I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about supreme court picks. I think the Libertarians would be excellent for supreme court picks. You say that Gary Johnson would leave abortion to the states, but that's never been a positions he's held (except maybe on wikipedia), in his own word "it should be left up to the woman" and “the right of a woman to choose is the law of the land today and must be respected” (official position
https://www.johnsonweld.com/abortion) . He didn't even agree with the notion of leaving same sex marriage to the states, which by the way was the position that the president took on the issue.
I'm not sure what issue you have with the Libertarian party and voting rights.. in fact that's another category I believe they would make excellent decisions, like shooting down mandatory ID laws for voting
Though I do agree with your criticisms of what kind of decisions he (Gary Johnson) and his party would make on healthcare, and I've never felt that the "fair" tax is a good idea.. but everything else you named, I think would leave everything pretty much the way it is now, or better