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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Laekon said:
Mostly indie and alternative. The Decemberist, The National, and the Foals are some of my favorite bands.
Well, I just listened to a few songs by each group. I think the Phiaton would be better for appreciating the intricacies of their music.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
What are TMA-1s like in comparison to SR325is? Obviously the first major difference is that they are closed, but what else? I'm curious about getting a pair in the future.


Pachterballs said:
Are the beats by Dr Dre brand headphones anygood? I'm beginning to see them just about everywhere but they're $300...

China got the heads up and started making fakes. I have no idea if they sound just as good/bad, but it seems to be a fashion statement these days. I have $300 to blow and I like Dr. Dre - you know that rapper guy. In this thread they seem to be very average headphones - with a massive price markup and flimsy build quality. So if you want to show off something for 3-6 months this is for you. If you want something better sonically check the OP.


The right cable from the splitter on my Grado SR 80's has become lose and audio now pops and stops when I move my head. Is there away to fix this that doesn't involve me having to carefully cutting into the splitter, finding the offending break in the cable and soldiering it? Has anyone had any experiences with Grado's customer service? I bought them around two years ago from a vendor on eBay (yeah I know but it was hard to fine place in Europe that stocked these and didn't charge a small fortune for them)

Here is a nice grainy cellphone pic of the problem

I await your response, head held perfectly still.
Anyone got recommendations for a closed, full-ear, cheap set primarily used for gaming and some hip-hop listening? I've been looking at the Superlux 662F, Sony XB500, and M30s, with a lean towards 662Fs because I've heard a lot of good things about them via google, but the M30's supposedly have a really nice cord length and with my setup that would be extremely beneficial.


Gav47 said:
Has anyone had any experiences with Grado's customer service?

If Grado's policies are still the same, you're SOL in regards to official service. They don't support their products outside the US. I guess you could use someone in the US as a proxy, but it might be be too costly to be worth it for an SR80.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Pachterballs said:
Are the beats by Dr Dre brand headphones anygood? I'm beginning to see them just about everywhere but they're $300...


I think they are good, but they are overpriced. I got some Beats Studios and I really like them. They sound great, the noise reduction is perfect for flights and they are comfortable. I got them at a huge discount, so for what I paid for them, they are great. They have lasted through a few drops, flights and being shoved into carry-on luggage without any issue.[URL="http://www.monstercable.com/outletstore/linelist.asp"]Monster has an outlet store[/URL] with deals, though the prices have gone up since last year. Anything you buy there does have a warranty.

One thing I will caution is there are a ton of knockoffs and fakes out there, outside of the outlet store I have never seen them cheaper than MSRP.


Pachterballs said:
Are the beats by Dr Dre brand headphones anygood? I'm beginning to see them just about everywhere but they're $300...
Stay as far away from those things as possible. They are weighted heavily toward overblown, muddy bass. All thump and no detail. Wildly overpriced for what they are.


i'm looking for quality in-ear buds.

im a former owner of Monster Turbines (not the fake, legit version)

they worked great for me. I know Monster gets crapped on a lot with their cables, but these ear buds were actually quality.

Can anyone recommend me a good pair of in-ear buds under $200?



HiResDes said:
Do you want something comparable in sound or different?...Also Turbines are quite good
something definitely comparable in sound. i'm thinking of just buying the turbines again if thats the best choice.


The_Inquisitor said:
Any recommendations for a stand to place my ATH-M50's when I am work?

If you are looking for something cheap, it's hard to beat a banana hanger.


I've used this exact one for a few years now and at $10 it was a bargain.


keep your strippers out of my American football
tehbible said:
i'm looking for quality in-ear buds.

im a former owner of Monster Turbines (not the fake, legit version)

they worked great for me. I know Monster gets crapped on a lot with their cables, but these ear buds were actually quality.

Can anyone recommend me a good pair of in-ear buds under $200?


Check the Monster Outlet. They have Turbines for $50.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
So ClieOS over at headfi as well as on his blog seemed to really like the new Fii0 E6 (though he hasn't posted his full review yet). So I think when FiiOs releases the amp next week I'm just gonna go ahead and order one!


I've never had another pair of headphones, but I bought the MS400s last october and I HIGHLY recommend them. They look great and sound even better.
My Denon cracked.. after little use. Sooo dissapointed:mad:

Virtually all my earbuds are getting ruined after a while. I'm so considering getting some of those Dr Dre beats, simply due to the promise of those thick Monster cables. I'm so sick of them cords getting loose.

Maybe I am just cursed with headphones/earbuds. I try to take good care of them!:(


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
You're thinking of getting Beats because you have had durability issues? lol just no.

Get some Sony Triqii headphones. I have had some for a while and abuse the hell out of them. they are practically indestructable and the quality will blow your mind for being $30 headphones.
I'm a newb on on this, but can I get any wireless cans that can still rock it? I am getting a roomate and I know sometimes Ill need to be in my room where my computer and bed will be. If im watching a movie I'd like to sit in my bed comfortably with them on.
Hootie said:
I've never had another pair of headphones, but I bought the MS400s last october and I HIGHLY recommend them. They look great and sound even better.
makes it hard to get excited about your opinion of them. :)

I might order a pair and do a comparison/write-up with my M50's.

But if they're bass-light, I will not be a happy camper.


Vigilant Walrus said:
I'm so considering getting some of those Dr Dre beats, simply due to the promise of those thick Monster cables. I'm so sick of them cords getting loose.
No. Just... please don't.

There are plenty of actually good, reasonably priced headphones with removable or high quality cables. There is no reason to buy a pair of Beats.

Hell, I've owned my HD555s for many, many years and they've seen thousands of hours of use and the cable is like it was when I bought them.
HiResDes said:
Check out the Sony MDREX600's linked in the OP.
I've auditioned my friend's turbines for a few hours and I own the 600's. I don't think they sound similar at all. The 600s are way clearer sounding throughout the spectrum (probably the clearest dynamic I've ever heard). The Turbines have a lot more bass quantity, but the 600s bass extends deeper and is much more controlled. Soundstage on the 600s is very wide compared to most IEMs, on some tracks, It feels like I'm enveloped by sound in a way that good headphones would make me feel as opposed to the more closed nature of IEMs. They are probably best for instrumental and vocal oriented music due to their superb midrange. Stuff like hip hop, or electronic/dance would sound better on the Turbines due to their more emphasized bass. They fair pretty well for rock.

The phones have a great dynamic range, and when a certain track comes on, they can even rival the SM3s in terms of realism and tonality. I still find myself reaching for the SM3s seven or eight times out of ten, but for someone coming from a turbine background, I think it's worth reprogramming your sonic preference, cause these phones offer a balanced and refined sound. If you're looking for an upgrade of the turbine sound, I'd try to find a pair of Panasonic HJE900s or the Victor FX500. Either pair will have great bass punch and extension, more refined highs, and much better tonal reproduction than the Turbines.


goddamn that is quite the sell for the 600s. I want to experience that

edit: just got my E7. stupid question...how do i get it working on my mac? I plug it in and its not recognized. about to go google it, just thought maybe someone had an answer already.

edit: ha, i got it nevermind :)

quick initial impressions with my M50. Bass boost level 3 is definitely needed. Beyond that, I am pleasantly surprised. Sounds damn good when used as a DAC, and quite a bit better than my E5 as an amp. wish i had an E11 to compare easily


Izayoi said:
No. Just... please don't.

There are plenty of actually good, reasonably priced headphones with removable or high quality cables. There is no reason to buy a pair of Beats.

Hell, I've owned my HD555s for many, many years and they've seen thousands of hours of use and the cable is like it was when I bought them.

If he buys beats, those cables wont fail him but too bad the rest of the cheaply constructed, clacky brittle plastic used in those headphones will :/


Guys, need recommendations for headphone stands, ideally sold in the UK. Any options? Cheap and medium priced. Don't even mind DIY or non purpose built stands.
The_Inquisitor said:
Any recommendations for a stand to place my ATH-M50's when I am work?
nib95 said:
Guys, need recommendations for headphone stands, ideally sold in the UK. Any options? Cheap and medium priced. Don't even mind DIY or non purpose built stands.

I use a really big binder clip attached to a shelf above my desk:

Vigilant Walrus said:
My Denon cracked.. after little use. Sooo dissapointed:mad:

Virtually all my earbuds are getting ruined after a while. I'm so considering getting some of those Dr Dre beats, simply due to the promise of those thick Monster cables. I'm so sick of them cords getting loose.

Maybe I am just cursed with headphones/earbuds. I try to take good care of them!:(

Think doesn't necessarily mean better. The Grados I have have pretty thick cables, and the weight of them actually caused the 1/8in plug to go out and I had to re-terminate it. Cables are going to eventually wear out if you use them in a way that that puts stress in certain areas. In my case, it was having my iPod near my pocket having the cable droop while I am walking around at work all day.

Nelo Ice

well just picked up a bronze banana stand from walmart for like $7 to hold my hd555s

u guys just had to talk about headphones stands so i had to get one myself haha





More images can be found here: http://zazenmatsuri.imgur.com/ex600/#Re8dX

I really do believe that the 600's reflect the absolute best bang for the buck at the moment that I've heard (I haven't heard the GR-07 yet). They deliver sound quality far above their asking price. I'd originally have given this honor to phones like the RE262, Radius DDM or the HJE900 at the $150 mark, but the 600s eclipses them all in areas of sound (not by miles or anything because these three offer superb audio quality, but they are technically better than all three) and build quality (which are kind of iffy on the DDM and RE262). Even the almighty SM3 looks and feels like a toy next to the 600s, which boast aluminum and detachable cables which is a huge plus as phones WILL eventually short out.

Had I never heard the SM3s these phones would really take it for me. Tonality, dynamic range, placement/imaging, soundstage, balance, are all top notch. Where do they lose out to the SM3s? They just don't engage me in the same way from song to song as the SM3s. This has a lot to do with the fact that the SM3s probably have the best midrange of any phone I've heard to date. The timbre of vocals and instruments just sound natural and realistic in a way that the Ex600 can't always get across (although they do come very close), and the forward midrange of the SM3s, while initially in your face, really brings forth a level of intimacy (especially in regards to vocals) that the Ex600s can't convey due to their wide soundstage. By the same token, the 600s large soundstage can be quite engrossing on some songs which just sound huge in a way that the SM3 can't always approach. In terms of bass, since both phones are quite comparable in terms of quality, I feel like the quantity of bass delivered by the SM3 is just right. The 600s can't deliver a driving bassline or drum beats with the same authority as the SM3, but its bass is exceptionally well controlled and textured. The 600s are quite fast, so this quality lends weight and punch to attack transients, which really reminds me of the RE262, which, while light in bass impact, doesn't sound thin because of it. Decay is similarly excellent, coupled with the excellent dynamic range, piano and stringed instruments possess great detail, nuance and realism. The 600s have a lot of treble energy which means that hi hats and cymbals have a lot of sizzle, and guitars leap out of the mix, but all of this can occasionally be strident and fatiguing in a way that never bothers me on the SM3.

If there's a phone that the 600s remind me of, it's probably the Sony SA5k, these are almost like a mini SA5k. The thing is, if I had never heard the SM3, what seem like shortcomings really wouldn't jump out at me, and these would likely be my favorite phones because they really are quite outstanding, and because of that, these get a pretty effortless recommendation from me. If you want top tier sound without shelling out $300, these phones at $130-150 (!) should really be on your list for consideration.


I bought my K501s many many years ago but I never got around to getting an amp for it (despite reading that it desperately needs one and it's difficult to drive). I'm tempted to get the Fiio E9 for it, but part of me thinks I should hold off, save the money, and get something better. I don't see myself upgrading too often so I sort of want to get it right the first time... if that's even possible. Thoughts headphone-gaf?

The Valhalla looks nice and the whole tube + made for AKG thing is interesting. Quite a bit more expensive than the E9 though. Plus I'd have to have shipped up north.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Vigilant Walrus said:
My Denon cracked.. after little use. Sooo dissapointed:mad:

Virtually all my earbuds are getting ruined after a while. I'm so considering getting some of those Dr Dre beats, simply due to the promise of those thick Monster cables. I'm so sick of them cords getting loose.

Maybe I am just cursed with headphones/earbuds. I try to take good care of them!:(

If your cables are the problem, then yeah beats would work. The cabling, even on the earbuds are thick and well-insulated. On the headphones, the cables can be replaced. You get two cables with the headphones. One black, one red.

I hate to keep pimping this site, but the Monster Outlet is a good place to get beats for cheap(er). Just want people wo have their heart sets on Beats to save some cash.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
If cables are an issue, buy a set which has detachable ones. Problem solves.

Then you can even buy the Monster cable separately, if you want it that badly.

But buying Beats just for the cable would be straight silly.
Dreams-Visions said:
How do the 600's compare to my Ultimate Ears Triple-Fi v10's?

better? similar? worse?
Unfortunately, I haven't heard the triple fi 10's, but I know your penchant for bass response since you own the Denons. These won't pump out a prodigious amount of bass, but what's there is quality. Midrange is their bread and butter. Also, I got the Ex600's for the paltry price of $135 off of Amazon (I got a free one month trial of Amazon Pro or whatever which throws in free 2 day shipping) and they are returnable. So if you're *really* curious as I was, all you'd have to do is eat the return shipping costs. I've found them to be good enough to keep around as a set of alternates to my SM3, phones which pretty much prompted me to abandon my other phones in the first week of listening.

this guy

Since this seems like a good time to ask, what would be the best earphones in the $100 range to buy for someone who appreciates punchy bass with their music? Are you saying that these ex600s would not be a good choice for someone like me? What would be?
this guy said:
Since this seems like a good time to ask, what would be the best earphones in the $100 range to buy for someone who appreciates punchy bass with their music? Are you saying that these ex600s would not be a good choice for someone like me? What would be?
I honestly think the Ex600s will please just about anyone but the most fickle. Their many strengths and no apparent weaknesses make it a phone that will be less polarizing than other phones that offer one or two exceptional qualities, but are merely serviceable or good in other areas. Those other phones might offer punchy bass, but you'll likely get upgraditis down the line cause you'll outgrow them and be displeased with other aspects of their sound presentation. It'd be really hard not to be impressed with the refined sound coming from the 600s; you just have to reset your expectations. I personally came from a pair of Victor FX500s, phones that offer bass timbre, impact, and extension that can hang with the very best of the universals, and even I've learned to appreciate and acclimate myself to a different sound over the years.

That said, if you're really in want of a pair of phones that deliver punchy bass at $100, my advice would be to start a WTB thread for the Panasonic HJE-900 in Head-Fi's For Sale thread. You should eventually get a bite at around $100. I'd understand if some people are leary of buying preowned gear, but every pair of phones or component I've purchased off of Headfi in the last 6 years has been in great condition. That and the HJE900 is nigh indestructible with its thick detachable cables terminated in aluminum plugs and aluminum/zirconium housings. They'll offer better build and sound quality than the competing Monster Turbines and Fischer Eternas at that price point.
dallow_bg said:
I'll bump once, anyone?
I have two tube amps for my headphones, a Little Dot I+ and a Mapletree Audio Design HD Super 2 (pics within the first five pages of this thread, I think). The Little Dot is an excellent starter amp, but I kept reading great things about MAD and Grado combinations that I took the gamble and bought one of the first ones sold on MAD's website.

I love how amazing the sound is coming from an old-fashion box with a bunch tubes, I get a kick out it. The biggest downside to tube amps IMO are the microphonics. Because the background is dead silent, I'll hear microphonics and it drives me nuts. I've replaced my right channel tube twice due to them.

But in hindsight I think amplifiers in general are overhyped relative to DACs. I can live without my tube amp, but I have to have my DAC plugged into my computer at all times. It almost makes as large an improvement in sound quality as changing from mediocre earbuds to an audiophile headphone.


So I got a set of Phiaton MS400's today. Amazon had the black ones on sale for $165 but shipped me the red ones that go for $240. The red is pretty sexy. I've had them on for 1.5 hours and they really comfortable. Right out of the box they are not as impressive as my Sennheiser 280's. I have listened to those daily for almost 6 yrs though so I'm sure I am biased. The MS400's have a more lively base but sound a little cloudy so far. I had to turn up the volume on my work PC for these which I found odd as most reviews say they do not need an amp. I'll see what happens after some hours of breaking them in.


Hey headphone GAF (long time no see :p) and especially Denon lovers - I have some great songs for you to run through your setups.

Bassnectar - Lights

Nero - Innocence

Nero - Promises

Make sure to listen in HD. A friend of mine just turned me onto these today and they just blew me away. If you're not into dubstep, probably not your thing, but those that are should get a kick out of em.

I'm listening on Denon D7000's btw.
Anyone have any recommendations for in-ear buds that have a strong/thick cord? My Apple in-ears and Shure's have broke because the chords are so thin and flimsy.
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