650 for $314 at the same place...
Yeah if you want something slightly more balancedWould there even be any reason to get the HD600 if the HD650 is only $60 more?
Schiit Magni/Modi, NFB 11-,Geek Out 450,Anything similar to the O2 ODAC that is more widely available, can't imagine the import tax etc if I bought it direct from them.
I gotta say, having used the Geek Out all week, it's a pretty damn nice piece of kit. It doesn't have any options (1 USB input, 2 headphone outputs, a couple of filter options), but it does what it does very well.Schiit Magni/Modi, NFB 11-,Geek Out 450,
Listen and decide for yourself,duh.should I sell my Philips Fidelio X1 or my Sennheiser HD598? I can only keep one of the two![]()
You can buy mine.Are Sennheiser momentums any good? They are $130 on Amazon atm. Looking for something around $100 or so
Are Sennheiser momentums any good? They are $130 on Amazon atm. Looking for something around $100 or so
Some guy in BST is selling his on ear Momentum for $60 shipped.
It's not too late to cancel your order.
You can buy mine.
Sorry about the durability, here's something that's built much better and still sounds great - I have a pair of MEElectronics A161P that I use for day to day use on the light rail or listening on the go. The wiring doesn't seem to be that durable as it is starting to rip a bit and the cables are very thin. So I am looking for another solid pair of IEMs. Wouldn't mind spending around $100-150 or so. Listen to pretty much everything so just looking for a quality pair.
I heard the on-ear Momentums aren't that good.
Care to elaborate? Was about to go buy some, lol.
What are alternatives for on-ear in that ~$150 price range though.
Could just splurge another $50 and get 598's.
Sorry about the durability, here's something that's built much better and still sounds great -
Creative Aurvana Live 2, Sennheiser Amperior/HD 25, JVC S500, V-Moda XS (probably my favorite out of these), RHA SA950, and Beyerdynamic 350pCare to elaborate? Was about to go buy some, lol.
What are alternatives for on-ear in that ~$150 price range though.
Brainwavz Hm5/NVX XPT100's are the headphones I recommend to people that like the 280. They aren't as bassy or dark sounding, but I believe the increase you get in overall clarity and soundstage are worth those trade-offs.Will think about it. I didn't go through with the order. Trying to find best bang for buck before pulling the trigger. Also unsure open or closed headphones? I previously had the sennheiser hd 280 pros but they broke though I liked them quite a bit. I never tried any quality open headphones so not sure what I should go with.
Brainwavz Hm5/NVX XPT100's are the headphones I recommend to people that like the 280. They aren't as bassy or dark sounding, but I believe the increase you get in overall clarity and soundstage are worth those trade-offs.
The E17 is nice and a step up from onboard audio but the Schiit stack is probably comfortably superior though not portable at all, if that's important.I have the Phillips X1 and how much of an improvement would a Fiio E17 add over the onboard stuff from a iphone 5s or Mac Air? What about a combo of Magni 2/Modi 2 Uber, I know no one has a chance to review them but any ideas on these?
X1 don't really benefit that much from amping,but a clean DAC or soundcard will always help any headphone sound better.
I plan to use it with a PS4 via optical, my iphone and mac air. What should I get?
I hear a lot of white noise in the background of music or during silent parts. Is it the song itself or is my setup not good enough to get rid of it?
PC > Flac files > HiFimeDIY Sabre USB Dac > RCA input on low-end onkyo 5.1 receiver > HD598 on headphones jack
If gaf can help me out then that would be awesome.
I'm looking for the perfect sound that's just going to blow me away. The purpose would be solely for PC gaming and music listening.
I want a really huge sound stage to where I can pinpoint where sounds are coming from in games. I want something better than a Razer Tiamat 7.1 surround sound headset.
As for music, I listen to a lot of electronic. I really like punchy bass that I can feel from the cans.
My current driver is the Sennheiser HD 555 that I have been using for over 5 years with onboard sound. I bought a FiiO E07 DAC/amp for it quite recently because I'm trying to find that perfect sound. I am disappointed with the result of it. It hardly even increases the audio quality and is definitely not substantial.
Using your iOS devices at home or on the go?I plan to use it with a PS4 via optical, my iphone and mac air. What should I get?
A good idea. Also, I only use it for PS4 gaming but I've been pleasantly surprised by the Sony Gold headset. I haven't used it for music though.Connect it to the DS4 audio output and give it a listen first.
If I can get an amazing sounding pair of headphones for $300, then I'm all for it.Budget?
I find that it is difficult to buy the same headphones for games and music. Music headphones should not artificially boost bass and the directionality should be from the instrument sound stage in the music, not from artificial 7.1 headphones.
If I can get an amazing sounding pair of headphones for $300, then I'm all for it.
Dude if you're willing to sacrifice a bit of bass response the Takstar TS671 - I can get an amazing sounding pair of headphones for $300, then I'm all for it.